
Douluo Dalu 3: Fire and Steel[Dropped]

Xiu Ye, a young man who lived an ordinary life, unfortunately died at the hands of truck-kun and gets reincarnated into the Douluo Planet, more specifically, the Glorybound City's Orphanage. He lived a carefree and lazy second life, well, that is until he awakened his martial soul that everything went 180. A deserted lifeless land that had countless weapons from old legendary heroes and villains embedded into its earth. A blade whose flames equals the sun's. A talent in blacksmithing that no one can equal to. This is Xiu Ye's story of fire and steel. ==================================================== *I do not own anything except for this story. *Vote your power stones, comment, review and share this story with your friends! Visit my patreon and help support my hobby: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo Wanna be my friend and be up to date with my stories? Here's my discord link: https://discord.gg/aBH6KvtfAB

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 56: Food

"Excuse me, what?" Xiu Ye blurted out as he moves his latest creation, a long black colored metal compartment for a project he's currently working on, to cool down.

"I said, let's go out and eat. Well, Xie Xie wanted us to go out and eat, to celebrate our first victory in the tournament. I decided to invite you and senior sister Mu Xi." Tang Wulin said as he observes in awe at the finished parts Xiu Ye had put nearby. "Also, what are you making? All this parts you have here isn't any type of weapon I know of, except it maybe a large cannon. Are you building a large soul fixed cannon weapon? You do know that's illegal in the hands of a civilian, only those with a military background can have one."

Xiu Ye shook his head. "No, I'm not making a weapon. These parts are for a vehicle that I've been planning for an entire week. And no, this isn't a Mecha."

Tang Wulin's shoulders dropped and let out a sigh of disappointment.

As Xiu Ye grabbed a apple juice soft drink, he asks, "So, are you going to have me make you a true weapon or not? Cause that makeshift spear of yours isn't going to last long against tougher opponents."

Tang Wulin nodded and touched his storage ring, bringing out a hand size oval-shaped first grade thousand refined Heavy Silver, then he put it on the forging table in front of Xiu Ye.

A first grade thousand refined metal signifies the blacksmith as a peak level rank 4 blacksmith! But Tang Wulin isn't the only one who had made a breakthrough.

Xiu Ye hums, curiosity and excitement in his eyes, "And the designs? What kind of enhancements do you want me to add onto the spear? Weight manipulation? Elemental manipulation? Shape and size manipulation? Do you want me to spirit refined it?"

That's right. Xiu Ye is now capable of spirit refinement, which makes him a fifth rank blacksmith! He had set an all time historical record as the youngest fifth rank blacksmith. He had gotten his new official blacksmith rank badge two months ago, a whole month after his breakthrough to the Soul Grandmaster realm and Spirit Domain Realm, he used that time to continue on with his blacksmithing training with Mu Xi; hammering metals and reading on blacksmithing theorems and information, and he had unknowingly achieved enlightenment to do spirit refinement after an entire month.

He used an entire week to get used to spirit refinement and stabilize his blacksmithing foundation, then he asked for a promotion test.

Mu Chen and Cen Yue now understood the pain and awe Mang Tian always feels when he's around Xiu Ye.

Tang Wulin rubbed his chin for a brief moment before shrugging his shoulders. "I'll leave everything to you. You're the best weaponsmith that I know, and I trust that you know what's the best spear suitable for me."

Xiu Ye chuckled and nodded. "Alright, I can get your weapon ready in three days time and you can use it against me by then. Oh and I'll come along with you guys to eat out, Mu Xi is currently busy with forging so I'll be the one to ask her. What time and where do we meet up?"

Tang Wulin grinned and raised his right thumb up. "Nice! Okay, see us at Aunt Wang's jewelry store half an hour later. Bye!" He then left.

Xiu Ye looked down on his forging table, eyeing the Heavy Silver with a analytic look and within a couple breaths of time he already has the suitable forged spear in mind. But that would have to wait later on. He picked up the Heavy Silver and stored it in his storage ring, then his body began to emit a wave of spiritual power that swept the entire first floor building.

By the far corner of the first floor, the figure of Mu Xi could be seen, her long golden hair tied into a ponytail, a hammer raised up, sweat glistening down her sleeveless white tee, as she started hammering down on a heated metal. Her gaze was straight focused and determined on her work, even if the whole world were to be ending right now she wouldn't pay any attention.

Despite seeing that she was still busy, Xiu Ye decided to talk to her telepathically. 'Mu Xi, do you want to come with me and my friends to eat out?'

