2 The Use Of Spirit Rings

The rugged man's group celebrated as Tang San won. The next scene completely solved the hiding boys previous frustrations.

An older looking boy with white hair approached the close to death snake like spirit beast and gave it the final killing blow.

A very familiar looking ring popped out from the dead body of the spirit beast, only it was a different color and unlike the previous ring, this one was purple.

This piqued the boys attention as he looked on even more intently at Oscars next course of action.

Sitting down next to the spirit ring, Oscar started absorbing the spirit ring causing the ring to slowly start integrating with himself.

It was a while before Oscar suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. He became excited as he started showing the group his newly obtained abilities.

"...All I had to do was sit next to the ring?"

Obviously there was more than just sitting next to the ring but there was no way for the boy to know about this.

"That person... how is he flying? Is it because of that ring?"

Curiously, the boy continued following after the group from a safe distance where he started detecting an alarming amount of danger looming in the area.

The incident that followed directly after affirmed his feelings. A huge ape suddenly attacked the group before grabbing the petite little girl from the group and ran away.

Immediately, before anyone could say anything, Tang San took off after the Xiao Wu, the little girl taken away by the giant ape.

The boy followed after Tang San wanting to see what would happen. At first Tang San maintained a good distance from the titan ape but it didn't last very long.

Slowly, the titan ape started disappearing from his view before he completely lost track of it.

If it wasn't for the trail of destruction it left behind, there would be no way for Tang San to continue following it.

Eventually, Tang San stopped and looked into one of the brushes. Hiding within them was a huge spider, the man faced spider to be exact.

It was injured. The cogs in his head started turning as he kept a watchful eye on the spider, he wanted it.

A difficult fight soon ensued but eventually ended with Tang Sans victory causing a purple ring float directly over the spiders corpse.

This was his best chance at saving Xiao Wu. If he absorbed the spirit ring he'll be stronger. At least he'll have a better chance than before.

Another ring... From afar, the boy following after Tang San watched on intently as Tang San began absorbing the ring.

He noticed something else this time. Tang San wasn't just sitting there... He was manipulating some kind of energy to take in the spirit ring.

He raised his brow and continued watching. Down to every last detail he kept his eyes on Tang San.


Unfortunately, he was in the territory of the poison clawed tiger, a very powerful and territorial spirit beast.

To the boy however, it was just a nuisance distracting him from his research of spirit rings.


Not even giving the tiger a second look, he looked back at Tang San and continued watching the process of ring integration.

On the other hand, the tiger could feel the disdain the boy held for it causing the already angry tiger to become enraged.

It felt that the boy was a predator like him. There was something about the boy though and it was the fact that the tiger couldn't measure how powerful the boy was.


The tiger pounced at the boy in a fit of rage. Without even looking back the boy kicked out his leg and hit the tigers snout with incredible force causing it to fly back and crash into a tree.


"Shut up, leave now while I'm letting you go." The boy spoke aggressively.

Unfortunately, the tiger couldn't understand him and and attacked again thinking that the boy was provoking it.

Charging up, the tiger exposed its claws that gained a metallic sheen as a black liquid coated its claws.

As the tiger moved, some of the black liquid flew off and and fell into a patch of flowers. Immediately, with just the slightest contact, the flowers started decaying at a rapid pace.

With all its might, the tiger swiped at the boy who still had his back turned to it. Before the claws could even get close to the boy, he suddenly vanished from his spot.

Surprised, the tigers eyes looked up and saw the boy spining around in the air for a split second before it was blinded by a small foot that crashed into its head.


The metal shackle broke through the tigers skull, immediately killing it. On the other hand, the shackles around the boys right foot broke and fell off with a heavy thud.

A black spirit ring slowly rose from the dead body and hovered in front of the boy. Once again the boy curiously studied the black ring in front of himself.

"Why's this one black?" He questioned to himself.

He looked over at Tang San who was still absorbing the spirit ring then looked back at the black spirit ring.

After a bit of though, he sat down next to the ring in a meditation pose and closed his eyes.

Seconds pass, then minutes, feeling no changes, the boy opened one eye and peeked over at the black ring that was still floating there.

"Damn it, how the fuck!"

He peered over at Tang San again and noticed that he was surrounded by his friends who were all worried as he struggled to absorb the ring.

"Is it the color?" The boy started to think that the color affected weather he could absorb it or not.

Little did he know that he was right to a certain degree but there was more to it than than just the color of the ring.

A little bit later, the boy noticed someone approaching from behind him causing him to turn around quickly and become alert.

Seeing who it was he raised his brows, It was the little girl who was taken away earlier by the titan ape.

Just as the boy was about to leave, Xiao Wu called out, "Wait!" causing the boy to pause and stare at the girl.

"I know what you are..." Xiao Wu claimed as soon as she saw that she had the boys attention.

Unfortunately, the boy had no idea what she said as everything was foreign to him including language.

Xiao Wu didn't realize this and continued, "Er Ming warned me about you, he said you were following us."

Not knowing what to do the boy nodded stupidly as if he understood her but he was as lost as a certain green haired swordsman.

She continued, "You're like me... you're also a spirit beast like me. I don't know what you want with my friends but I have a feeling you're not trying to harm us."

Again the boy nodded but didn't say anything. He thought she was done talking so he was about to run but she called out to him again.

"Wait! Do you want to come with us?"
