
Nine Goddesses Body

"Grrrr" Shenti groaned as he woke up, feeling something clenching to him. Turning around, he found Meijing completely naked hugging him. Seeing her, he remembered what happened last night. Even if he had been very dizzy and almost unable to control himself, he perfectly remembered what had happened.

Shenti carefully separated from Meijing, his cock still hard and in her pussy, gaining a low moan from her, but without waking her up.

He took some clothes and left the cabin, going towards the near forest. Approaching his usual tree, hit it with his head.

"Now I even raped a 11 years old girl who trusted me over all" He said in contempt "I'm truly trash" He clenched his hands "What could have happened? It was like I wasn't myself, lust taking full control over me. If it weren't for Mei's care and me being able to gain some sanity..." He shook his head "I don't want even to imagine what could have happened."

"Bang!" He punched the tree trying to blow off some steam. He turned over the tree and his eyes went wide as he looked at the mark over the tree. It was far wider than usual.

He clenched his hand and punched the tree with his full strength "Bang!" "Crrrrrrr!" Cracks appeared over the tree, breaking it in half.

"BANG!" The tree fell over the ground, Shenti needing to step aside as it was about to fall over him.

"This is..." Shenti looked over his body and realized, he felt stronger than ever, his body brimming with energy. Even his body had grown, now being some inches taller "Could it be...?"

Shenti invoked his spirit, his body producing a low glow. A smile appeared over Shenti's face as he looked under him. A spirit ring was revolving around him. It was a strange one, lacking any of the usual colors and being transparent, giving some of an ethereal feelings, making it seem unreal.

Shenti sat down and started meditating over his spirit. The normal was knowing how to use your spirit and spirit skills, being an innate knowledge that followed the spirit since awakening. However, Shenti was a special case, it didn't matter how many times he tried to meditate or use his spirit, he didn't learn anything from it. He knew neither the name nor the uses nor the most important for him, how to cultivate it.

However, this changed today. Somehow he felt his spirit change, he knew that new knowledge would be available for him.

Shenti stood 1 hour meditating before he finally opened his eyes "9 Goddesses Body" he whispered, having discovered the name of his spirit. Shenti grinned "Hahahaha!" He started laughing "So it was like that" The knowledge of how to use and the special way to cultivate his spirit having been imprinted in his mind "I can't absorb spirit beasts' rings, instead I create my own spirit rings, needing to have sex with girls for that."

He had been unable before because he hadn't reached puberty. Once he had reached it, he had exploded in that insatiable and uncontrollable state. Finally, now able to obtain a ring and reach the spirit master rank.

He lifted his right arm and the translucent spirit ring started shining. Over Shenti's hand, a sword appeared. It was a long, clear blue sword seemingly carved out of crystal.

"Sword length four chi three cun, three cun wide. Hilt length one chi and two cun." Shenti instantly knew what was the sword "Seven Kill Sword."

How could he not know? It was the Seven Kill Sword. The spirit that was considered to have the strongest attack power of all the continent and also Meijing's former clan's characteristic spirit. That's why Shenti had studied it before.

He observed the sword, tracing his finger all over the blade "It's a little weak, but it would improve" He smiled "I need to tell it to Mei"

Shenti ran to the cabin. Entering, he found himself hit by a missile, Meijing jumping over his arms and hugging him "Shen!" She happily said, rubbing her face over his chest. "I love you!"

Shenti also hugged her. After some minutes, he broke the hug pushing her, gripping her shoulder. He looked at her up and down, her body still naked.

In only one night, her body had changed. She was a little taller, her skin and silver hair were shiner and her face fairer, becoming more beautiful, even her breasts had grown a size becoming B-cups. Overall, she did not longer resemble an 11 years old girl, she was more like 13 or 14. And by the strength of her hug, he was sure that her strength had also increased. There was also a distinct gray scale over her clavicle.

Shenti looked directed at her eyes. They were her usual ruby-colored ones and were full of love and adoration. If before she had a big crush on Shenti, it had now evolved into a complete and infinite love, Shenti becoming her life itself.

That was a secondary effect of Shenti's spirit. With the sex, he had created a link with her. That link affected both of them. He was able to create a ring and obtaining part of her power and she had a qualitative improvement in her spirit, making her stronger and cultivating faster. It was a gain for both. However, the changes weren't only physical, it also produced a mental change. It created an infatuation between each other, Shenti becoming like the love of the life of the girl. And for Shenti a strong feeling of wanting to protect her.

Shenti smiled at her lovingly, patting her head "Mei try to summon your spirit."

Meijing made a confused face but nevertheless, she nodded. She lifted her right hand, a sword appearing over her hand. Meijing's eyes opened widely, that wasn't her Wood Sword Spirit, it was exactly the same that Shenti had invoked before but less ethereal. It was the famous Seven Kill Sword.

"H-how could it be?" Meijing asked shocked.

"You had awakened your true potential due to last night" Shenti explained "And it's not only the spirit" Shenti went towards a little cupboard and took out a little orb from it. It was a spirit rank measurer.

The orb shined over Shenti's hands "You have broken through!" Meijing said shocked "I knew that you couldn't be trash. You will finally be able to accomplish your dreams, being recognized by the clan and becoming stronger" Meijing voice was kind of complex, an ounce of sadness coming from her.

"Why are you sad?" Shenti stroked her cheek, cleaning a little tear.

"You will become stronger as you should have. In the end, you will leave me, finding better partners than trash like me" She said crying. She was extremely glad for Shenti that he was able to cultivate again, but a part of her was sad knowing that she wouldn't be able to be at his side, she would only have these years together as her memory.

Shenti flicked her forehead "Auch!" Meijing rubbed her head.

"Silly girl" Shenti smiled warmly at her "I already said that we will always be together. I will keep my promise. Moreover, I am not the only one that is able to cultivate" Shenti said carefully leaving the orb over Meijing's hands.

The orb shined brightly, revealing a rank 10 "We will become stronger together, Mei" Shenti kissed her.

"Yes!" Meijing cried after breaking the kiss, tears of joy falling from her eyes as Shenti's arms surrounded her in a warm hug. It was really warm, she really liked Shenti's warmth and smell.

After some time, the broke the hug "Shen, are we going to the mansion now? Now that we are able to cultivate, they will receive us with open arms."

"No" Shenti turned serious and shook his head "I feel bad for mother, but I won't return with that fuckers of elders that only see us as objects, throwing us at the minimum show of uselessness. I will become strong of my own" He said determined "I'll make my spirit the strongest one. I will show that fuckers their long dream, a perfect spirit. They will suffer the wrath of me as they are destroyed by their dream." He turned his hand towards Meijing "It would be a difficult and dangerous path, but will you follow me?"

Meijing smiled at him "I will follow you always, even to hell" She took his hand "What should we do now, Shen?"

Shenti made a thoughtful look before answering "For now, let's find your first spirit ring."

Here's the final of the introduction, showing the way that the story would evolve.

His spirit has the ability to copy the spirit of the girls he bonds, trying to make the strongest spirit. It would require 9 girls with their spirit to reach the peak, comment your own options!

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