

I wake up in the morning to two idiots shaking me awake, they are clearly excited and I know why. I get up bathe and dress and I get out to see my parents along With Uncle Ainz and Aunt Angela, my grandparents are there, even my usually absent great-grandmother is here, she usually stays hidden away because she still grieves over the loss of my grandaunt when I was young, (Patriarchs sister) Her name was Liu Shi Shi and when she was taken out of the clan by my great-grandmother to travel they were attacked by bandits and Liu Shi Shi was kidnapped. It sent the clan into a frenzy they destroyed several bandit operations and even many of their supporters. They destroyed several slave markets looking for her but she was never found sending my great-grandmother into depression.

My mother has tears in her eyes at our departure and my sisters are slightly affect by it. after a bunch of hugs and talking we are ready to be teleported before my father says "We prepared a gift for each of you that may help out on your journey." He brings out two books and hands the first one to Liu Ning it is titled 'The Lost Art: Essence Tools And How To Forge Them' and then he hands the other one to Liu Pig titled '101 Poisons And How To Make Them' these were because of Liu Ning's interest in blacksmithing and Liu Ping's interest in poisons.

My father then turns to my grandfather and grabs one last thing, it is a dark brown chest and he brings it over to me and opens it, when I see it my eyes go wide. It is a torso spirit bone! My father speaks "This is a torso spirit bone from a 10,000 year old Jelly Snake, renowned for their flexibility and resistance to blunt weapons, you have good strength and your muscles are building up every year. I was afraid that when you get older that while you may be super strong that you will lose out on flexibility, this will prevent that from happening and also give you an edge in combat. Go on, use it now we'll wait."

I nod then get ready to integrate with this spirit bone, I've read in books that it is a very painful process and that it is. I start to think 'Why! It hurts so bad! what normal person would do this!' It felt like my skin, bones, and organs were melting after what felt like hours the pain subsides. My father looks at me with some pity and smiles "Congratulations, you successfully integrated with the spirit bone." Before I get a chance to retort he steps forward and punches me in the chest and I go flying and smack against the wall and fall down, yet the weird this is besides for the sensation of impact I feel no pain. My sisters are wide eyed and come running over before I wave to them I am alright and I look at the ability of the spirit bone


Name: Jelly Snake spirit bone

Age: 10,000 years old

Ability: Enhanced flexibility and Impact



My father nods looks to Uncle Ainz and says "Its time, We will be sending you to an area just south of Silvers city that has an area with many spirit beast at a young age from 10-1,000 years old." We nod and give our final goodbyes before me and my sisters hold hands and are enveloped by Uncle Ainz Spirit ability.

We were surrounded by a bright light, then we were in the forest, and before we could say anything we were hit by an immense wave of nausea. My sisters and I start puking our guts out because of the spatial transfer. After we regain our senses we look around. Seeing no spirit beast in sight I turn to my sisters "Let us go get you guys your spirit rings.

After travelling around for a while we find a snake that is around 400 years old, It spirit ability is fire manipulation and we find out when it breaths fire and burns off my pants catching me off guard. Luckily our mother prepared us copious amounts of clothes which will last us until we are around ten years old then they will be too small. Later we find an Ice wraith which spirit ring gave the ability to make cold fog appear and freeze opponents as well as blocking their sight, it was just before the optimal limit at 420 years old.

After we get their spirit rings we start to train, I look at the bands on my arms, waist and legs. They were made by my father made from me from a weird stretchy material. Each one was made from a spirit ring of 1,000 year old spirit beast that had the ability to manipulate gravity there is nine in total, two on each of my limbs and one around my waist. The more spirit energy I input into it the heavier the gravity is allowing me to train harder. He said they should last me until around level 40 before they crumble from the spirit energy input.

Finally left the clan! No clan destroying spirit hall in sight!

*No Cliche here

*Family Friendly

*Definitely not family friendly for long.

Hilerscreators' thoughts