

I wake up in the morning and the first thing I notice is that I have a red head and a blue head sleeping next to me, I was startled at first then i realize that the mutation finally came, I nudge them both a little as a sign to wake up but they just cuddle closer to me. I then poke them both in the forehead and they both wake up, they smile slightly and look up me then freeze Liu Ping and Liu Ning jump up and away as if their tails have been stepped on and then Liu Ping points a shaky finger at me and says "Who are you and what have you done to my brother!?!?" and Liu Ning Hides behind her sister. I laugh and then stare at them in a menacing voice and say "I ATE HIM!" and jump at them causing them to scream. I then fall to the ground laughing my butt off. Liu Ning then sees her sister for the first time and comes to a realization and then looks at me with a pouting face. After a few seconds Liu Ping then figures it out too then she comes and beats me on the chest.

I say "Get me a mirror I want to see how i look." Liu Ning nods and runs into the connected bathroom to grab a mirror coming back. I I nudge Liu Ping off me and stand up in front. I have Deep silver hair and golden eyes giving me a mysterious look. I look towards Liu Ping and see an blue hair, blue eyes cute little girl staring at me in annoyance and then I look towards Liu Ning that has Red hair, Red eyes staring at me with grievance.

We walk out to see our father and uncle Ainz, they are standing with a serious expression. I immediately get nervous wondering what it is. My father then speaks "There is a traditional Coming of age ceremony that for a minimum 10 years after your spirits awaken you are sent out of the clan to make a name for yourself, you will have one month of training to get acclimated to fighting." Then his expression softens and he says "This does not mean the clan is abandoning you, there are many clan businesses that you can go to take shelter at anytime. Also Your uncle Ainz here is the councilman of a wealthy merchant group call 'Mystic Relics Chamber of commerce'. And he will give you a Diamond level VIP card for each of you, there is only twenty of these made and including you only seven are owned." Uncle Ainz hands us a card each.

He starts talking looking at the girls "You girls, unlike your brother slack around doing minimal training and only reading. So you two are gonna train with your Uncle Ainz with your weapon of choice."Then he turns to look at me and contemplates a little then smiles "you asked me in the past to learn Sculpting techniques from me and I agreed after you awaken your spirits, are you still interested?" I nod my head like a wood pecker excited at the prospect.

He nods his head then motions me to follow him, I wave to my sisters who are pouting with a smirk on my face. My father takes me to a room that has tons of different types of rocks lying around. He starts talking to me "Our clans sculpting technique does not differ much from normal sculpting except for one part, we can fuse our intention into our sculptures and makes them come alive or preform actions. The main requirement is spirit rings, we have a special technique used to solidify spirit rings of spirit beast after they killed instead of absorbing them. That combined with the intention imbuing technique can make sculptures that get up and move."

I start shaking at the prospects of this, I can make incredible killing weapons and distractions, in addition with my illusion ability... I believe I can make some truly frightening things. I start listening to my father as he continues speaking "There are three things to make an intention sculpture, A handmade sculpture of course, A solidified spirit ring, and a clear idea and intention in your mind on what you want it to do. As long as these three things match in compatibility, with a slight injection of spirit energy it activates." My eyes start glowing at this.

I speak "What are we waiting for lets get started!" He laughs and nods and brings me over to a big square or rock that is 1x1x2 meters, He rubs his hand lightly over the surface and pulls out a chisel and a hammer, he whispers to me "Watch closely." He slowly starts to chip away at the rock in a slow rhythmic fashion, I slow start to fall into a trance watching him *Tick*Tick*Tick* hammer meets chisel, chisel meets rock, a flake falls off slowly unearthing what is hidden within. After what feels like hours of chipping away, what is left is a feather serpent with fierce eyes that pierce the soul. Before he finishes the piece he erupts in a dense killing intent where unlike normal killing intent feels like a viper staring down your neck.

As he finishes the piece it feels like it is becoming more alive by the moment. He then pulls out a purple spirit ring and he whispers "A spirit ring from a 1,000 year old wind serpent. watch." He then slowly pushes the spirit ring into the forehead of the winged snake and it flashes with a purple light as it shakes a little. What what comes out is a realistic sculpture of with green glittering scales and beautiful green feathered wings. He steps back admiring his work and smiles. He pushes spirit energy into the area the spirit ring was infused and the sculpture shakes and what emerges is a living breathing 1.5 meters long winged serpent. It lets of a screech and flies around a bit before landing and coiling around my fathers arm. He speaks to me "There are many techniques to use with sculptures that we have, like one that lets me have connected eyesight with my sculpture." he then lets it fly around some more before having it land and stops supplying spirit energy and it returns to that lifelike sculpture. He then continues on "Using specific types of spirit rings allows special abilities to the sculptures but it also reduces the life of the sculpture and if you use it too much then it will crumble to dust." He infuses spirit energy and aims it at a target dummy in a testing area and the Serpent flies up and starts sending countless wind blades at the target until it disintegrates and cant be used anymore. He smiles and looks at me "You understand?" I just slowly nod my with my eyes wide.

I really wanted to have a unique profession for my character cause in most other fan-fics the MC because a blacksmith. So I chose a special type of sculpting as an original idea.

*Snake darts made of stone that turn into real snakes and inject poison when thrown?

Hilerscreators' thoughts