
Chapter 2 - The Godhand's Revelation

The dense foliage of Star Dou Forest enveloped me as I ventured deeper into its mystical depths.

'The forest here is so dense. Luckily, I didn't meet that baboon just like in the story. Wait... wouldn't that mean I wouldn't meet the Skydream Ice Worm?'

Every step felt heavy due to the fact that Star Dou Forest was a dangerous place.

If I met a hundred-year-old spirit beast, death was the only outcome.

'Should I continue? I don't even know if the 'Godhand' reward is going to be worth risking my life for... but, it should have answers to why I got transmigrated here.'

The air crackled with an energy that heightened my senses, and the subtle whispers of the forest seemed to guide my path.

As I journeyed further, the ambiance shifted. The sunlight filtering through the canopy wove intricate patterns on the forest floor.

The hushed rustle of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures created a symphony of nature, a harmonious melody that resonated with the heartbeat of the forest.

My senses tingled as I approached a serene glade bathed in dappled sunlight.

In its center stood an imposing figure, clad in a robe that seemed woven from the very essence of the void itself.

The figure turned to face me, revealing an otherworldly visage that exuded both wisdom and power.

'Who is this..?' I took a step back in a wary gait.

"I am the Guardian of The Demon King's Lineage," the figure intoned, their voice a melodic blend of wind and leaves. "You, who have been chosen as a candidate, carry a purpose bestowed upon you by the system of the Demon Realm."

The memories of the system's notification flashed in my mind – the objective to reach Star Dou Forest and the promise of the 'Godhand' reward.

The Guardian seemed to sense my thoughts, nodding in acknowledgment.

"The Godhand is a divine power, a manifestation of transcendental essence," the Guardian explained.

"To receive its power, you must prove your worthiness through a trial. Are you prepared, Huo Yuhao?"

"I have questions."

"Indeed. But, your questions will be answered within the trials. Let me ask you again, child. You may choose to follow the path of Huo Yuhao or to choose the path of uncertainty, your own story. Do you wish to partake in the trial?"

"Do I need to fight?"

I questioned with an uneasy look, the Guardian understood and replied.

The Guardian didn't answer my question but still foresaw through my worries like a mind reader.

"You will not die. That I can promise."

With a resolute nod, I acknowledged my readiness for the trial.

The Guardian extended a hand, and a radiant light enveloped us both.

Suddenly, I found myself in a surreal dreamscape, the boundaries of reality warping around me.

[ Trial 1: The End of Evil and Destruction ]

'What is this?' 

[ Synchronization: 17% ]

My eyes swept across the dimly lit throne room, a haunting spectacle of desolation.

Despite the echoes of recent chaos – the cacophony of battle, the anguished screams, the clash of weapons, the inevitable dance of death, and the scent of torn flesh lingering in the air – the space exuded an eerie loneliness.

The remnants of conflict clung to the cold, stone walls, casting an ominous pallor over the once-regal chamber.

Amidst the ominous shadows that cloaked the throne room, a solitary figure held court.

[ Synchronization 46% ]

Seated upon the ebony throne, a man with eyes ablaze in crimson. His jet-black hair cascaded in waves, a stark contrast to the onyx crown that rested upon his brow, each ruby gleaming with a malevolent radiance.

In the gloom, he seemed like a monarch of darkness, a spectral sovereign with an air of eerie majesty.

[ Synchronization 78% ]

Suddenly, the giant door to the throne room flung to the front before collapsing, with a glowing silvery warrior walking through the bloody red carpet, leading to the throne room.

[ Synchronization 90% ]

Her burning aquamarine eyes glared at the nonchalant figure, with hatred.

At the forefront was the Hero, a courageous and determined figure whose valor knew no bounds. Clad in armor adorned in white, the Hero wielded a sword that gleamed with the promise of triumph.

Beside the Hero stood Lady Seraphina, revered throughout the realm as the Saintess. Her presence exuded an aura of divine grace, and the gentle luminescence of her robes.

Lady Isolde, the Archmage, weaved spells with the finesse of a maestro conducting a symphony of arcane energies. Her formidable intellect and mastery over the mystic arts made her an invaluable asset to the Hero Team.

Sir Thorne, the Guardian, stood as the indomitable shield of the fellowship. Clad in imposing armor and wielding a colossal shield. His presence on the battlefield was a testament to the unwavering defense that anchored the Hero Team.

In the shadows, a vigilant sentinel named Elowen, the Archer, stood with bowstring drawn and keen eyes fixed on the horizon. Elowen's silent vigilance and lethal accuracy made him the eyes and ears of the Hero Team.

[ Synchronization Complete! ]

[ Objective: Fight the Hero Party. ]

Rewards: [Godhand]

"What... is this?"

I muttered while carrying a powerful voice that felt alien to me. My hands, now clad in dark gauntlets, gripped the armrests of the demonic throne.

Memories, not my own, flooded my mind – a history of conquest, suffering, and the wielding of malevolent power.

I stood up from my throne while glancing at the sky, with the ceiling already broken from the meteors.

The sky was ominous with the clouds painted in crimson blood.

The Hero Party stood vigilant with sweat on their necks as they took the action of standing up from the throne as the initial phase of the Demon King's act of the final battle.

Soon, a turbulent aura of ghastly destruction, and oppressive majesty poured down into the surroundings, causing the whole region of demons to kneel while the human forces fell down in fear.

'W-what did I just do?'

