

[WebNovel ministry warns: Reading this causes you headaches, irritation, stress, and the urge to curse the author.] Read at your own risk.


Following Tang San and the others, I left still thinking about some things that happened.

Just as the energy from my body was entering the sphere, I suddenly felt my eye begin to absorb this energy and prevent it from reaching the sphere.

But from the glow from before, I probably also possess full spirit power as it glowed a bit more than Tang San's before it started to fade.


"Master, how was it? Do any of them have the potential to be a spiritual master in our village?" Grandfather Jack asked with a smile as he bowed to Su Yuntao.

"Hm, two of them have a chance of that! One was born with full innate power, unfortunately... he has blue Silver grass as a spirit! The other had a blade like spirit, but only 3 spirit powers! That's great! , I only had two powers when I awakened my spirit," said Su Yuntao.

"Good! Good! Good! A chance is good!" Grandfather Jack was grinning from ear to ear when he learned that two possessed spiritual power.

"I said what I needed to say, now I have to go to other villages to get this over with." Su Yuntao said as he walked towards the village exit.

He didn't even bring up the subject of having them in the spirit hall, with the talent of their level there were loads there.

"Grandpa Jack, how do we get spirit rings?" Tang San asked curiously.

"I don't know! It seems that only spiritual masters can get one by killing spiritual beasts. It's dangerous work and it's too risky" Grandfather Jack said.


"Are you two by any chance the ones with spiritual power?"



Tang San and I responded at the same time.

Grandma Jack was surprised to hear our answers, so with a smile he asked us hopefully:

"Xiao San, Xiao li, do you want to receive treatment from a spiritual master in a gym? There you can see the real world and get stronger and richer!"

I accepted for sure! I was tired of living in this village where everything seemed boring. I wanted to go out and meet new people and then get stronger.

"Xiao li, go home while I go talk to Tang Hao. I won't be long back!"

I obeyed naturally and went home, I also wanted to see what my spirits would do.

I already knew the sword, but I still wanted to know what the power of my eyes would be. I was feeling that it would be something very extraordinary!!


Well, just really feeling...

When I got home and tried to discover the power of my eyes, nothing just came out! As if it had no power at all. 

Nor see through things.

No laser beam vision.

No illusions.

 Nor call giant meteors...



'Maybe I should have a spiritual ring to activate it first?' A thought popped into my head.

While sadly thinking about various possibilities, Grandfather Jack arrived with a smile on his face.

 "Xiao li, that bum finally agreed to let Xiao San follow us to the gym in three months' time. At last he came to his senses to see what would be best for his son."


So, three months passed in the blink of an eye...

I trained tirelessly during this period with my sword. I must say I was surprised by the results! I trained alone because I didn't have anyone who knew how to fight with swords to teach me.

My eyes haven't changed, and haven't shown any signs of power since. So I confirmed that I would need a spirit ring to unlock them.

Today was the day we were leaving for Notting Academy!

As Tang San would go with us, we started walking to his house to call him.

Holy Soul Village isn't very big, and it didn't take long before we reached Tang San's house.


"Tang Hao, Tang Hao."


Before entering Tang San's house, Grandpa Jack started screaming.


Tang san then went out the door of his house to talk to Grandpa Jack, but before saying anything Grandpa Jack continued.


"Little San, let's go. That idle tramp of your father can't get out of bed." 

Grandfather Jack called Tang San.

O avô Jack ligou para Tang San. 

Tang San made a silent gesture towards Jack.


"Grandpa, please be silent, Daddy hates having his sleep disturbed even more."

    As he spoke, he took a piece of burned charcoal from the stove and wrote a few lines on the floor. He again turned his head towards his father's room, reluctant to leave, and just then he got up with a bundle of clothes on his back and silently walked out with Jack.

Ele voltou a virar a cabeça em direção ao quarto do pai, relutante em sair, e então se levantou com uma trouxa de roupas nas costas e saiu silenciosamente com Jack.

 So Grandfather jack led Tang san and me towards Notting Junior Soul Master Academy.

 Notting Junior Soul Master Academy is another iconic location in Notting City besides Wuhun Hall.

 Basically, every resident of Notting City knows where it is, so it didn't take long. Old Jack brought Tang san and Me in front of the gate of Notting Junior Soul Master Academy.

I noticed several students in exquisite and luxurious uniforms. At that moment, when I saw the gate of Notting College, I was even a little shocked. This is just a junior college, but it's several times more luxurious than many modern buildings.

Grandfather Jack stopped in front of the giant gate in front of us and spoke politely to the guard who was watching us with a disdainful look.


"We come from the Holy Spiritual village, these children were lucky to be born with spiritual power. Could you tell us what procedures we should go through?"

 Then Grandfather Jack pointed to the two of us standing beside him.

But for the guard it was like he was hearing the funniest joke in the world. "Are you kidding me? A little village with spiritual power? Do you know how many years this hasn't happened!?" 

"Are you by any chance fakers?" the guard asked mockingly.

"Grandfather Jack, show us our document approved by the spiritual master!" I said, no longer withstanding that mockery.


"Ah! Yes, yes! Xiao Li is even smarter!" Grandfather Jack as he took two papers out of his shirt and passed them to the guard.

But even with that, the guard still didn't stop mocking!

"Blue Silver grass? Full full power?" You don't even know how to fake a document. The guard said, then picked up the other page.

"Humph, at least this one is more acceptable! One nameless sword and three of spiritual power." With this mockery, the guard threw the two pages on the floor like garbage.


"You!!" At this point I was really furious. Even when we speak politely and present enough evidence to show who we really are, he still makes fun of us! This is already a blatant provocation...

Looking coldly at the guard who was grinning maliciously. A broadsword suddenly appeared in my hand!



The guard pointed his hand in my direction as if he saw something amazing. He never thought that the commoners he was humiliating had the potential to actually become spiritual masters.

I didn't give him time to finish his sentences.

{ "First move: Fast cut!!" }

"STOP!!" A voice shouted from far away, but it was too late.

With a impulse of my legs against the ground, and a slashing motion from the bottom up… A waterfall of blood formed on the guard's severed arm, who was still dumbfounded.

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