2 What A Coincidence

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The evening breeze was slightly chilly, and the colorful neon lights illuminated the entire T City.

The D Leah Restaurant was located on the busiest road in T City. It was the best and most beautiful place to view the night scenery in T City.

Su Yanxi was the last to arrive at the restaurant. When the waiter led her to the private room, it was already boisterous inside.

Seeing that Su Yanxi had arrived, everyone suddenly quietened down. A handsome man in a gray suit stood up and walked towards her with a smile. His tone was frivolous as he said, "Tsk! Barrister Su, we agreed to meet at half past six. Look, it's almost half past seven. We're almost done eating."

Looking at the man waving the watch on his wrist, a smile appeared in her eyes, "Aren't I here now?" With that said, she glanced at the others, "You don't have to be so restrained."

"Alright, alright. Let's continue eating." The man in the gray suit clapped his hands and shouted to the others. He pulled out an empty chair and asked her to sit down. He placed his hands on the back of the chair and asked, "Didn't Yi Yao say that the divorce case you accepted is over? What else were you doing?"

Su Yanxi put her bag behind her and glanced at him, "Other cases."

"What lawsuit did you take on again? Don't tell me it's another divorce case."

Su Yanxi looked away and pursed her red lips. After some thought, she answered calmly, "Yes."

"Are you addicted to divorce lawsuits?"

"I'll take it as accumulating experience!" Su Yanxi was silent for about 10 seconds before she slowly spoke. When she looked up and met the man's confused eyes, she changed the topic, "Why did you suddenly give me a treat today?"

"Make a guess."

Su Yanxi laughed but her expression was calm, "Have you finished negotiating about the matters in America?"


The man had just snapped his fingers when Lian Qingyan came over, "Aye! Yanxi, Mo Bai, what are you two whispering about? Do you still want to eat? There are so many people here watching you guys!"

Upon hearing her words, Su Yanxi and Mo Bai looked up to see that the two tables in the private room were staring at them. Mo Bai raised his brows and said, "Eat your food. What's there to see?"

Everyone looked away.

Mo Bai called the waiter over and passed the menu to Su Yanxi, asking her to order a few more dishes that she liked. Su Yanxi did not stand on ceremony. She returned the menu to the waiter after ordering two dishes.

After dinner, the group of them chatted happily as they took the elevator out of the restaurant. Su Yanxi and Lian Qingyan walked at the back. The moment they stepped out of the elevator, the tall and handsome figure who was talking to someone in the middle of the lobby immediately attracted her attention.

Under the crystal chandelier, the man's well-defined handsome face appeared very distinct. His dark blue suit and leather shoes seemed to have been tailored for him, vividly portraying his cold arrogance and noble aura. His deep eyes were filled with coldness and sharpness.

While Su Yanxi was in a daze, the man's cold gaze swept over and met hers in the air. He seemed to have recognized her. His thick eyebrows furrowed slightly and his sharp eyes became more restrained.

"Yanxi, that… seems to be your husband!" Lian Qingyan moved closer to her when she noticed her gaze.

Su Yanxi pursed her lips and tightened her grip on the strap of her bag. In the end, she strode over with a calm expression, her tone clearly distant, "What a coincidence."

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