
The Start of training

Chapter -6

The start of training

After practice he went to his night training arena and began to circulate his Dou Qi according to the Flame Mantra.

After some time he was awaked by the slight movement behind him and he looked into the dark and saw a figure which is hidding in dark after seeing his turning around.

While looking at the figure Xiao Feng shouted excitedly, "I know that you are watching me don't be shy come out you get a clear view of your handsome Xiao Feng brother Xun Er Nizi."

Hearing this the figure came out and she showed a puzzeled expresstion and asked, 'how did you know it was me?"

While looking at Xun Er while laughing , 'You are telling me I can't even recoginse my lover Xun Er Nizi."

Xun Er become flustered and shouted angrily aloud, "Who is your lover?"

"Xun Er Nizi I only told you that I love you is there anything wrong in attracted to Xun Er Nizi who beautiful and talented if possible I wish to be marry you and be protected by Xun Er Nizi."

"Shameless dream on..."

"Well Nizi why did you came to see me if you requested I would come to your room."

"I didn't come to see you this is the place where I usually come."

"Oh nizi don't you think we also think alike as if a perfect match." While having a shy expresstion and playing with his hands he asked her.

"Stop it can you go this is the place where Xiao Yan brother and I usually meet."

"Xiao Yan that idiot, Xuner Nizi don't spend time with idiot you also become idiots after thinking to his logics."

"You are idiot" while saying so she came attacking which she tried to hold on.

seeing she calm attacking Feng easily got hold of her hands "Nizi you are specially cute when you become angry."

At this time a another footsteps reached there ears when Xun Er looked she saw Xiao Yan. Seeing Xiao Yan she tried to broke of from Xiao Feng's hands and looking somewhat angrily at Feng, Xuner looking at the place of Xiao Yan spoke, "Xiao yan brother you are here."

"well Xuner what are you doing with him."

"Xiao Yan how is it to get beatten up do you like it?"

"Xiao Feng brother as soon as I broke through I will come and eradicate the shame you gave me."

Seeing the frustated and anger he trying to hid Xiao Feng without any intreset said, "Xiao Yan you do not need to come as you can for now on only think of the previous time you defeated me as i Will not loss to a person who was defeated by me."

while showing a smug look he said, "This is not my confidence this is my arrogance."

"Xiao Feng you can only shine and say whatever you want but I will defeat you."

"Ha ha ha ha.."

"Xiao Yan little brother its that I look down on you but even if we on the same level the current you have no chance of winning aganist me."

"Xiao Feng stop it Xiao Yan big brother can surely win."

"Nizi why are blinding supporting him you knew clearly that who will win right."

Xuner become somewhat emotional as she also knew that but she did not what to accept this situation.

"What Xuner don't you believe in me."

"It's not like that Xiao Yan brother but Xiao Feng is strong to."

"Ok stop it I have intrest in arguing with anyone if there is nothing xiao yan please leave, Xuner you stay here I will give you guidance if you need."

"Xiao Feng don't go too far." seeing Xiao Yan preparing to fight Xuner said unconsiously "Brother Xiao Feng is already a Dou Fighter."

"What? How is it possible?"

"Xiao Yan I understand your emotion but don't loose your confidence as you and I are on completly different level and as we goes on the difference between you and me will get more and more certain in the future so don't mind me and just focus on others."

Hearing the somewhat arrogant statement Xuner also was somewhat emotional as even she was puzzeled by the talent which Xiao Feng showed and what he told is the truth.

"It is not possible how can you be a Dou Fighter....."

"Xiao Yan this is one of the reason why I said even if you are on the same level as me you will not be able to defeat me."

"Look at that idiotic expresstion just after listening to the level of mine screaming and panicing."

"Xiao feng stop it you are not allowed to humilate Xiao Yan brother."

Xiao Yan clamed down and said with full determination "I wil catch up to you and defeat you."

"Well Xiao Yan, you got that confidence there but that is it...."

seeing the expresstion of Xiao Feng, while looking at Xuner in confidence again and saying confidence he went back.

After Xiao yan left Xuner said, "I don't understand you why did you encourage him just now."

How clever is she, she know that this all was done in order to promote the fighting skill of Xiao yan.

"Only my Xuner knows me I did it for two things, firstly to make him belive that he would never catch up to me even if he try so hard and secondly ..."

while saying so Xiao Feng began to rotate around Xuner he said, "I did it to make him distance from you, and according to his attitude he would contiued to practice without making any interaction with you and at that time I will come and enter into your heart and become your loved one ha ha ha..."

"Dream on don't even think about it, you will never succed in it."

Xiao feng while showing a sad expresstion " If so then I can only stop it.."

