
Chapter 54: Great Star Dou Forest

The Great Star Dou Forest, one of the infamous spirit beast filled forests in the entire Douluo continent. Known for being the most ancient, biggest and dangerous of all the spirit beast forests, even a Spirit Douluo would die if they weren't careful. The spirit beasts there are known for their viciousness and killing intent. They are extremely terrifying and strong. As long as a spirit master has the right power and a bit of good luck, they can find the most suitable Spirit Ring for themselves. The closer to the center of the forest, the more powerful the spirit beasts. Stories even say that inside are even hundred thousand year spirit beasts.

So anyone would be filled with apprehension and be cautious when venturing into the Great Star Dou Forest.

So why is it.... Feng Qin looked down with a deadpanned expression.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute!!" Long Yuyin exclaimed as she held onto a small Capybara in her arms. The furry animal was staring up at her with big, round eyes and seemed to be enjoying the attention. Feng Qin couldn't help but shake his head at her reaction.

"Long Yuyin, we're supposed to be finding a Spirit Ring," he reminded her. "Not playing with cute animals."

He wasn't worried that the furry creature would attack her. Not only is it weak, a mere 60-80 years old that a Spirit Elder like Long Yuyin could easily snap its neck, but a Capybara spirit beast is known as the most friendly creature in the spirit beast kingdom, whether it be other spirit beasts or humans. It's why most spirit masters would be reluctant to hunt it, and even if they did, the Capybara spirit ring abilities are usually weak no matter how old they are so it wasn't worth hunting it. Some wealthy spirit master would capture and raise a Capybara as a pet.

"I know, I know," Long Yuyin replied, giving the Capybara one last pat on the head before reluctantly letting it go. "But I couldn't resist. It's just too adorable."

"I know it is, but could you at least not....express it so loudly that the entire forest heard you?"

Long Yuyin flinched, her face quickly turning red with embarrassment. "I-I.... shut up! Idiot! Stupid master!"

Feng Qin rolled his eyes and continued leading the way through the forest. This was going to be a long and difficult journey if Long Yuyin kept getting distracted by every cute creature they came across. But despite his annoyance, he couldn't help but smile a little at the sight of his friend interacting with the Capybara.

'Maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a little break....I sorta want to pet it as well.' His lips curled.

"I know you wanted to pet it as well, don't think I didn't see that interested look you had." Long Yuyin blankly stared at Feng Qin's back, seeing through his facade.

"....I'm going to leave you behind." Feng Qin's figure flashed in a burst of flames and disappeared from the spot.

"So you can be quite cute, Feng Qin."

She couldn't help but giggle as she quickly followed him through the forest. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun while they searched for the perfect Spirit Ring.

Two weeks had passed since they had left the Sky Fortune Kingdom and entered the outskirts of the Great Star Dou Forest. And during their travel both Feng Qin and Long Yuyin spent most of their time cultivating and learning martial arts. While the latter spent most of her time cultivating, Feng Qin spent more on learning and mastering more martial arts, though he also used the Myriad Soul Gem to absorb spirit power for him when he practiced martial arts.

With his cultivation stuck on a bottleneck for quite some time, he knew that he had to improve his martial skills to keep up with the increase of his cultivation. He had already learned quite a few new moves and techniques with the help of old man Xiu, but there was still so much to learn.

Heavenly Vast Universe Art, Heretical Spirit Body Strengthening Art, Blazing Fists, Flame Sword Style, No-Sword Style, and a new incomplete martial movement technique he created suitable for him with the help of old man Xiu; a short-burst movement skill that circulates and flows certain vessels in his feet that makes him shoot forward like a bullet....with the only huge downside was that it only lets you move in a straight line.

So yeah, it wasn't an especially great movement technique compared to some of the ridiculous ones he'd seen in the Sword Immortal's memories, but it was something HE created for himself with the help of a Divine Craftsman. Though he still wasn't quite sure on what to call it but he'll definitely think of a name when he completes the skill.

The Great Star Dou Forest was gigantic, it took them a couple hours before they finally encountered a thousand year old spirit beast.

"Feng Qin, should we get that one?" Long Yuyin pointed out at a large, two meters tall, six-legged elephant looking spirit beast. They both knew what species it was, having gone through several books from the Sky Fortune Library, identifying it as the Earth Stomping Elephant with a cultivation age ranging between two to three thousand years old.

They were hiding behind a large tree, a dozen feet away from the elephant spirit beast so it wouldn't sense them.

Sticking his head out from the other side of the tree, Feng Qin narrowed his eyes, observing the spirit beast for a moment before shaking his head. "No. Although it's good, it's not the one I was hoping for. The ability and the nourishment it'll give me would either be defense or attack related, something that I'm not lacking in."

Letting out a sigh, he nudged her shoulder and tilted his head to the side. "C'mon, we'll head towards another direction. Hopefully we can find the one spirit beast I'm looking for before nightfall while not accidentally enter the inner or core area of the forest."

