
Douluo Dalu : Heaven's Path

Douluo Dalu × Library of Heaven's Path

Gherman_Sparrow13 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 27 : A Legendary Blacksmith

After practicing using Heaven's Path Body Art for several hours, Lin Fan finally got up and tried to check his progress.

"Hmm... The affinity of the Spirit Body has increased, at least now it's 11%..." said Lin Fan as he activated the Library of Heavens Path on his body.

Lin Fan knew that increasing the Affinity of Martial Spirits would take a long time, but he didn't expect that his progress would be only 1% despite practicing for hours.

In fact, Lin Fan could have accelerated his improvement, but he would need a lot of nutrition or Life Essence.

But due to the limitations of Nutrition and Life Essence, he was forced to not use it.

"But I think this is fast enough, within a few hours it has increased by 1%, maybe a day I can increase it to 3%..." said Lin Fan.

3% was the maximum increase he could possibly achieve, but it took all his time.

Whereas every day he has many activities such as forging and giving Essence to those around him. So achieving an increase of up to 3% is quite difficult for him, maybe a day it can only reach 2% or only 1%.

"It will take me at least three months, and that's the slowest..." said Lin Fan.

After practicing, Lin Fan stood up and checked the changes in his body. There was no significant change in his body, but he could still feel his Physical Power had increased slightly.

Of course, even though the Martial Spirits are not active, Spirit Masters still get a slight enhancement effect from their Martial Spirits. Moreover, when the Martial Spirit Affinity is higher, the enhancing effect is also getting bigger.

"Wow... The enhancement effect isn't that great, but it's only 11%..." said Lin Fan in awe.

Knowing this, Lin Fan had an idea to take advantage of his increased Physical Power. That is forging using a heavier Hammer!

Previously, Lin Fan could use a Hammer weighing up to 30 Kg, and if he tried even harder, he could use a Hammer weighing up to 50 Kg.

However, 30 Kg was the limit where Lin Fan could swing the Hammer freely, so he preferred this weight when forging.

Initially Lin Fan wanted to wait to get a Spirit Ring before replacing it with a heavier one, but who would have thought he could increase the weight of his Hammer before getting a Spirit Ring!

"The heavier the hammer I use, the easier it will be for me to forge Metal..." said Lin Fan excitedly.

And Lin Fan knew where he could get a heavier Hammer.


Going to Tai San's Blacksmith Shop, Lin Fan immediately met Tai San who was drinking wine.

"Grandpa Tai San, isn't that wine bad for your health?" said Lin Fan who was worried about Tai San's health.

"Sorry, Xiao Fan. I can't escape from Wine. You know? Wine can make you forget all your troubles..." said Tai San who was a little drunk.

Lin Fan knew what Tai San's matter was so closely related to One Strength Clan.

Even though Tai San had resigned from the One Strength Clan, he still wanted to be able to work again in this clan. It was just that the limitations of his cultivation and age had made him give up.

But even so, Tai San was still very worried about the fate of the One Strength Clan after being dumped by the Clear Sky Clan, making him eager to sacrifice himself for the sake of his clan's glory.

Then, Tai San suddenly shook his head with a sigh, "Sigh… Forget it, what do you need, Xiao Fan? Isn't today the time for you to undergo the Martial Spirit Awakening Ceremony?".

"Yes, I have awakened my Martial Spirit, and I have a chance to become a Spirit Master" said Lin Fan.

"Oh? What Martial Spirit did you awaken?" asked the curious Tai San.

Tai San was not an outsider, so Lin Fan found it fine to show his Martial Spirit to him, "My Martial Spirit is quite strange, it is Beast-Type but doesn't have the shapeshifting of an animal".

When Lin Fan activated his Spirit Body, he felt all aspects of his Physical Power increase. But when viewed from the outside, there is no change in body shape at all.

"Surprisingly, this Martial Spirit of mine increases the power of my body... And I prefer to call it Spirit Body..." Lin Fan explained.

When Tai San listened to Lin Fan's explanation, he felt that Lin Fan's Spirit Body was similar to the One Strength Clan's Martial Spirit, `This is the first time I've heard of a Martial Spirit other than Beast-Type and Tool-Type, could it be a variation?`.

"Most likely, the higher my cultivation, the greater the increase in my Physical Power..." Lin Fan explained again.

"Oh? Wouldn't that be a huge advantage for a blacksmith?" said Tai San who noticed it.

As a blacksmith, the most important first is Physical Power. Because the greater the Physical Power you have, the stronger the hammer force that is generated!

Not only that, strong physical power can also make someone use a heavier hammer, which definitely strengthens the hammer force!

`This Martial Spirit, isn't it very suitable for forging metal?` thought Tai San excitedly.

Basically, blacksmiths have their own techniques when forging metal, which of course is in accordance with the structure of the body they have.

Of course with their Martial Spirits, blacksmiths should be able to forge metal more easily.

However, the Martial Spirits that strengthened their bodies were mostly Beast-Types that changed their body structure, which made them unable to use their usual forging techniques, which reduced their effectiveness!

And knowing there was a Martial Spirit that strengthened the whole body without changing its structure, Tai San was excited to see how much Lin Fan was able to grow!

"Hahaa! I never thought that I would witness the birth of a Monster!" said a happy Tai San.

To Tai San, Lin Fan was a little monster that possessed terrifying physical power, and coupled with Lin Fan's Martial Spirit, he felt that this kid would become a legendary blacksmith!

Then, Tai San rushed to a place where he had hidden his treasure, and he also said to Lin Fan, "Xiao Fan, have you heard of Heavy Silver?".