
Douluo Dalu, Spirit Seven Sin Angel

Qian Daoliu picked up a child from the pile of dead people, considered him his adopted son, and named him Qian Ye. Six years later, Qian Ye awakened the Seven Sins Angel Martial Spirit, which has seven forms. ----X---- The Protagonist will not be friendly with Bibi Dong and is the enemy of Tang San and the Shrek Seven Monsters. His goal is to at the start is revenge then its to be the strongest nothing will get in his way. (He is a Transmigrator) ----X---- This is a TRANSLATION! Original- 人在斗罗,武魂七罪天使

Yandere_Obsession · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 4 Bibi Dong’s hostility

Papal Palace.

 A beautiful woman was sitting on the pope's seat. She was wearing a golden dress that fit perfectly from head to toe. The dazzling dress shimmered with more than a hundred red, blue, and gold gems.

 The nine-curved purple gold crown on the head is even more radiant. In her hand is a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless gems.

 Her fair skin and almost perfect face make her look so unique.

 Especially the invisible nobility and holiness exuded from her body make people unable to help but feel the emotion of worshiping her.

 A pair of majestic eyes filled with infinite majesty, this woman is Pope Bibi Dong of Spirit Hall.

 At this time, a dark figure came to the main hall in an instant and immediately knelt at the woman's feet.

 I saw that it was a man in black, with a cold face, with a hint of chill as if even the air was frozen.

 The person who came was none other than the Pope's right-hand man, Ghost Douluo Gui Mei.

 "See Your Majesty the Pope!"

 Gui Douluo knelt in front of the woman and saluted respectfully.

 At this time, the woman slowly raised her arms and stroked her forehead. Her lavender hair fell, making her look extremely graceful. Her indifferent voice spread throughout the palace: "Get up!"

 Ghost Douluo stood up. He came and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Qian Ye has awakened a mutated angel spirit!"

 After hearing this, the woman nodded slightly and looked at Ghost Douluo in shock.

 "Mutated Angel Martial Spirit?" Bibi Dong lightly opened her red lips.

 Ghost Douluo was silent for a moment and said: "Qian Ye has awakened the angel martial spirit. I think this matter must be reported to Your Majesty."

 The woman frowned and then said: "It stands to reason that Qian Daoliu picked it up. Yes, the angel's martial soul should not be awakened. How could a mutated angel martial soul be awakened?"

 Ghost Douluo immediately said: "That angel is a dark angel, and it contains endless evil aura. I think it's not an angel martial spirit, it just looks like an angel."

 Bibi Dong immediately nodded, looked at Ghost Douluo, and continued to ask: "Then how is his soul power?"

 Ghost Douluo immediately said: "Your Majesty, he seems to have Surpassed the innate level twenty!"

 After hearing this, Bibi Dong couldn't sit still anymore and stood up from the chair suddenly.

 "Beyond the 20th level of Soul Power? This is impossible!" Bibi Dong exclaimed.

 She just asked casually, who knew, but she got such news.

 This news surprised her.

 A person who is born at level 20 can already be called a powerful being. In the history of the Douluo Continent, only her daughter Qian Renxue has such a powerful talent.

 But I didn't expect that this picked-up wild child could surpass the 20th level of innateness.

 Bibi Dong stood up, looked ahead, and immediately said: "Gui Mei, why do you think Qian Daoliu picked up a wild child?" Gui Mei immediately

 lowered his head, not daring to look at Bibi Dong, and said quickly: "I don't know, I don't know ."

 Bibi Dong continued: "Qian Daoliu asked me to be the pope at the beginning because no one else in the Wuhun Palace could take on this important role except me. However, I didn't expect that Qian Daoliu would pick up such a talented wild child."

 Gui Mei immediately understood something and immediately said: "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

 "Qian Ye is so talented, Qian Daoliu will naturally want to support him to replace me. !" A hint of coldness appeared in Bibi Dong's eyes.