"Oh please," Long Yuyin rolled her eyes, following after him. "like we or anyone else would be dumb enough to enter those areas without preparation. Even the most seasoned Spirit Masters would be cautious."

Feng Qin shrugged. "You never know. There are always those who think they're invincible."

With that, they continued their journey deeper into the forest. Despite the dangers that lurked around every corner, they both couldn't help the excitement that was building up inside of them. It wasn't every day that one could enter the Great Star Dou Forest and have a decent journey.

As they continued forward, Long Yuyin couldn't help but wonder what kind of Spirit Ring Feng Qin was hoping to get. She knew he was already incredibly strong, but she also knew that he was always striving to improve himself. She could only imagine the kind of power that he could possibly gain from finding his ideal Spirit Ring.

"Feng Qin," she spoke up, breaking the silence between them. "what kind of Spirit Ring are you looking for?"

Feng Qin paused, his eyes flickering towards her before he turned back to the path ahead of them. "You already know how my cultivation method functions, revolving around the basic elements or higher states of laws like Yin and Yang; creating a core in a certain part of my body." He paused for a moment before adding, "I've already got a Fire Core, so Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, Light, Darkness, etc. are what I need next. But the attribute enhancement I'll get when getting my next spirit ring is important as well."

"As you might know, the Fire element is known to give the practitioner increased power and destructive force. Right now I have no problems with my defensive or physical capabilities so any Earth type spirit beast is scratch off for now. While Water is an enticing one for me, as it enhances my physical defense and healing regeneration, my Fire Core would be weakened by it and would cause unexpected consequences in my body."

"Which leaves Wind, Lightning, Light, and Darkness as viable options for you." Long Yuyin said.

Feng Qin nodded. "Preferably either Wind and Lightning, as it would certainly increase my speed by several folds. As a sword practitioner, I am ashamed of my slowness."

He slightly blamed the Sword Immortal for it. He went through his memories to find a suitable movement skill but he was shocked to find out that there were only a slight few and all of them were at a advance level that only when he achieves five rings could he hope to learn any of them.

Long Yuyin nodded, understanding the sentiment. "I see. Well, I hope you find what you're looking for soon."

"Well, considering that Wind type spirit beasts are mostly more common than other types of spirit beasts, I shouldn't be worried."

They continued walking for another hour, encountering several more spirit beasts along the way, but none that captured Feng Qin's attention. As the sun started to set on the horizon, they decided to set up camp for the night and rest before continuing their search the following day.

Sitting in a cross-legged position around the campfire, tending to the fire as he roasted a ten year old Dark Chicken, Feng Qin couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. He had hoped to find his ideal Spirit Ring soon but they had been searching for so long and still hadn't found it. But he knew that giving up wasn't an option. He had come too far to back down now.

With a determined expression, he looked towards Long Yuyin who was currently eating. "Yuyin, let's keep searching tomorrow. We'll find it eventually."

Long Yuyin grinned at him, her lips slightly stained with oil by the chicken leg she was holding, her eyes filled with determination. "Of course. We won't stop until we do. By the way, can I have seconds?"

"No." He replied with a deadpanned.

"Oh come on. It's not everyday I can eat your cooking, master." Her lips trembled, eyes drooping tearily. She was both pouting and giving him the puppy dog eyes.

Sadly, Feng Qin was a man of iron will.

"Yuyin, that's your fifth piece of chicken and you haven't finish it, I haven't eaten yet. Just take small bites and enjoy it slowly, or you'll get fat."


A vein began to form around the side of Long Yuyin's face, looking like it was about to pop. "What did you just say to me, bitch?"

"Uh...." Feng Qin was taken aback at the sudden change of her mood. "I mean, just take it easy, okay? Don't eat too much or you'll get indigestion."

"Hmph!" Long Yuyin coldly snorted, turning her head away, ignoring her master.

'Idiot Feng Qin. Hmph. Hmph!'

Feng Qin just shook his head and focused on his own meal, trying not to pay attention to Long Yuyin's cold glares she was throwing at him when she thought he wasn't looking. It was going to be another long day tomorrow, and he needed to rest and prepare in order to be at his best. They still had a long way to go before they found his ideal Spirit Ring, and he was determined to not fail.

'The Great Star Dou Forest is connected to thr Heaven Dou Empire. Should I just head back in my homeland?'

As he was deep in thought, the sound of bushes rustling sounded in both his and Long Yuyin's ears.

In an instant, they stood up and went into a combat stance of their own. Staring intently at the direction where the bushes were rustling and was prepared to what was to come at them.

Feng Qin expected a lot of things, a spirit beast or a spirit master. But he didn't expect to see....


Sorry for the late update and being silent for the last few days. A family problem occurred and it was.... it was just shitty.

❄️Shout-outs to the great Cultivators of my patreon, may you all reach the peak of the heavens!


❄️Shout out for the Ones Above All of my patreon, the goats. The gods! The ones who reign unmatched in the heavens!



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