

Once upon a time there was a lady in the present world she was loved by her parents, as the only child of the household. Her parents own a large company that she was given all that she needs like dress, jewelry, and many more. she was a very popular and intellectual child that always on top, but all of it was ruined when her mother died from illness, due to frustration of losing a wife her father marry another woman with a son and daughter. that day was the worst day of her life because everything that all she have was lost the love of her family was broken. her father don't pay much attention to her anymore and his step mother and siblings was cruel to her. it was like a Cinderella story but unlike Cinderella she did not meet a Prince that rescue her, she was betrayed buy it. to all of the things that was happening she did not care anymore. she often go out of her room all she did was eat, play read and sleep. until one day her father died, it was sad morning it was raining so hard that might last forever, as her tears fall out of her eyes she looked at his father grave miserably. when she got home she received a news that all of his father inheritance was left on her name. a slight smile was formed in her lips. she didn't know her father loved her so much that all of the inheritance was left on her name. But...


This book is a fiction all resemblance to the name, place, people and events are coincidental.

Copyright ©2019

by Mifu_Torichi

All right reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system comma without written permission from the author.