
Chapter 2 The Child of Destiny Looks Down on Me!!_1

However, in the next second, the entire hall was flickering with light!

"Innate full soul power!!"

Su Yuntao was shocked!!

Could this be the Child of Destiny? Starting off with twin Martial Souls, and even bloody innate full soul power.

Ye Feng by his side was so envious his eyes turned green!

Since he had transmigrated, why didn't they set up a system for him? Was the damn Heaven's Will brain-damaged?

He roared inwardly!

Soon, Su Yuntao gave Tang San a few words of instruction and then left.

After all, his task was complete.

"Hi, Tang San."

At this moment, Ye Feng greeted Tang San.

Being the Child of Destiny, and since he didn't have a system like other transmigrators, getting cozy with the guy wouldn't hurt. If he couldn't get a bite of the meat, at least he could get a sip of the soup, right?

He remembered that initially, Master, a level 29 waste, ultimately took off by relying on Tang San, the Child of Destiny, during the latter stages.

However, just as Ye Feng thought that Tang San would at least respond to him, he saw Tang San merely glance at him coldly and then head straight for the door.


Ye Feng was full of question marks.

Even if you don't get along with the village kids, you don't have to be so aloof when I'm greeting you with a friendly face, do you? Not even a single word in response?

And that look in his eye was as if he was watching an idiot.

It was rather uncomfortable for no apparent reason.

Outside the door, Old Jack was anxiously waiting.

He saw Su Yuntao emerge from the hall.

"Master Su Yuntao, are there any Soul Masters among the kids this year?"

Old Jack hurriedly asked.

"There are, indeed. One of them is even an innate full soul power."

Su Yuntao said.

"What, innate full soul power!!"

Old Jack was so excited his hands trembled, his inner being roaring wildly.

Blimey! Is Holy Spirit Village going to produce another Soul Sage at last!

Bless us, Soul Sage!

"Only his Martial Soul is a bit peculiar, it's the universally regarded wasted Martial Soul Bluesilver Grass."

Su Yuntao said glimmeringly.


Old Jack was like a man burning with lust suddenly doused in a bucket of ice water, feeling a thorough chill in his heart!

He was nearly petrified on the spot!

"There's another one with a Scythe Martial Soul, the lowest quality Tool Soul, soul power at level 2."

Su Yuntao left this remark along with proof and then departed.

His task was to awaken Martial Souls.

Everything else was none of his concern.

"Grandpa Jack, can't Bluesilver Grass be cultivated?"

As Old Jack was in disarray, Tang San approached and asked.

"Xiaosan, was the innate full soul power that Master Su Yuntao just mentioned you?"

Hearing Tang San ask this, Old Jack's body trembled.

"Mm, it's me."

Tang San nodded.

"My boy, Bluesilver Grass isn't bad. Innate full soul power means you're a genius! Pack your things, I'll send you to Notting Primary Soul Master Academy to study. In the future, you won't have to be a lowly blacksmith like your useless dad!"

Old Jack said excitedly.

Innate full soul power is beyond one's wildest dreams, truly the Soul Saint is looking after Holy Spirit Village; our village is going to produce another Soul Sage!

"Going to Notting Primary Soul Master Academy to become a Soul Master?"

Tang San was curious.

He had heard that Soul Masters were an exceedingly noble profession in this world.


"Mm-hmm, who had the two-level Scythe Martial Soul that Master Su Yuntao just mentioned?"

Old Jack asked.

"That person."

Tang San pointed at Ye Feng, his expression somewhat cold. He had always been indifferent to the children in the village.

"Ye Feng?!"

Old Jack was somewhat surprised. Such an unremarkable orphan turned out to be a dark horse with level 2 Soul Power in this Martial Soul Awakening, becoming the second person in Holy Spirit Village to possess Soul Power this year!

"Grandpa Jack, did you call me?"

Ye Feng, who was feeling depressed, walked over curiously upon hearing his name called by Old Jack.

"Xiaofeng, congratulations on becoming the second person in the village to have Soul Power. Considering your family's situation, I'm thinking of sending you and Xiaosan to study at Notting Primary Soul Master Academy in the city, as work-study students. What do you think?"

Old Jack, who had always referred to Ye Feng by his full name, suddenly became friendly.

"That's great, thank you so much, Grandpa Jack."

Ye Feng thanked him obediently.

He had just completely merged with this body and acquired the original owner's memories.

Six years old, an orphan, at the bottom of the village's scorn chain.

After his parents died early, he lived alone in a dilapidated little house. Initially, some relatives in the village gave him rice, but later, finding him a nuisance, they stopped helping him survive on his own.

When he was hungry, he could only dig up wild vegetables to fill his stomach. On rainy days, he would hide under the eaves of his rundown hut, crying alone, a clear sign of chronic malnutrition.

Yet, that wasn't the worst of it. Being bullied and isolated by other villagers because he had no parents was common for him.

For some reason, after merging with these memories, Ye Feng felt an inexplicable heartache and desolation.

Moreover, due to these experiences, he felt even less attachment to the village. Leaving it would naturally be for the best.

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow I'll take you to Notting Academy in the city."

Old Jack nodded when he heard Ye Feng's agreement.

"Grandpa Jack, going to the city might require discussing it with my father,"

Tang San's voice suddenly rang out, sounding conflicted.

"No worries, let's go to your house now and talk it over with your father. To become a Soul Master is to ascend above others. He has no reason to refuse."

Old Jack said.

He believed that the stubborn blacksmith wouldn't be so ungrateful.

Tang San's family lived on the eastern hillside of the village.

The only blacksmith in Holy Spirit Village.

"Why are you following us?"

Approaching the blacksmith shop, Tang San noticed that Ye Feng was following behind Old Jack and glanced at him.

"Ah? Can't I go?"

Ye Feng was bewildered by Tang San's sudden remark.

"I don't need you to butt into my family's business."

Tang San's voice was cold.

It didn't sound like something a child would say.

"Oh... Well, I don't have to go."

Ye Feng shrugged helplessly.

It was clear that Old Jack had asked him to come along.

And he carefully thought back to see if he had somehow offended Tang San because he seemed to be quite displeased with him.

And there was an air of superiority in Tang San's eyes.

As if all beings were mere ants to him.

Alright, that's probably an overstatement.

To put it simply, Tang San looked down on him from the bottom of his heart.

A real child might not notice it, but as a transmigrator, he was acutely aware of this feeling.

Alright then, the Child of Destiny is different after all.

Tang San, I can't aspire to your level. I, Ye Feng, will just go home.

Ye Feng turned and headed home.

It's a thatched hut with a panoramic skylight, allowing one to see much of the sky at night, encircled by boards of various lengths and full of holes—an immersive experience of what it's like to be bathed in the wind.

