
Hiring Minions!

My quest for suitable minions was about to kick into high gear. I was well aware that amassing a loyal following of spirit beasts would be crucial for my endeavors in this world.

So, I began by putting my tree-friends to good use as scouts. They fanned out across the Great Star Dou Forest, on the lookout for noteworthy plant spirit beasts, with a particular preference for treant-types.

These ancient looking, robust and mobile plant spirit beasts seemed like the perfect additions to my budding entourage. As I awaited their reports, I took advantage of the time to engage in some leisurely self-cultivation in the comfort of my lair.

As I wanted to be a Fierce Beasts as soon as possible, I need to cultivate whenever I can. When I reached that level, I will be at least safe from most human or spirit beasts.

After a while, my tree-friends returned with some promising tidings. They had stumbled upon five wandering treant spirit beasts within the vast expanse of the Great Star Dou Forest.

It turned out that these spirit beasts were in search of more suitable grounds to establish their own lairs. It felt as if destiny had brought them to my doorstep, and I couldn't have been happier about it.

I was thinking that the time had come for my grand entrance into the spirit beast world. With a flourish, I stepped out from my lair with a sense of determination and transformed into my colossal world tree form.

Rising high above the forest's canopy, I extended my roots far and wide, reaching out to establish contact with these potential recruits. My roots served as both messengers and conduits for my spiritual energy, allowing me to initiate telepathic conversations with them.

With a calm and focused mind, I reached out to make that crucial first connection. I was eager to get to know these future members of my burgeoning team. I was quite confident with my abilities to pull all type of plan spirit beasts as my minion.

As a World Tree, my bloodline rank was comparable to that Dragon God's bloodline. Thus, all spirit beasts were compelled to adored and worshipped me as their leader.

In addition to that, I can easily up their cultivation speed several fold by just using my nurturing aura. They will be my minions in no time or should I say my worshipper?

As I stretched my roots out into the forest, it didn't take long for me to establish contact with the treant spirits that had piqued my interest earlier. They emerged before me, each one showcasing their distinct qualities and characteristics.

Leading the way was Fu Gang, a Blue Four-Armed Treant. He cut a slender figure, and as his name suggested, he sported four arms that sprouted from his solid trunk.

What truly made him stand out was the enigmatic blue hue that adorned his bark, lending an air of mystery to his presence.

Following Fu Gang was Jun De, a Thorn Vine Treant. In stark contrast to Fu Gang's sleek form, Jun De was a tangle of sinuous vines that formed a spiky and formidable exterior.

His four arms resembled gnarled branches, ready to entangle and smash his foe.

Jie Huiying, the third treant in line, was a veritable titan among them. Her massive frame boasted two imposing trunks extending from her shoulders, exuding an aura of commanding presence.

She belonged to the rare breed of Colossal Skull Treants, a title that carried an air of ancient strength.

The fourth treant, Xiao Da, an Armored Titan Treant, boasted a rugged, armor-like bark that gave him a robust and imposing appearance.

Though he stood a bit shorter than Jie Huiying, his well-built physique left no doubt about his considerable strength.

Last but not least was Jia Wei, a Horned Treant. Despite his lithe build, he possessed oversized clawed hands and graceful, sweeping horns that added an element of strength and elegance to his demeanor.

Surveying this diverse assembly of treants, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. Not only were they a visually captivating group, but they also brimmed with untapped potential.

These treants were destined to become the cornerstone of my ever-expanding community.




With the treants before me, I decided to introduce myself a bit more formally. "I am Verdalor," I began, "a World Tree spirit, if you're familiar with the term.

I've lived for a long time and I felt that we, plant spirit beasts, were taken advantage by human and spirit beasts alike and I have plans for this world."

Their curiosity piqued, they halted their movements and turned their attention to me. I released a fraction of my immense cultivation aura, just to emphasize my prowess.

These treants were no rookies either; their own cultivation exceeded ninety thousand years, which made them extraordinary even among spirit beasts.

As they listened intently, I continued, "What I seek is to create a kingdom for spirit beasts, one where plant-type spirit beasts like yourselves are valued and respected. You see, many plant spirit beasts are often relegated to the roles of aids or medicinal resources due to their limited combat abilities. I want to change that."