Mu Xi slightly flinched, hearing his voice in her head, before continuing on with her work and replied, 'Sure, I want to come with you guys. Just give me five minutes and I'll be right there.' After a couple of months working with Xiu Ye, dealing with his absurdness as a soul master at a constant daily basis, she had learned to be extremely used of his abilities if she wants to continue learning under him.

Xiu Ye nodded and walked up to the second floor to change, he didn't want to go out with his friends to eat while looking like a poor boy working hard to have money, what with only wearing long baggy blue pants and socks with wooden sandals, displaying his defined muscles and six abs.

Five minutes later and Xiu Ye comes down from the second floor, now wearing a black and white jersey zip jacket along with a slim blue straight jeans and black-white colored shoes.

He then saw Mu Xi heading his way, the sweat on her body started drying up with the help of her martial soul, she went past him and walked up to the second floor.

"Remember, don't take too long. We only got about 25 minutes until we meet up with them." Xiu Ye said and Mu Xi only responded with a wave of her arm.

15 minutes passed and as Xiu Ye waited by the side of the stairs, the sounds of feet coming down the stairs could be heard.

'Finally.' Xiu Ye turned towards Mu Xi, wanting to say something, but as his eyes lay upon her figure, his mouth hang open and he didn't say anything.

"Hm? Xiu Ye, what is it?" Mu Xi tilted her head, making her long golden ponytail to sway. She was wearing a grey long sleeve leather jacket, leaving the middle unbutton showing that she was wearing a black T-shirt that had the character letter for 'Hot' on the middle of the chest area. She wore grey colored denim shorts that reached her thighs and red sneakers.

Looking at her, from the up and down, Xiu Ye's heart suddenly started beating crazily for some odd reason that he couldn't understand.

'W-Why am I feeling weird? Oh shit, stupid developing sexual hormones...' Xiu Ye inwardly cursed, his face flushed in red. He totally forgot about the dangers of going through puberty, again! Fuck! He isn't going to enjoy these incoming few years.

"I-Its nothing. Let's go." Mu Xi tilted her head and nodded.

They headed out of the workshop and walked through the night streets of the Eastsea City, then they soon spotted Tang Wulin, Xie Xie and Gu Yue standing near a store.

Xiu Ye raised his right hand and waved. "Hey guys! So, where are we eating at?" The trio greeted him back and Mu Xi, who Gu Yue and Xie Xie had Xiu Ye introduced her to them before.

"To my favorite spot, and trust me, the food there stands equal or even surpasses your culinary meals." Xie Xie said with confidence and pride, as if he was the one making the food that they were going to eat.

Tang Wulin, Gu Yue and Mu Xi widened their eyes in shock and surprise at the audacity of Xie Xie's claims. All four of them had tried Xiu Ye's cooking before, the former having tasted it for years, while the latter had only tasted it when Xiu Ye invited them to eat at the workshop. And they all agreed that his cooking made the first window meals at the academy tastes like plain bread.

Yet, Xie Xie says that the food of a place they're currently going to would stand equal or even surpass the food Xiu Ye makes? Blasphemy!

'Heretic!' Tang Wulin, Gu Yue and Mu Xi glared at Xie Xie with anger in their eyes. Making the guy quickly take several steps back in fear.

Xiu Ye snorted. "Oh? There's someone here that can stand equal to my creations? Xie Xie, if that's true, then I'll teach you a couple assassination skills and dagger techniques."

Xie Xie stared at Xiu Ye in surprise. "Y-You're not mad?" The others also stared at the latter in surprise.

Xiu Ye shrugged. "I'm not really that obsessed with my cooking that I'll be instantly offended with you comparing it someone else's, in fact, I'll welcome the criticism. I want to compete my cooking with someone and widen my horizon on the path of a chef."

Everyone stared at him in awe and respect for his mature mindset. Xie Xie coughed in his hand and said. "Follow my lead, I'll take you all to my favorite place." He then started walking towards the food vendors district, Tang Wulin following behind him while Xiu Ye, Gu Yue and Mu followed behind him with the former walking between the two girls.

On their entire walk towards the food street, everyone started talking to each other about anything to pass the time. Xiu Ye, Mu Xi and Gu Yue were the ones mostly talking with one another though.

Xiu Ye and Mu Xi were mostly talking about blacksmithing, no surprise there, but the former and Gu Yue are most surprising as they were talking about the current situation of humans and the near extinction of Soul Beasts. This kind of talk was something that no kid would be interested in talking about.

"We're here! Let's eat that skewered beef first. It's boiled to tenderness. Having it with some rice is simply heavenly." Xie Xie said with a excited smile.

"Alright!" Tang Wulin grinned; he was already starting to feel hungry.

