

Chris really began to panic. If he was left alone with this bastard then things would go south very quickly.

As Chris was thinking that, one of the goons next to Chad brought him forward too.

"Alright, a pair of rats for ya' Snake!" Said the man with a buzz-cut and a large tattoo of a woman over his shoulder.

He continued, "They are brothers, so make sure to serv'em up together, REAL' NICE."

The man slapped his friend on the shoulder and headed to the local bar where whiskey was dirt cheap for the gang.

Chris stared at the fucked-up man and then looked over to his "brother", Chad.

He was getting pale and given the look on his face, he wasn't handling this well.

Snake went to place a zip-tie on Chad's wrists when Chad punched him in the face. His head was turned slightly from the punch, and he could taste some blood in his mouth, but he was not knocked out.

Chris watched as Snake swiftly took Chad down in a triangle-hold. Nearly killing him right there.

Chad was choking on his spit and losing consciousness repeatedly. As soon as he would blackout and go limp, then Snake would let him go and then wait to apply pressure when he was back to full consciousness.

This was one of Snake's favorite times. He loved when they fought back. Nothing like a fight to the death to get your cold-blood to pump.

Chad was completely spent after the 9th bout of unconsciousness and Chris was fidgeting behind a table, appearing to hide away from the action. But in reality, Chris was trying to send an S.O.S message to his private server. This would wipe all of his data by dropping an incredibly strong magnet on his drives and computer parts.

He made the contraption as a joke, but it would have to do.

The message would trigger a Raspberry pi to engage a small electric motor and open a gate, thus letting the large magnet fall onto the drives and tower…

Not the most complicated thing ever but it would do in a pinch.

Conveniently it would also trigger an email to be sent to a Mitchell Farris, an agent of the FBI. This would count as an anonymous tip and hopefully lead to life in prison for everyone involved in the gang.

The records were very incriminating but now Snake was done toying with Chris' "brother" and he was about to take them to the river.

Snake kicked the unconscious Chad in the face one last time and then turned his attention to Chris.

"What is that?" Said Snake as he walked around the table to the handcuffed and huddled Chris.

"Hmm? Oh, it is nothi-" As Chris was talking, he was roundhouse kicked in the back, sending the phone flying into the wall.

[Ah, fuck…]

Chris was about to start crying when he heard Snake laugh again.

He was the only one having a blast…

Chris looked up and saw the crazed look of his old associate. He had seen him like this before, but during that time he would be on his way out of the door. This time…it was his turn.


Chris was thinking about all of the revenge he was going to get from the afterlife, and even though he wasn't a tough guy he spit directly into Snake's eyes.

"ARG! FUCKIN' RAT!" Said Snake with a hard kick to Chris' forehead.




Chris made muffled noises as he tried to speak with the gag in his mouth. It was completely black, but he could smell fish.

[Ah, shit, ah fuck. Is this really going to happen? I'm not ready to die.]

Chris finally broke down and began to sob uncontrollably but his cries were only met with a swift punch to the nose.

Chris doubled over; he felt the tears coming out of his eyes. He could feel the car bumping and jostling him around. It was nearly impossible for him to regain his calm. He KNEW he was about to die...

The car suddenly stopped. Snake got out of the car, but his phone started to ring.

"Argh, what is it this time." Snake picked up the phone and pressed the button, "Hello?"

"We have got a big problem, one of our warehouses just got busted. Tony said to hurry it up and get back to your place, then lay low and wait for details from Steve, got it?" Said the muffled man on the phone.

Snake rolled his eyes and said, "FINE, I guess no fun stuff?"

"Tony said, N-O F-U-N S-T-U-F-F. Clear?" The man on the phone was clearly getting annoyed.

"Yeah, got ya…" Snake said as the man suddenly ended the call. Snake threw the phone in his van and opened up the sliding door.

"No fun tonight boys…"

Chris was able to feel the cool air come off of the night waves.

He could feel the calm water that he would be joining soon.

Chris felt someone step in the van and heard, "Come on, you are first."

The large body was slid and dropped out of the van with a loud thud, the van was shaking from the sudden removal of weight.

[Oh fuck, Chad, oh fuck.] Chris was thinking about his best friend. Even though he betrayed him, he was still the only fake-family he had ever experienced, and he loved Chad as a true brother...

Chris heard dragging slowly pulling the heavy item away from the van.

After around a minute, Chris heard a loud BANG.

At that moment, Chris felt the most despair since his parents and sister died. The pain was so bad…he couldn't even think, he just cried.

As Chris was in his own world, he heard the crunch of the ground and a loud splash. Then the boots were stepping on the sandy gravel before reaching the busted blacktop.

Chris heard a loud huff. Snake was upset that he couldn't enjoy this "meal".

As the man stepped in and made the van lean, Chris stood and slammed into him. He thought they would go tumbling but the man was unmoved.

"HAHAHA! GOOD TO SEE SOME FIGHTING SPIRIT! Ya' rarely see it, most of these rats just shit themselves and die…" Said Snake as he went behind Chris and SHOOVED him out of the van while standing.

*Muffled curses*

Chris was trying so hard to tell this cunt to go fuck himself, but alas, it had been thwarted.

Chris could feel his shoulder.

[FUCKING BASTARD! He knocked it out of place.]

Chris was laying on the ground and he could feel the small stones dig into his skin, it was burning awfully bad.

"Up-sie daisy! Are you ready to meet your maker?" Said Snake as he got closer to whisper, "Ready to go to hell? You are going to suffer for all that you helped us do, ya know? Can you FEEL it?"

Snake let out a creepy laugh and moved Chris to the edge by dragging him. The stones were digging in and causing his skin to slough off, blood was being left behind…

Snake got him exactly where he needed him. He was tying the cinderblocks to the chains on Chris' arms and legs, the standard procedure.

Chris could feel the locking and movement around him.

"Are you ready to see if the fishes like how you taste?" Said Snake with one last laugh.

Snake pointed his revolver at the back of Chris' head and pulled the trigger, BANG!

"What a beautiful night! Too bad it was ruined, fucking rats. I can't believe those fuckers would have done that, I loved them like family."

Snake was overlooking the beautiful sight. Chris' dead body was laying there.

Snaked pulled out his bag of acid. He placed the gun inside before sealing it in duct tape. He took it and put it inside of Chris' coat.

"Welp, good riddance…" Snake said as he pushed the body off into the endless water.

~End of Prolog~

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