Their interest was evident, but they remained cautious. They wanted to know what was in it for them. So, I went on to explain the benefits they could gain from joining me.

"By aligning with me, your cultivation speed will increase exponentially, depending on how my energy interacts with your unique attributes. The advantages will vary, but you'll experience significant growth."

Still, they appeared somewhat hesitant. They hadn't fully committed to my proposition. That's when I decided to present them with an offer they couldn't easily refuse. Leaning in a bit closer to each one, I spoke individually to them.

"I can assure you this: when the time comes for you to undergo tribulations. I can guarantee a safe passage with a one hundred percent success rate."

The treants exchanged glances, and I could sense a growing curiosity and intrigue among them. This was a pivotal moment, a crossroads where they would decide whether to join me on this journey to create a new kingdom for spirit beasts or continue wandering aimlessly through the Great Star Dou Forest.

With the treants standing before me, I decided to open up a dialogue, hoping to address any lingering doubts and win them over completely.

Fu Gang, the Blue Four-Armed Treant, was the first to speak. His voice resonated like a gentle breeze rustling through leaves.

"Verdalor, creating a kingdom for plant-type spirit beasts sounds like a noble cause. However, what assurance do we have that this isn't some grand illusion?

Spirit beasts like us have seen countless schemes and promises."

I understood his skepticism. It was essential for them to feel secure in their decision. "Fu Gang, I don't make promises lightly," I replied. "You have my word, and my word is rooted in the very essence of my existence.

I am not here to deceive or manipulate. My goal is to uplift the status of plant-type spirit beasts, and your assistance is crucial in achieving that."

Jun De, the Thorn Vine Treant, chimed in with a hint of caution in his voice. "You mentioned increased cultivation speed. Can you explain how this process works?

And can you explain more what will happen when we undergo tribulations?"

I nodded and explained further. "When you align with me, your spirit energy, spiritual energy and elemental energy will harmonize with my own. This synergy will accelerate your cultivation.

As for tribulations, you will be shielded by me, I'll not tell you the method but I confident I can support your tribulations quite easily. This is not a one-sided arrangement; it's a partnership where we all benefit."

Jie Huiying, the Colossal Skull Treant, raised an important question. "What role do you envision for us in your kingdom, Verdalor? How will we contribute?"

I answered with confidence, "Each of you has unique attributes and abilities that will be invaluable. Fu Gang, your versatility and agility can make you a scout and diplomat. Jun De, your thorned vines can provide formidable defenses.

Jie Huiying, Xiao Da and Jia Wei, your powerful combat prowess can be a symbol of strength. And together, you will be the generals of this kingdom, guiding and protecting our fellow plant spirit beasts."

Armored Titan Treant, with his thick bark and sturdy appearance, seemed contemplative. "You mentioned changing the perception of plant spirit beasts. How do you plan to achieve that?"

I leaned in closer to emphasize my sincerity. "Our actions will speak volumes. As we grow stronger and establish ourselves, others will see our worth.

We will showcase the power and potential of plant spirit beasts, earning respect through our actions."

Lastly, I addressed Jia Wei, the Horned Treant, who had been quietly observing the conversation. "And what of you, Jia Wei? Do you find this proposition appealing?"

Jia Wei nodded slowly, his voice deep and measured. "I do, Verdalor. Your offer is compelling.

But I must ask, what is it you seek from us in return for these benefits? Just being generals is not worth this much of your time."

I smiled, appreciating his thoroughness. "In return, I only ask for your loyalty and dedication to our shared vision. Together, we will create a legacy, a kingdom where plant spirit beasts thrive.

I promise to stand by you in times of need, just as I expect you to stand by me. This journey won't be without challenges, but I believe in the strength and potential of each one of you."

As the treants exchanged glances once more, I could sense a shift in their demeanor. The air was charged with anticipation, and their initial hesitation seemed to wane. 

"So, what do you say? Wanna be my generals?" I asked with a grin on my face.

All of them put a thinking face and then they gave me their answer. They knew that my offer was too good to be true but if all things I promised them was true, then it's simple answer.


'A resounding yes!'

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