
chapter 39: Assasins

After a while, Lin Tian opens his eyes while 3 spirit rings floating on his back one yellow and two purple.

a smile blooms on his face after he feels the change in his condition, first of all with his third ring Lin Tian finally breakthrough his Spiritual power that has been stuck for quite some time now.

next, his third spirit ring is nothing special with the effect of increasing his speed by 30%. but the secondary skills that he gets are something he really wanted for quite some time which is illusion.

Now Lin Tian just has to train this illusion skill and hide his spirit ring color just like how Huo Yuhao does, it might also be possible for him to make an illusion of his aura and spirit ring making it red to frighten others if needed.

but this is just speculation for now and needs to be tested again later when he has the time, for now, what he needs to do is to get out of the forest before it becomes completely dark.

Looking at the fox's dead body Lin Tian decide to keep it in his storage for now and check it for spirit bones later, although the chance is small he doesn't want to bet on whether this fox has spirit bone or not in the middle of a forest with only him and his bodyguards.

getting a spirit ring might be alright with his bodyguards, but if a spirit bone is found they might become greedy and suddenly stab him in the back just so they can steal it for themself.

after all, a spirit bone can be sold for tens of million gold and with this amount of money, they can simply live lavishly for the rest of their life.

Lin Tian has just hired them for almost a year and he simply didn't have enough trust for them currently. Even family might betray each other if given the chance and reason to do so, so why would he give a reason to strangers that he barely knows for a year to betray him.

"Alright good job everyone! we have achieved our target for coming to this forest now, let us leave before the night comes."


"Also I'll give the four of you some bonus later thanks to you guys the hunt was smooth without any problem."

hearing this the four of them cheered since every time they have done a good job and Lin Tian gives some bonus, the amount given by him is definitely not small.

and so they all start following the river flow in order to get out of the forest as soon as possible, but just when they are close to getting out of the forest they hear some fighting sound.

Lin Tian directly scan with his mind and see tens of meter in front of him two groups of people are fighting, the first group has a total of 3 people and the second group has a total of 6 people.

the first group is composed of one girl and 2 guards which can be seen by their clothing. the girl is definitely some kind of nobles or rich people while the other 2 is her guards, as for the 6 people on the opposite side five of them is wearing pitch-black clothing covering their whole body and face while the last one is wearing the same guard clothes as the first group.

it seems the second group is assassins sent to kill the girl while the one wearing the guard clothes is a traitor, it can be seen that the girl is currently bleeding heavily on her right backside and seems to have been stabbed by the traitor.

"Damn you, Zhao Min! how dare you betray us, do you think the patriarch will let you go!?"

"Hmph, so what? as long as the three of you die I can just receive my payment and leave Start Dou Empire to live lavishly for the rest of my life, enough with the chatter kill them all."

when Lin Tian and his team come close enough to hear them talking, Lin Tian was thinking about whether they interfere or not. but before he could make any decision the assassins start attacking the two guards and killing them but they also lost one man in the process.

"Who's there!"

one of the assassins suddenly yelled and faced Lin Tian's team direction, it seems to be the scout of their group.

seeing Lin Tian's group the man in guard clothes just sneer seeing them composed of one boy with four other people.

Lin Tian group's clothes look pretty simple and a bit ragged after fighting the fox also there's no sign showing them being noble or rich people at all and this location being near the outer forest makes him reach a conclusion of them being weak civilians spirit master trying to get a spirit ring for the boy.

"Doesn't matter! since they have seen us in action they just have to pay with their life."

hearing this the other assassins start attacking Lin Tian's group, but little they know this action will bring their demise.

without any hesitation, Xu Ho and Su Ning stay at the front as a vanguard while showing their five spirit ring.

seeing the two Spirit King the assassins directly become stunned, all of them are only at the level of four ringed Spirit Ancestor, and now the people who they thought only a group of weak Civilians spirit master are actually spirit kings.

without any suspense the 4 black-clothed assassins were killed easily, they have been fighting for quite some time, and being stunned by surprise only help their demise to come earlier.

the traitor seeing his teammates being killed easily starts shaking himself in fright, there's no haughtiness from before left in his eyes only fear of death that will soon befall him.

Xu Ho asked, "Young master what should we do with the last man? should we torture him for information?"

"there's no need to waste our time just finish him off." Lin Tian answered lightly.

This is not the first human he has killed directly or indirectly. living in a martial like Douluo continent mean he will have to kill soon or later, and Lin Tian knowing this already baptized himself with blood by killing bandits on the road of his journey.

the first kill made him pour out all the food on his stomach, after all the feeling of cutting flesh and splashing blood especially from another human is not pleasant at all. but with enough time Lin Tian was able to finally accept it as something necessary to live as a Spirit Master.

after killing the last assassin Lin Tian finally take a look at the last survivor, the girl directly fainted when the last man was killed by Xu Ho. it seems she is holding on only using pure will which is pretty amazing for such a young girl.

Lin Tian directly takes the girl in a Princess hug since he already saves her from assassins might as well do it all the way. he finally commanded, "Let's leave this place now, the blood must have drawn some spirit beast nearby and we don't want to get surrounded especially when it's almost dark now."

and so Lin Tian's team directly sprint in order to leave the forest as soon as possible.

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