 After hearing this, Gui Mei immediately said: "Your Majesty, do you want me?"

 Gui Mei said and made a killing gesture with his hand on his neck.

 Bibi Dong immediately laughed.

 "Do you think that with you, you will be Qian Daoliu's opponent?"

 Gui Mei immediately said: "No matter how much the great priest protects him, he will always be alone, as long as I..."

 Bibi Dong shook his head and said: "If he dies Now, who do you think Qian Daoliu suspects?"

 Thinking of this, Gui Mei immediately understood and lowered his head slightly.

 Bibi Dong continued: "If this wild boy dies, I'm afraid Qian Daoliu will come to me and fight for his life. Now I am not Qian Daoliu's opponent, so I can't touch that wild boy yet."

 Ghost. Immediately said: "Yes, my subordinate is rude."

 Bibi Dong looked ahead and said immediately: "That's all, no matter how talented he is, he is just a bastard now and cannot affect our overall situation. This matter will not be affected in the future. Let's talk again!"

 "Yes!" Ghost Douluo said immediately.

 At this time, a sneer appeared on Bibi Dong's face, and she immediately said: "Since this bastard has awakened his martial spirit, I will go and meet him!"

 After that, Qian Daoliu left with Qian Ye.

 Qian Ye was the first to speak. He looked at Qiandaoliu and said immediately: "Father, my martial spirit is the Dark Angel. Will it taint your influence in Spirit Hall"

 After hearing what Qian Ye said, Qian Daoliu turned around. , looked at Qian Ye smiled, and said: "Child, do you think your father will care about that?"

 Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Ye and continued: "I know that there are many evil soul masters on this continent. However, it does not mean that having a dark martial soul will lead you to become an evil soul master. In this world, the strong are respected, and there is no absolute justice and evil.

No matter what martial soul you have, it cannot determine your future. life. Moreover, your father has already lost a son, so no matter what you do in the future, I will always be on your side."

 After hearing this, Qian Ye raised his head and looked at Qian Daoliu.

 Perhaps it was because Qian Xunji died, so Qian Daoliu poured all his emotions into himself.

 Qian Ye nodded and said: "I understand."

 At this moment, Qian Ye and Qian Daoliu saw a person from a distance, walking towards them step by step.

 The person who came was none other than the Pope, Bibi Dong.

 Bibi Dong dragged her brilliant purple-gold palace skirt and walked towards the two of them with elegant steps.

 Qian Ye saw Bibi Dong, and there was no fear in his eyes. Qian Ye knew very well that Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were at odds, and Bibi Dong was the murderer of his brother Qian Xunji.

 If it weren't for Qian Renxue's face, Qian Daoliu would have killed Bibi Dong long ago.

 Therefore, although the two seem to be in harmony on the surface both sides regard the other as an enemy.

 He doesn't like Bibi Dong either. He has read the original work and knows what kind of person Bibi Dong is.

 In his opinion, Bibi Dong was an extremely disgusting person.

 No matter how bad Qian Xunji is, he was the pope and a titled Douluo. That raised her and trained her. 

 But what about Yu Xiaogang?

 He is just a useless, swindling charlatan. Not only is he ugly, but he also has no abilities whatsoever.

 In the original work, how many stupid things did Bibi Dong do for such a person? 

 What disgusted Qian Ye the most was that Qian Renxue was Bibi Dong's biological flesh and blood, but she had never cared about her.

 She even didn't want Qian Renxue to call her mother, but called her sister.

 After Qian Daoliu brought her back, she exposed her murderous intent more than once.

 Therefore, Qian Ye naturally has no favorable impressions of Bidong.

 Bibi Dong came to Qian Daoliu "I've seen the big offering."

Qian Daoliu didn't pay attention to her. Seeing that Qian Daoliu didn't pay attention, Bibi Dong immediately looked at Qian Ye and continued: " I heard that my brother awakened a martial spirit today. I wonder what martial spirit he awakened?"