Soon, my mind integrated with the Demon King as if it were natural, almost like a piece of lost soul returning to its former body.

All of the years of fighting flowed into my mind, as I coldly glanced at the Hero Party.

[ You've obtained the trait, [ Ice Heart ] -- Your personality is coolheaded and calculative. It makes it less for the host to be influenced by internal emotions and mental attacks. ]

[ You've obtained the cultivation technique, [ Divine Body ] -- All types of energy contained within the body can be condensed three times. Your physical prowess is tripled. ]

[ You've obtained the Martial Soul [ Godhand ]-- It possesses the powers of the Demon King. ]

[ The Spirit Eye is mutating! ]

[ Warning! The Spirit Eye and Time and Space Eyes are combined. ]

[ You've obtained the [ Almighty ] Martial Soul -- You have the power to change the past. ]

Dark light portals sprung from the space around me, as I twisted time and space to send numerous dark swords, spears, axes, and a variety of weapons to the heroes.

"Thorne!" Elowen shouted as he rapidly flew towards Thorne's side while bringing Isolde into his grasp.

The rest of the Hero Party took refuge in Thorne's colossal giant figure.

"Get behind me!"

The Guardian slammed his giant shield to the ground, causing small fissures to appear, with a towering ghostly figure of a knight blocking the artillery-like power.

Boom! Boom!

Explosions of darkness flung to the knight's shield, while Isolde chanted a spell.

Her magic chanting created a shockwave capable of twisting space around the nearby portals, reducing the damages done to the Barrier brought by the Guardian, Elowen the Archer, fired a destructive penetrative force of divine energy coated by the Saintess' powers towards my direction.


Before the arrow could even reach me, I opened a portal with 5 shields blocking the pathway of the arrow.


With the divine shield, 'Indestructible,' as the last defense.


The shields in front tore into pieces after the arrow reached the 3rd shield. It stopped.

"Demon King!"

The Hero coated in silver light fell from the ceiling, as she rushed towards with her Holy Sword emitting a burst of divine light. 

I clenched my fist and threw a punch, it collided with the Hero's sword, causing the space to shudder from the impact.

'Hell Fire'


The black magic circle below the Hero sprouted, without her notice, but Isolde teleported the hero in time to avoid the attack.

Through using the cover of the second casting time of the cyclone hellfire. But, of course, I wasn't stupid to not know that. 

I snapped my finger to cast a dark portal with a powerful demonic weapon as the bullet.


A crimson spear appeared from a dark light portal, pointing towards Isolde. 

Once it pierces to the heart, it would instantly kill anyone. No matter how strong they were.

"Isolde! Watch out!"

It only took a second to almost reach the heart of the Archmage as it went past the Guardian's shield.

"Sh*t!" Thorne screamed.


But, a large amount of divine light stopped the Demonic Spear, Ajetus.

I grimaced at the silver haired woman.

"What a nuisance. All of you mongrels are persistent just like the cockroaches you are."

'??? When did I say that?'

I started to realize that I couldn't control my own body, perhaps this was a story foretelling of the Demon King…

Seraphina with a determined look cast her strong gaze towards me, as if prepared to do anything to save her comrade's lives.

The power of the Godhand allowed me to have an infinite source of energy from the negative emotions of all living beings. At this point, I was unbeatable.

As I released the true extent of the Godhand power. I used countless dark vines and dark spells to hinder the advancement of the Hero Party.

"What is that bastard trying to do?!" Thorne asked with a panicked tone due to the massive energy crowding towards the sky.

"Someone stop him!" The Hero shot more sword waves while the other members tried to reach me. But, it only took a few seconds to finish the spell.

"Elowen, take off these vines off of me! I'll use a spell to stop him-"

I reached out to the gloomy sky as if beckoning something from the void.

I used the power of Satan, the power of Wrath from the Godhand.

'Wrath of the Fallen.'

A magic circle engulfing the entire region cleared the gloomy sky, with an even more malevolent crimson light. 

It was a world-ending magic spell, using the negative emotions of greed, would allow me to conjure a 9th-tier spell.

It was a ball of darkness condensed into tiny particles of black light spread throughout the magic circle spanning through the region.

It only took a few seconds to rain down to the world, killing both allies and enemies a-like.

Boom! Boom! 

Crackle! Crackle!

Crumble! Crumble!

It was almost as if the world was ending.

What was left was the Hero Party battered, but still battle-ready.

Thorne managed to block the fissures of attacks with his shield coated with the Saintess' powers.

"Still alive? I applaud for the persistence, humans."

The Hero fell to the ground in despair at the sight.

"You... just why are you doing this? You were once a human!"

The Saintess screamed at the disastrous sight with anger.

"This world deserves no mercy." There was sadness in his voice, with an exhausted sigh, he coldly glances at the Hero Party.

"As for why..? I won't just rule this world, I will destroy it. All humans will be annihilated. This is the sin of taking everything away from me."

I spread out my hands with a smirk.

"Pitiful bugs, I will rid you of your filthy existences before I rule this world with my might. You will be the stepping stones."

"We won't let you." The Hero stood at the forefront of the Hero Party, with her simmering Holy Sword.

Her Holy Sword transformed into a spear, readying for a long range attack, but this transformation made him remember of a long-lost memory.

"That spear…" I grimaced.

"It was the spear once used by her… How? No… you must have desecrated her grave."

As the deep rage within me bellowed like the void's call. I glared at the Hero Party.

"I'll make you suffer a fate worse than death!"

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