
Chapter 2: Old My Heavens

Elevated on a few feet high platform in the middle of the Plaza stands a kind of an altar-like obelisk with a transparent crystal ball on the top. Besides this obelisk stands the Grand Elder of the Wang Clan, Wang He Yun, with his usual aged, but stoic expression, and grey hair and Long white beard signifying his old age, clothed in a formal, bright-grey attire and one hands clasped behind his back and the other stroking his beard acting like a wiseman . About a dozen or so children, all of them around 6 years old, are standing on the platform below the obelisk, all of them quite fidgety and excited.

Sheng Feilong ascend the platform with the other children and stood in neat rows following the arrangement made before.

A few minutes later, the high-pitched voice of a eagle was heard and the square quickly quieted down.

" The Patriarch has arrived !"

A moment later, the Wang Clans Patriarch, Wang Ling, arrived, closely followed by a beautiful women who looked to be in the 30s and slightly resembled Lil Fei waving her hands at Lil Fei. He ascends the platform, heading to the side of the obelisk, opposite of Grand Elder Wang He Yun, waiting for everyone to quite down, while his wife Wang Yun stood beside him. Being the Patriarch of the Clan is not just a position of honour. It is a position of respect, only given to the mightiest warrior of the clans generation. Wang Ling is at the level of a Spirit Ancestor , a cultivator of level 40 or above. With his tall figure, in a tightly fitted formal attire and his, for the Sheng Clan common, ash-grey hair combed back and chin cleanly shaved, he truly commands the authority the Clans mightiest warrior should have. For him to hold the Awakening Ceremony himself, the excitement of the youngsters could be imagined.

Taking a step forward, Wang Ling fueled his voice with Soul Power, making sure it's delivered to anyone in the Plaza.

"As all of you know, today we've assembled here to proceed with this years Awakening Ceremony. Todays youngsters hold the future of the Wang Clan. I'm sure all of you will bring pride to your parents and the Clan. Well, enough of these empty words, let us proceed with the Ceremony! Wang Li , you shall be the first. Step forth."

( I know I am laughing too when I was writing after realizing what name I gave him, just in case you don't know what Wang Li stands for, Pineapple or pear at least in terms of pronunciation)

Responding to the call is a boy in plain clothing, with short brown hair, a calm face and a unexpectedly small nose, which doesn't really fit in with his round face. Stepping up to the obelisk, where Grand Elder Wang He Yun was already waiting for him, Wang Li stood there facing the crowd as the Grand Elder put his hand on the child's back, channelling his Soul Power into the childs body. Wang Li closed his eyes and shortly after, birds shriek was audible in the whole Plaza as the distinct image of a black feathered, 2 meters tall swallow-tailed kite appeared above Wang Li's head, letting out another shriek before slowly disappearing into the childs body, afterward he went up to the crystal ball, putting his hand on it and channelling his Soul Power into it. A moment later, the crystal ball lightly lights up.

"Black Swallow-Tailed Kite , a middle-lower tier hereditary Spirit Soul with an Innate Soul Power of level 3. Wang Li, you will surely bring pride to your parents in the future. Be sure to cultivate faithfully to become a powerful Soul Master in the future." Grand Elder Wang He Yun said with his usual monotone voice with a hint of happiness and a satisfied expression while stroking his beard.

"Very good, Wang Li return back. Next up will be Wang Ming'er." Patriarch Wang Ling said with a similarly satisfied expression.

Acknowledging the Elders responses, Wang Li bowed and return, before a young girl, named Wang Ming'er, ascended. Heading through the same procedure of awakening her Spirit Soul, earning herself a similar satisfied expression and responses from the Elders.

Only after around half a dozen children went through the procedure did something unexpected happen. When Wang Yunmei went up to awaken her Spirit Soul, she actually awakened the Four-Winged Lighting Swallow-Tailed Kite , a more powerful variant Spirit Soul of the relatively common Black Swallow-Tailed Kite with it's superior speed, agility and power. Moreover, she had an Innate Soul Power of level 6, the same level the Patriarch awakened with in his time, earning her sky-high praises from the Elders and Patriarch.

Afterwards nothing major occurred until only Wang Fei and Wang Hei remained, waiting for their Spirit Souls to be awakened – Wang Fei, the Patriarch's son and Wang Hei the Grand Elder's adopted son . Both of them looked at each other before Wang Hei gestured for Wang Fei to go first out of respect.

Wang Fei quickly head up the steps up to the obelisk, bowing to the Grand Elder and Patriarch before turning to the crowd, fidgeting around from nervousness, meeting his fathers reassuring gaze, he takes a deep breath and calms down. Seeing this, the his father gestures to Grand Elder Wang He Yun to begin, as the latter puts his hand on Wang Fei's back and channels his Soul Power into the child's body.

Feeling the warm current of Soul Power flowing through his veins, Sheng Feilong closes his eyes and focuses on sensing his Spirit Soul, however even after tens of seconds, nothing happened.

Feeling his Soul Power having no effect, Grand Elder Wang He Yun increases the output and pours more and more Soul Power int Wang Fei's body.

A few seconds later, a series of headaches assaults Sheng Feilong, as if his head was being hammered by someone, nearly causing him to shriek in pain and lose consciousness as some knowledge was forcefully squeezed into his head . Then abruptly a silhouette of a snow-white eagle appeared followed by a shriek causing many bystanders with lower tier hereditary spirit souls kneeling down while the talented middle tiers felt a faint suppression on their spirit soul, suprising the Grand Elder and Patriarch. Turning around and looking questioningly looking at the Grand Elder, he sees the shock in the latter and hears him exclaim.

" An eagle..?"

"It's a upper hereditary spirit soul?" Patriarch Wang Ling shouted in surprise.

Wang Fei hurriedly turned around , looking at his father, only to see him too shocked and speechless, like the Grand Elder before him.

The Wang Clan's crowd, seeing and hearing the reaction of the Patriarch and Grand Elder, as well as seeing Wang Fei's spirit begin whispering among themselves.

"That's a upper hereditary spirit soul, heavens this is the legendary spirit soul that appeared once in the history of our clan, the first descendent of Ancestor Wang Long!?"

"He is the Patriarch's son... how can he not be born with a powerful spirit soul"

"He couldn't possibly possess the legendary Heaven's Arctic Eagle? Oh my heavens!"

"The Patriarch's position in the Clan is firmly secured now then."

"Enough!" the Soul Power fueled, excited shout of the Patriarch immediately shuts the crowd up. Taking a deep breath, Wang Ling spoke in a voice, even deeper than usual.

"This matter shall stay in the clan, any who leeks this information to outsiders will be executed with no hesitation, now Wang Fei let's test your innate spiritual power."

Wang Fei clearly excited and joyous, then placed his hand on the crystal before it starts shining more and more brightly like never before, the white light turning a light blue than a deeper blue as it continues to shine, forcing Sheng Feilong to close his eyes, as he takes a step back, clearly taken by suprise. When his hand let go of the crystal ball, the light fades, leaving behind a stupefied crowd, Grand Elder and even his Father , unknowingly exclaims in a shaky voice filled with excitement.

"Heavens... Innate... Innate Full Soul Power...!"

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