
Down From Hell

In a family where all its members has Yellow Hair, Ryu was born with a Dark Hair, A story of a boy who got abused and negelected by everyone, eventaully, lost everything

TheRyu · Realistic
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : a disgrace?

Ellie : good ! -Ellie then turned her back on Ryu and started to walk away, leaving Ryu all alone-

Ryu : ... -Ryu was so sad at that moment , his own mother doesn't want him, nor anyone in the family does, they all treat him badly, he doesn't even know why, but there was something raising inside Ryu, something cold, something evil... it was hatred ! - .... -Ryu looked at his younger brother june, who was laughing at him-

June : what are you looking at, you freak ! no one wants you in this family, i don't even know why my father bother keeping you in this house -June said this without feeling guilty, he continued to laugh at his older brother , Ryu -

Ryu : ...-Ryu kept silence, he didn't want to get into anymore trouble, so he just stayed silent, then he walked to his room- "i don't know what i did to deserve this....i just want to be loved by my family...is that too much..to ask?" -Ryu was saying this inside his mind, while the tears slowly started to come out from his eyes-

Sara : ewww, if it isn't the dark haired freak ! why are you crying , loser, you look even more pathetic now -Sara says this as she start laughing at Ryu-

Ryu : can't you just love me ? am your older brother, why do guys treat me like trash? atleast tell me why are you all treating me like this, just because i have dark hair? why, just why, its not like i chose to have a dark hair, why are you all treating me like this for something i couldn't control ?! -Ryu says this while bieng full of tears and desperation- just why ?!

Sara : its becau -before sara finish her sentence , arthur cutted her off-

Arthur : Its because you are a disgrace to the sarizaki family, and from now on, your not allowed to use our family name, because am removing you from the sarizaki family tree, from now on, your not Ryu sarizaki, your just Ryu .

Ryu : you....huh...-Ryu could not say anything, he was overwhelmed by emotions, all he could think to himself was "why"-

Arthur : what do you mean by what you ungratful brat ! we will still keep you inside this house since we do not want our family image get ruined, so be gratful for that, now leave !

Ryu : but....

Arthur : -slaps Ryu in the face- i said get off my face !

Ryu : -Ryu has started to panic, he doesn't know what to do, he was too overwhelmed by different emotions at the moment-

Arthur : so now you wont listen to me , huh? you ungratful brat ! -Arthur then lift Ryu up and throw him out of the house harshly- you will not sleep in the house tonight, thats your punishment for not listening -Arthur says this as he slams the door closed infront of Ryu face-