
Douluo Dalu: The Rise of Pokémon

As someone who is a animal right activists, Wang Shòu died after saving an injured dog instead of human But to Wang Shòu's surprise, he actually reincarnated in Douluo Dalu?! And not only that, he actually turn into Pikachu, the mascot of Pokémon! He find out later on, as long he get strong enough, he can turn into other Pokémons and even Legendary Pokémon! Looking at all of the unfairness that spirit beast is subjected to...he made a choice in his heart. Humanity! As long I am alive, you will never persecute the spirit beasts again! So watch the journey of Zero as he bring the rise of Pokémon and bring down the cruel God-King Tang San. -The mc is going to be anti-humanity, but in some cases, he will choose to cooperate with good humans such as Tang Wulin. Also in this novel, Gods and Titled Douluo will be much stronger.

Supreme_Lazy_Otaku · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Not even Daddy slap me!

Su Yuntao, who was paralyzed, finally laid eyes on the culprit responsible for his condition.

"What? A small, furry, yellow mouse that looks to be around 200 to 300 years old?"

Su Yuntao had a question mark on his head. He would have accepted it if the attacker were a 1,000-year-old spirit beast or even a 500-year-old one, but a tiny yellow mouse merely 250 years old?

How could he, a proud spirit elder, bear this? Su Yuntao became enraged and charged towards Wang Shòu, with his martial spirit, Lone Wolf's right claw stretched, ready to slash him. However, his speed was severely diminished due to the Thunder Wave he had received.

'Quick Attack!'

Wang Shòu easily dodged the claws with Quick Attack and then promptly used Growl on Su Yuntao.


A loud wave coursed through the air, heading straight for Su Yuntao.

"What can this do to me, a spirit eld-What!" Su Yuntao, initially dismissive of Wang Shòu's move, immediately changed his expression once he felt its effects.

"How is this possible?! My attack has weakened!" Su Yuntao exclaimed, but the realization was short-lived as Wang Shòu slapped him on the face with his tail.


An unfamiliar burning sensation spread across Su Yuntao's right cheek which he never experience before. Realizing this, his body tremble with anger.

"You dare?! Not even my dad has ever slapped me on the cheek!"

No longer caring about the consequences, his dignity challenged, three spirit rings appeared behind him - two yellow and one purple. Then one of the yellow soul rings lighted up.

Lone Wolf 2nd Soul Skill: Lone Wolf's Piercing Howl!

The Lone Wolf howled once again, this time using spirit power. A shockwave emanated from the howl, heading straight for Wang Shòu, who was unable to dodge it.

'Ngh! This hurts!' Wang Shòu gritted his teeth, tasting metallic blood in his mouth. He could clearly feel the shockwave coursing through his body, causing internal injuries.

But he couldn't dwell on it. Su Yuntao seized the opportunity and used his soul skill once more, with the purple soul ring behind him lighting up.

Lone Wolf 3rd Soul Skill: Lone Wolf's Heavenly Claw!

The purple soul ring lit up, and the Lone Wolf's right claw grew larger and larger until it reached 5 meters. The massive claw descended from above, aiming for Wang Shòu.


Cursing, Wang Shòu immediately borrowed an example from Ash's Pikachu, using his tail to strike the ground and using the recoil to step back and dodge the claws.

'Quick Attack!'

Right after Wang Shòu dodged the massive claws which left a huge mark on the ground, he suddenly disappeared and then reappeared right in front of Su Yuntao.

Surprised by Wang Shòu's disappearance and reappearance, Su Yuntao quickly stepped back, but suddenly his body stiffened, being paralyzed by Thunder Wave.

'Spark Tackle!'

Electricity crackled around Wang Shòu's body as he tackled Su Yuntao in the stomach.

"Oof!" Su Yuntao involuntarily gasped, crashing to the ground, unable to stand up.

Grasping his stomach, Su Yuntao attempted to stand, but Wang Shòu isn't going to let him do that.