The stewed beef dish was prepared by boiling the meat in a light brown coloured earthen jar. After the meat was cleaned, slices of onions and ginger were added inside. The jar was used to trap the moisture in and keep the flavours during the stewing process. As soon as the meat changes colour, ten or so different types of spices were sprinkled into the jar before the long duration of stewing began. The meat would then turn soft and tender, and the flavours of the spices would combine well with the meat. This was a well-known dish within Eastsea City.

The shop was small in size, and the cooking table was situated outside the shop. There were a hundred little flames, and on top of the table were earthen jars filled with the savoury stewed beef. The steam coming out from these jars caused small vibrations upon the lids. Soft humming sounds echoed from the jars as a sweet and pungent fragrance lured passersby on the road.

Inside the shop, there were only five mediocre-sized square tables. With a maximum occupancy of twenty or so customers, half of the shop was already filled at this time.

It was now mid-autumn and the temperature was dropping as the days went by. The entrance welcomed customers with a gush of warmth and the fragrance of stewed beef. This was a comfortable feeling to experience.

Gu Yue showed a shocked expression to Xie Xie. "I'm surprised that a rich young master like you would eat at a roadside shop!"

Xie Xie didn't bother to argue with her this time round. "The stewed beef from this shop used to be my mother's favourite, and I ventured here occasionally." As he spoke, he had already moved into the shop and chose a seat at the table furthest inside the shop.

Mu Xi turned to glance at Gu Yue, with a frown on her face, she says. "Hey! I eat roadside barbeques, do you have a problem with me as well Gu Yue?"

Gu Yue blinked her eyes before they widened in realization, Mu Xi is the daughter of the Eastsea City's Blacksmith Association President, she was also classed as a young lady or rich kid. She waves her hands, "No. I have nothing against you Mu Xi. You know about how I treat Xie Xie, this–"

Mu Xi slung one of her arms around Gu Yue, with a smile on her lips, she says, "I'm just kidding Gu Yue, I'm not mad. I just wanna tease you that's all."

Gu Yue blinked her eyes and then rolled them, ignoring her.

Xiu Ye and Tang Wulin both giggled and they soon followed after Xie Xie. Tang Wulin sat opposite to Xie Xie, Xiu Ye at his other side, Gu Yue to his, and lastly Mu Xi to hers.

"Oh! Xie Xie's here, and he brought friends with him. The usual dishes?" The boss was a middle-aged man. He had an oil-stained apron tied around his waist and a wide grin on his face.

"En. Uncle Li, thanks." Xie Xie grinned back as he gave his thanks.

Three portions of stewed beef were delivered to them in a short moment, together with three bowls of rice and two vegetable side dishes.

"It's a first to see you've bring friends with you. These side dishes are on the house." Uncle Li grinned as he spoke, stroking Xie Xie's head as if Xie Xie was his own nephew.

Tang Wulin was shocked as he looked at Xie Xie. Xie Xie was obsessed with cleanliness, and his bed was by far the cleanest in the dorm. But at this moment, it didn't seem to matter to him that this roadside shop owner was touching him. Furthermore, he grinned without any signs of cringing. "Thank you Uncle Li."

Tang Wulin, Gu Yue and Mu Xi's image of Xie Xie was overturned by his current behaviour.

Xie Xie questioned them, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and eat." He was already opening the lid of the earthen jar as he spoke. At that very moment, a thick wave of fragrance flowed out from the jar. The broth was dark gold in colour, and small chunks of beef were visible within it. These chunks were so tender that they instantly fell apart when Xie Xie poked one with his chopsticks.

He picked up a piece carefully and rested it on his bowl of rice, before eating them together. His face lit up in contentment.

Tang Wulin had long since lost his patience. He followed Xie Xie's lead and started to eat, but then paused as he glance at his cousin. He wasn't the only one either, as the rest glance at Xiu Ye who had started eating.

"This is delicious." He voiced some words of praise as it really was tasty. The strong fragrance from the beef and broth was a beautiful marriage of freshness and saltiness that was perfectly supplemented by the rice. It was a perfect combination.

Xiu Ye could say that this food could equal to some of the meals he makes, and that's saying something as those some are at the level of a five star restaurant.

Hearing his words, Tang Wulin continued on eating his and had the exact same reaction as his cousin but also commented that the food fell slightly short to most of the best dishes Xiu Ye makes.

Both Gu Yue and Mu Xi tried a mouthful and broke into a smile.

This was a small shop, with dingy yellow light and worn furniture. But the food was astonishingly delicious. Beef, broth, side dishes, and rice; these four dishes provided its customers with warmth and comfort.