Hearing this Xuner showed sumg smile but before she could complete it she heard the rest of his words.

"After stopping it I need to formulate a new idea about how to make Xuner nizi fall for me."

"You shameless....."

while calming down she said "Xiao feng brother I will not like you so don't need to pursue me and waste your time."

"Xuner I am not wasting any time on you actually even if I want to stop I cannot he telling me to pursiue you."

Xun Er with a confused manner asked, "Who?"

Xiao feng while pointing at his heart said, "This guy."

seeing the serious expresstion of Xiao feng Xuner blushed slightly.

Xiao Feng who saw this shouted "My goddess is actually blushing..."

hearing this Xuner regained her expresstion and spoke out inorder to divert the topic.

"Where is my money that you took away from me?"

"Nizi, how can you say something like that it is our money right...."

seeing the anger comming on her delicate face Xiao Feng changed quickly, 'Nizi actually money is nothing I have something more useful for you"

"Oh?" Xuner said in an unintrested manner.

Xiao Feng suddenly took out a wind talisman and said, "Nizi direct your Dou QI and attach it to your body anywhere and see the magical effect."

Xuner who the talisman was somewhat surprised "You also know talisman art."

While saying so she took at attached to her body after injecting her Dou Qi into the talisman.

Xiao feng shouted exictedly "go Xuner nizi run see the effect."

Xuner without minding Xiao Feng but she was surprised to see that her speed has improved to that of Dou Fighter and by look of it is 9 star fighter.

After about 5 minutes later Xuner saw the talisman has completely burned out.

"That is it?"

"That is it, Nizi that is only a tier 1 talisman do you think you want to spend an entire day running using that talisman."

"Cough cough ahem it is really a good thing how about you give me and I can forget about the money you borrowed."

"hello Xuner Nizi this type of talisman a single one would get atleat at leat 1 000 gold not to mention it is rarer thing do you thing I will do a loss buisness. even so if Xuner Nizi can call me Xiao Feng affectionately I can give you."

"Dream on.."

seeing that Xuner was about leave Xiao Feng blocked her path and said

"Nizi don't get angry I was joking while saying so he took out a stack of 5 fire, thunder, wind and 2 stack of space talisman and handed it to Xuner."

Xuner looked at the tailsman and was some what surprised to see the differnt talisman but seeing that a single talisman was only time she asked why wrinkling her nose "why there is only two among these set."

"Nizi I am able to produce only less number of space talisman as i just began and it's difficulty is lot more than other."

"Space talisman?"

Nizi are you intrested do you want to see. Before she could react Xiao feng took one of a space talisman and inject his Dou Qi and attached it to Xuner's hand and began to step back while shouting Xun Er wait a second saying so he distanced himself.

After waving his hands he shouted, "Nizi watch carefully."

seeing this Xuner was eventhough expecting she did not want to believe it before she could react the figure of Xiao Feng who is at the distance dissapeard and was infront of her in a blink of an eye which somewhat horrified Xuner.

Seeing the somewhat horrified and surprised eyes of Xuner, Xiao Feng said in a sumg look, 'this talisman is completely a different thing and more complicated and concentration needed to draw this thing that is why I have less number but don't worry this thing are nothing to your Xiao Feng brother."

Xuner shook of Xiao Feng's hands which was placed on her "Xiao feng brother how much time can it last?"

"Around 5 minutes."

"Shh.. "

"What are you impressed Xuner nize?"

Why looking at the buring talisman she said, "You just needed to tell me why did you use it?"

"Nizi come on why are you like this besides your feng brother can make a lot of it and you can play with and you can use this to come my room."

"Shameless.... " While saying so she began to go away.

But Xiao Feng again while connecting to the talisman reached Xuner in a blink of an eye.

"Xuner you know what I got the motivation to create from you inorder to make catch up to you in an instant and you know what...."

Before he could react she took out the talisman and threw away without any mercy and said, "Then this thing will not work since I will not keep it on me...'


After that he began to continue on his practice and took out small throwing knife and put the space talisman on the handle as he got an idea of how to fight aganist enemies using the space talisman just like the character in the anime naruto, minato.

After applying it he took a sword out and began to practice with it and do some simple moves. He also thought about the shortcome of flying knife as it is on limited range and he decided to buy a good Archer set as this was also the main weapon during his previews life.

He know that he only need to continue and push himself during these days and later due to the proficeny and self doing he would be slowly adapt to it and regain all the skills he onces had and that is also in the case of the alchemy and Tailsman case also so he did enjoyed these days together with going and teasing Xuner some time also.

Likewise the tough practice and tight scheduled days and tiring like life went on.