
Chapter 15 The Record-Breaking Innate Soul Power Level! The Crystal Ball Exploded!!_1

Translator: 549690339

In the square, Luo Yu had already become the absolute center of attention.

Every action he took influenced the thoughts of everyone present.

The crowd consisted of the upper echelons of Martial Soul Hall, each a cunning figure in their own right. How could they fail to see the terrifying potential of Luo Yu?

One by one, they thought about approaching him, hoping to get acquainted and curry favor.

However, they couldn't even get close at the moment, as Luo Yu was tightly encircled by the guest elders.

Having witnessed the Twin Martial Souls, Qian Daoliu lowered his dignity and eagerly made promises.

"Young friend, if you are willing to take me as your master, even the position of Pope of Martial Soul Hall could be yours," he enticed.

Luo Yu's gaze didn't waver, as if he hadn't heard, and he waved the Zhu Tian Sword in his hand a few times, creating swirling sword flowers.

"How dare you! The Great Elder is speaking to you, and you do not answer promptly?" the Seventh Elder rebuked sharply.

Luo Yu raised an eyebrow and glanced at the person who had spoken.

With just a look, the Seventh Elder's heart skipped a beat as if he were locked in the sights of a ferocious deity.

This enraged him greatly. After all, he was someone with a cultivation level of level 96. How could he be startled by a junior? He said sternly, "You, young man, have exceptional talent, but isn't it a bit too much to disregard respect and hierarchy?"

This time, Luo Yu couldn't bother to lift his eyelids, and he casually stroked the blade of the Zhu Tian Sword with his sword finger, replying indifferently, "What's it to you?"

"Impudent!" The Seventh Elder's beard bristled and his eyes bulged in rage as his cultivation level of level 96 erupted.


"This kid is way too arrogant. He even dared to provoke the Seventh Elder?"

"That Seventh Elder is quite stubborn and puts great importance on status and hierarchy, not to mention he has a short temper."

Whispers of discussion echoed through the crowd.

Just as the Seventh Elder seemed on the brink of exploding in anger, Qian Daoliu's smile returned as he pat his shoulder.

"Old Seven, he's just a junior. It's quite normal to have a bit of temper when one possesses great talent. Let's be more accommodating," he reassured.

"But isn't he ignoring the respect due to his elders and betters? This kid is way too arrogant!" the Seventh Elder muttered, dissatisfied.

"Shut up!" Qian Daoliu's smile disappeared as he chided.

The Seventh Elder fell silent at once.

Qian Daoliu's smile returned warmly, "Young friend, would you like to become my disciple?"

Luo Yu's Soul Light flashed as he withdrew his Martial Soul.

"Thank you for the high regard, Great Elder, but I must decline your offer to take me as your disciple," he said.

As these words fell, an uproar ensued throughout the crowd.

"What? He actually refused the Great Elder?"

"To refuse the Great Elder's offer to become a disciple, is there something wrong with this kid's brain?"

"Does he have any idea what he is refusing? Authority, status, wealth, and glory!"

"The Great Elder has never taken a disciple before; he is the pinnacle existence of Soul Land!"

"Having talent doesn't give him the right to be so willful. Isn't this courting death?"

Qian Daoliu himself did not expect such a decisive refusal; his face stiffened, and a flash of anger gleamed in his eyes.

But then he said in a still gentle voice, "Young friend, perhaps you could reconsider?"

"Alright, I'll reconsider," Luo Yu agreed instantly.

Qian Daoliu: "???"

Hey! When I tell you to reconsider, I don't really mean reconsider!

Moreover, isn't this agreement of yours a bit too casual?

"How about now? Have you reconsidered?" Qian Daoliu asked with a forced smile, and had Luo Yu's talent not been so exceptional, he might have already erupted in anger and thrown a punch.

Luo Yu rolled his eyes, "How could there be an answer so quickly? Do you think this is what reconsideration looks like?"

"What if I hastily agree now and one day regret it and betray Martial Soul Hall? Aren't you afraid of that?"

Qian Daoliu immediately choked, feeling as if his smiling facade was about to crack.

"You are right!"

"Then when young friend has thought it through, inform me, and as long as Martial Soul Hall has it, I can grant it to you."

"Agreed," Luo Yu nodded.

Qian Daoliu felt a surge of blood rush to his temples, his veins bulging.

Am I the one taking a disciple here, or am I the one requesting a master?

But he forced himself not to react.