"Hmm. Not bad. If we weren't going to explore the rest of the food street, I would have challenge Uncle Li here for a food war." Xiu Ye chuckled as he then continued eating it. Not seeing Xie Xie letting out a huge sigh of relief and the others confused expression.

"Uncle Li, I'd like ten more sets." Xie Xie waved towards Uncle Li as he knew too well the eating abilities of a certain someone.

Tang Wulin scratched his head awkwardly. "Thank you."

"Yes?" Xie Xie lifted his head towards Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin gave a helpless face as he answered, "Your name isn't good at all. I was trying to thank you."

Xie Xie gave a bitter smile, his eyes a little red. "My mother gave me this name. She told me that she picked this name as she'd chanced upon something she was grateful for. The best thing that happened in her life was that chance encounter with father, but…" His face turned a shade paler at this moment, his hand gripping his chopsticks harder.

Xiu Ye elbowed Tang Wulin to the rib, who winced for being insensitive.

"Your mother?" Xiu Ye and Tang Wulin both then questioned cautiously. Though they knew that Xie Xie's family was wealthy, this was the first time they heard of his family's matters.

Xie Xie pursed his lips before he spoke. "Father is always busy during the day. Even when mother was gravely ill, he didn't come home. In the last moments of her life, she had only wished to see father once more, but he came too late. I can never forget that night; Mother's tears, and the regret in her eyes when her grip on my hand finally lost its strength. I hate him. I hate him! I detest my name too. If not for that chance encounter, mother wouldn't have…"

As he reached this moment, Xie Xie dropped down onto the table.

In this place, it seemed that Xie Xie had dropped all of that icy arrogance front he'd put up when they first met him. This was also the first time he shared his private thoughts with them.

At this moment, Uncle Li came to their table with fresh jars of stewed beef. As he placed the jars onto the table, he sighed. "This child is really pitiful. His mother loved bringing him here to my shop. But after his mother left, he came here alone with only the memories of his mother to accompany him. You can't blame him for that! It's rare to see him here with friends. I'm so happy for him. He's such a young child, yet he has such a heavy heart. Please help him if you can. Ay, how horrible!"

Xiu Ye and Tang Wulin both patted Xie Xie's back lightly. Mu Xi smiled sadly and proceeded to copy the boy's action. Gu Yue, however, sat in the same position, staring ahead at the crying Xie Xie. Her eyes seemingly filling with something.

"Hey, don't cry. I'll take back back my words and let you treat me today then." Gu Yue kicked across at Xie Xie.

Xie Xie lifted his head and wiped his tears off with his sleeves. "Don't I reek of money's stench!"

Gu Yue curled her lips before commenting, "So this brat loves bearing grudges."

Xie Xie retorted, "We are born on the same year and you're even several months younger than me. If I'm a brat, what are you? Bratty girl?"

Gu Yue opened a new earthen jar and lowered her head to consume it. She spoke as she ate, "I won't fight with someone who'd just cried."

As the students left the stewed beef shop, Uncle Li gazed at their figures and sighed. "Kids these days have such a large appetite!"

The meal of stewed beef had not only brought Xiu Ye and his friends warmth, but had unknowingly knitted strong bonds between the five.

Salt grilled huge prawns was next in line. These large, fresh prawns were skewed through with bamboo skewers before being sent off to the coal grill and topped with a sprinkle of salt.

Tang Wulin fully displayed the demeanour of a glutton god. As the five of them went from one end to the other end of the food street, their conversation was filled with happiness and laughter.

"Ugh, I feel so full..." Both Gu Yue and Mu Xi held onto each side of Xiu Ye's shoulders for support while Xie Xie did the same on Tang Wulin.

Xiu Ye grinned as he spoke, "If your appetite isn't big enough, don't try to eat like this glutton god over there." He pointed towards Tang Wulin.

Xie Xie rolled his eyes. "What glutton god? He's merely a foodie. That's what I wanted to say when I first witnessed his enormous appetite."

Tang Wulin hummed cooly, "Come on, let's continue eating since you're paying for it."

Xie Xie and Mu Xi twitched their lips, "You still have space for food?"

'Hasn't this guy already eaten enough to equal a whole cow as we went down this street?'

Tang Wulin answered proudly, "Yes!"

"Mm? What's that over there?" Gu Yue broke them off suddenly.

Xiu Ye, Mu Xi, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie lifted up their heads and followed Gu Yue's sight. There seemed to be a commotion near the entrance of food street and there were many bystanders crowding around.

The shop's position seemed to be that of the stewed beef shop!


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