
Chapter 369: Spirit Hall Academy


Hu Liena was startled by Zeng Yi's sudden words. When she realized what he meant, her face instantly turned crimson with embarrassment.

Blushing, she stammered, "I.. I.. I.. I don't know!"

Hu Liena's speech became incoherent. Despite her Martial Spirit being a foxy one and her fighting style revolving around charm and controlling enemies, she gave off an impression of being coquettish, seductive, and even promiscuous due to her Martial Spirit. However, in reality, she was a naive girl who had never even been in a relationship. Skipping straight to talking about marriage caught her completely off guard. How could she remain calm and composed?

Zeng Yi glanced at Hu Liena and could tell from her expression that she genuinely didn't know. Unable to gather any information, Zeng Yi could only sigh helplessly.

If he knew the exact date, Zeng Yi could prepare accordingly and figure out how much time he had left. He just hoped that within a few days, the Supreme Pontiff wouldn't arrange his wedding with her, or else he would truly be at a loss.

However, Zeng Yi surmised that since it was currently the time of the Spirit Master Tournament, with the preliminary matches lasting for half a month and the main event taking place in the Martial Spirit City for at least a month, that woman, the Supreme Pontiff, probably wouldn't try anything during this period.

In other words, he still had a month and a half left.

With this thought, Zeng Yi instinctively looked up at the sky, hoping that the Spirit Master Tournament would create even more chaos, thereby increasing his chances.

Seeing Zeng Yi like this, Hu Liena couldn't help but feel confused about what he was thinking.

In reality, she was well aware that unless there were any unexpected circumstances, she would become this man's wife in the future. Although she resisted the engagement, she couldn't rebel against it and had no choice but to accept it.

At least, for now, this person seemed decent enough. Other than his sharp tongue and mischievous personality, Hu Liena could tolerate him.

In the past few days, she noticed that Zeng Yi was a smooth talker, but he never acted inappropriately towards her. This made Hu Liena have a somewhat positive impression of him, which was why she resented being called "Nana" by him.

Hu Liena considered herself a very beautiful girl. At least, ever since she attended the Junior Spirit Hall Academy, she had had a continuous stream of suitors. However, her self-perceived charm had no effect on Zeng Yi.

Yet, she knew that Zeng Yi had never truly looked at her. She knew that he was also resistant to this engagement.

But how could he continue to smile and act like it didn't matter?

Hu Liena couldn't understand. The more she got to know him, the more unclear she became about what he was thinking and what kind of person he truly was.

But one thing Hu Liena knew was that he respected her, as evidenced by his words to Yan.

"I don't have the right to use her as a gambling chip."

Hu Liena heard those words.

Normally, when Zeng Yi talked, he was just all talk, but he never did anything disrespectful towards her. This aspect of him made Hu Liena find him quite pleasing.

Perhaps, they could get along well in the future.

Looking at Zeng Yi's profile, Hu Liena couldn't help but fantasize, and her cute face turned red again.

Realizing this, she felt like she had interrupted her own daydream and quickened her pace.

"Hey, slow down." Zeng Yi called after seeing Hu Liena walk further away. He jogged to catch up with her.

"You're not thinking of taking me to the training ground again for a match, are you?"

Upon hearing Zeng Yi's words, Hu Liena's expression stiffened, and she turned her head to glare at him. The fondness she had just conjured up due to her daydream instantly disappeared.

Someone like him should really just die!

Coldly looking at Zeng Yi, who was filled with confusion, Hu Liena cursed internally.

The two of them walked for half an hour and approached a gate.

Zeng Yi looked up at the grand gate with a sign that read "Spirit Hall Academy" in golden letters. He mechanically twisted his neck to look at Hu Liena and asked, "Wait, you're not really planning to have me teach students here, are you?"

"I'm telling you, I'm still a student myself. It would be misleading to bring me here! Big sister, you should think twice!" 

Hu Liena glanced at Zeng Yi, finding his confused state quite amusing. She didn't feel like talking to him and walked up to greet the guard, entering the academy.

Seeing this, Zeng Yi was helpless but followed behind.

Walking along the pathway of the Spirit Hall Academy, he could sense the lively atmosphere brought about by the young and energetic children attending the Junior Academy, mostly aged between six and ten.

Observing the school children playing and frolicking in the campus, Zeng Yi's eyes couldn't help but reflect a hint of nostalgia. He reminisced about his own elementary school days.

"In Spirit Hall Academy, most of the students here don't have spirit rings yet or are only first-rank spirit masters. They are all potential members of the Martial Spirit Hall. If these students can break through to the Second-rank Spirit Master realm before the age of fifteen, they can enter the Advanced Spirit Hall Academy and receive more resources for cultivation. They are the Elite of our Martial Spirit Hall." Hu Liena explained as they walked.

"Of course, students from the Advanced Spirit Hall Academy like me also come to the Junior Academy to give them lessons and motivate them to work hard."

As a star student of the Martial Spirit Hall's Advanced Spirit Hall Academy, Hu Liena frequently came to the Junior Spirit Hall Academy to teach. As a Spirit King herself, instructing these kids who hadn't even reached the Second-rank was effortless for her.

Her teacher had asked her to spend the day with Zeng Yi, but Hu Liena didn't know what she should do with him. Feeling somewhat awkward during their walk, she decided to bring Zeng Yi to the Junior Spirit Hall Academy of the Martial Spirit City.

Teaching children here would help calm her mood.

"You..." Hu Liena was about to speak to Zeng Yi, but when she turned around, she realized he had disappeared from behind her.

In another part of the academy, the sound of hitting and shouting could be heard in the campus.

Under a large tree, three little kids were surrounding and beating up another child.

The child being beaten curled up on the grass, allowing them to kick and punch him. However, despite the bruises and swelling on his face, his eyes radiated resilience and an unwavering spirit.

The pain he was experiencing didn't even make him utter a cry.

As one of the boys observed this unwavering gaze, he felt very uncomfortable. Even though they were the ones stepping on him, this look in his eyes seemed to indicate that he looked down on them and considered them weaklings.

This anger incited even more fury inside him. He mustered the courage to activate his spirit power, enveloping his fist with a pale yellow glow, and swung it at the boy being bullied.

But before his punch could connect with the target's face, a large hand firmly grasped his small wrist.

The boy froze, looking at the man who had suddenly appeared before him with a panicked expression. He felt like his wrist was being squeezed by pliers, causing his face to turn pale.

"Who are you? Let go of me quickly! Otherwise, I'll make sure you regret it! Do you know who my brother is?" The pain made his face turn even paler, and he struggled and threatened Zeng Yi.

The other two boys, seeing their companion easily overpowered by this man, became weak in the knees and didn't dare approach.

Facing the threat from the little boy, Zeng Yi chuckled. "I don't know, and it doesn't matter to me whether it's you or your brother. To me, both of you are insignificant weaklings."

As he spoke, Zeng Yi released the boy's hand. Then, his expression turned cold, and a surge of imposing aura emanated from him.

"Get lost!"

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