"You haven't tested for innate soul power yet, right? I happen to have a Test Crystal here, why don't you try it?"

With that, Qian Daoliu pulled out a transparent sphere, "Just place your hand on top of this."

The surrounding crowd instantly perked up, focusing intensely on the scene.

Luo Yu, too, was curious about his current level, so he placed his hand on it.

"This Test Crystal can determine the level of Innate Soul Power based on the intensity of light it emits."

Luo Yu asked curiously, "So if the crystal reaches its brightest, does it mean one has Innate full soul power?"

Qian Daoliu laughed loudly, "My friend, you are joking. You might be able to make any other ball shine completely, but it's truly impossible to do so with this Test Crystal. If you can make it light up one-third of the way, that would already prove you have Innate full soul power."

Luo Yu sensed his body's condition and hesitated, "I feel that I might be more than just Innate full soul power, maybe we should use a sturdier one..."

Qian Daoliu cut him off confidently, "Rest assured, this Test Crystal is very durable, especially indestructible to someone who is just awakening like you. It's absolutely impossible for it to break, just go ahead and exert your power."

Seeing his confidence, Luo Yu felt it was not good to say anything more.

Qian Daoliu's face was filled with a smile as he channeled his Soul Power to activate the Test Crystal.

Luo Yu instantly felt the Soul Power within his body surging into it.


In an instant, the crystal's light flourished, dazzling to the point where one couldn't open their eyes, followed by a violent shaking.

Then, with a loud bang, it suddenly exploded, scattering fragments everywhere.

Qian Daoliu's smile froze, not expecting to be slapped in the face so quickly, he stared blankly at the remnants in his hand.

Not only him, but the others around were also stunned, and some couldn't help but let loose expletives.

"Shit, did I just see that?"

"It exploded!"

"Ah," Luo Yu sighed helplessly and slowly withdrew his hand.

He had warned them, after all. He couldn't be the one to compensate.

"Do you have an even sturdier one?"

Qian Daoliu's mind was in turmoil, his palms trembling, as he gazed at Luo Yu with shock, as if looking at a monster.

"Young friend, do you know what level of Soul Master this Test Crystal is for?"

"This is meant for testing Soul Elders!"

Qian Daoliu was obviously becoming frantic and excited.

"Do you realize what it means for it to light up completely?"

"It means a Soul Master has reached level 30 in total Soul Power."

"And you..." Qian Daoliu's throat twitched, his face full of horror, "you actually filled it to the point of explosion!!"

Hearing Qian Daoliu's explanation, the people around also instantly understood, their faces revealing complex emotions, feeling as if they had exhausted a lifetime of shock in one day.

"Others can only dream of having Innate full soul power."

"Yet this guy effortlessly reached Innate Level Thirty?"

"That's not right, the crystal exploded; how could it be just level 30?"

"Heavens, what level is this guy, is there still a chance for the rest of us to live?"

"Terrifying, is this kid even human? He couldn't be a transformed soul beast, could he?"

Bi Bidong just stood there quietly, watching, her face glowing, her lips curling into a proud pout unconsciously.

She didn't like flattery, but the sound of others praising Luo Yu made her happy and pleased, her mood indescribably subtle.

Hulena had an epiphany.

She understood, now she understood everything.

No wonder this man was not afraid of her pressure; his Innate Soul Power level was not weaker than her own, whom they called a prodigy.

How did he do it, he's too strong! Admiration shone in Hulena's eyes.

Afterward, another test was conducted, and Luo Yu's Innate Soul Power astounded everyone.

Innate Level Forty!

Historically, it was unprecedented.

He set a genuine historical record in Soul Land.

Qian Daoliu had been amazed when he saw his granddaughter at Innate Level Twenty.

Now, seeing Luo Yu at Innate Level Forty left him so astonished he couldn't speak and swore to himself that he would keep such talent within Martial Soul Hall at all costs.

Never to be leaked out! Never!

Qian Daoliu squinted his eyes. Since so many people around knew the news, it would be inevitable that someone might spill it.

Those outside bigger powers would probably go crazy trying to win over this young person.

Resources and status alone might not be enough to keep him, leaving Qian Daoliu worried for the first time in many years.

Then it struck him!

Qian Daoliu's eyes shone, matrimonial alliances, of course!

His granddaughter, stunningly beautiful, peerless in talent, and with a God-level Martial Soul.

If the two of them were to unite, even their descendants could potentially be unparalleled.

What a great idea!

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