Wang Shòu quickly bounced up in the air, spinning his entire body, conjuring a massive ball of electricity.

'Electro Ball!'

Then Wang Shòu threw the ball of pure electricity at Su Yuntao.


A small explosion occurred, and a massive amount of dust gathered where Su Yuntao was.

But Wang Shòu wasn't happy. He didn't receive any notification that indicated he had defeated Su Yuntao. Meaning Su Yuntao is still in fighting condition.

Having already expended considerable energy using Nasty Plot three times before, and using Quick Attack twice, Growl, Spark Tackle, and Electro Ball during the battle, Wang Shòu was almost out of energy. He could only use three more moves before being completely drained.

No longer concerned about Su Yuntao's situation, Wang Shòu shifted his attention to the nearby six Wooden Monkeys, who was gawking in awe.

"Pika! Pika!" (Hey! Now is not the time to gawk! We need to leave!)

"Grook! Grook!" (Got it! We understand!)

The six Wooden Monkeys knew Wang Shòu, as he often came to the Wooden Monkey Clan for food and beat them up for exp. They quickly understood that he was telling them to retreat.

Gratefully nodding at Wang Shòu, they leaped to the nearby trees and quickly departed.

Wang Shòu did the same, jumping to another nearby tree. But before running away, he looked deeply at the five kids and the large dust cloud where Su Yuntao is at.

'...you're lucky that you have five kids with you...otherwise, you would've been dead...' Wang Shòu didn't say it, but he knew that if he had wanted to, even with just three moves left, he could have defeated Su Yuntao with also the help of the six Wooden Monkeys.

However, he decided against it, as he saw the five kids with the spirit elder. If the only strongest person in their group were gone, their future fate in the Great Star Dou Forest, with countless predators among spirit beasts, would be easy to imagine.

He does not wish to see the five kids die because of him, so he decided to spared the spirit elder and leave with the six Wooden Monkeys. After all, his purpose has been achieved, which is to save the Wooden Monkey.

Gazing at them deeply, Wang Shòu quickly disappeared, leaping from tree to tree.

After Wang Shòu and the six Wooden Monkeys has vanished, the five kids mustered enough courage to approach Su Yuntao, where the dust had settled.

"Su Yuntao!"

"Cough! Cough! I'm fine, kids. This isn't enough to finish me off..." Su Yuntao coughed, brushing dust from his clothes, feeling pain all over his body.

"Are you sure? You're hurt quite badly..." Zhang Wei, the most concerned of the five kids, asked.

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt as badly as you think. After all, I'm a spirit elder!" Su Yuntao smiled, barely standing up, showing that he is indeed okay.

"Damn it! If it wasn't for that mouse taking an unfair advantage and sneak attacking you, you would have definitely won!" Ruo Xi said angrily, upset that the person who saved her was caught off guard by a cunning mouse.

"This is a battle of life and death. Sneak attacks are common, and at any rate, I'm alright," Su Yuntao said.

He then looked towards where Wang Shòu had left and internally said this to himself.

'And beside that mouse has showed mercy to me. It could have finish me off but didn't do so for some reason...'

Calming himself down, no longer enraged and looking back, Su Yuntao realized that the mouse has spared him.

He also remember that mouse has a weird skill that can decreases his attack, and that mouse is far more powerful than it should for 200 to 300 years old. Meaning that mouse must have another skill which it can increases its attack, allowing it to be far more powerful than other spirit beasts of the same age.

Also that mouse is definitely far more intelligent beyond its year, and is comparable with some of the 10,000 years old spirit beast, as it can sneak attack, and can show mercy too.

Pondering this, Su Yuntao suddenly winced, feeling massive pain in his body again. And he coughed again, coughing up blood.

'Owww. Even if that mouse was merciful, it still hurt a lot... While I'm grateful for that mouse for sparing me, I still need to report the existence of that mouse to the Spirit Pagoda...'