
Douluo Dalu 3: Fire and Steel[Dropped]

Xiu Ye, a young man who lived an ordinary life, unfortunately died at the hands of truck-kun and gets reincarnated into the Douluo Planet, more specifically, the Glorybound City's Orphanage. He lived a carefree and lazy second life, well, that is until he awakened his martial soul that everything went 180. A deserted lifeless land that had countless weapons from old legendary heroes and villains embedded into its earth. A blade whose flames equals the sun's. A talent in blacksmithing that no one can equal to. This is Xiu Ye's story of fire and steel. ==================================================== *I do not own anything except for this story. *Vote your power stones, comment, review and share this story with your friends! Visit my patreon and help support my hobby: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo Wanna be my friend and be up to date with my stories? Here's my discord link: https://discord.gg/aBH6KvtfAB

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 41: Bait

AN: Happy Belated Halloween Everyone!💀💀💀🎃🎃🎃


The staff members, Shu Lengwei and Hua Wei stared with blank expressions.

This boy, Xiu Ye, who in the hell is he? No, what in the hell is he?!

Hua Wei gulped nervously as he licked his dry lips from opening his mouth for so long. "This boy, Xiu Ye, killed 20 hundred years old soul beasts and 1 thousand year old Crystal Bear with mere swordsmanship. Not only that, but his speed! It was something that no soul master at his current rank could have!"

"It was like a space attribute soul ability of Teleportation but he has a Thunder Hammer for a spirit soul. He could only have lightning related soul ability. That was just pure physical skill with probable soul power empowerment. This, this isn't just mere talent. He is a Shrek level genius!"

Everyone's eyes bulged in hearing what their superior had said, some even gasped in shock.

Shrek, the ancient word for monster and the current term for the number one academy in the entire Douluo continent, Shrek Academy!

It could be said that Shrek students are the pinnacle and dream for every soul masters in the continent, if not, the entire world. Because for anyone who graduated there as a outer court student were guaranteed to be one or two word battle armor masters!

As for the inner court students? 90% of the graduates are three word battle armor masters and have a Titled Douluo cultivation! The top cultivation rank of the entire world! It was no wonder Shrek Academy was the number one academy, for only they could produce such level of soul masters.

So for Hua Wei to say that Xiu Ye was a Shrek level genius, this meant that the boy is a potential powerful powerhouse in the future!

Shu Lengwei stepped forward. "S-Sir, what are we going to do?" There was concern in her voice. She was worried what her superior was going to do with the sweet little brother she had acquainted with.

Although they had met and interacted within a small span of time, Xiu Ye had left a good impression on her for being a cute and polite boy.

Hua Wei's face turned serious. "What are we going to do? Try to recruit him of course! However, we must not use force to try and rope him into our organization. Forcing someone could be detrimental for his cultivation and mental health, not to mention he would become resentful to us by forcing him. We must go with a soft approach."

He then grinned. "However, bribery is allowed! We must try everything that we could do to bring him into our organization."

Everyone nodded.

Shu Lengwei let out a relieve sigh, her hand on her heart feeling it racing, in hearing her superior. She was really worried for Xiu Ye.

"Hm? What is that kid doing?" A staff member looked at the monitoring screen with squinted eyes, staring at the current movements of Xiu Ye. He let out a gasp. "He-!"


'This is a stupid idea.' Ryūjin Jakka's deadpanned voice said in Xiu Ye's ears.

'No it isn't.' Xiu Ye rebuked.

'Yes, it is.'

Xiu Ye rolled his eyes as he huffed and flash stepped in a whole different location.

The world blurred in his vision for a moment before everything went back to normal, now staring in a completely different area.

It was a 7 meter diameter wide plain of green and blue grass field.

'Perfect!' Xiu Ye grinned as he turned to look behind him.

Hanging behind him was the dead carcass of a decapitated thousand year old Crystal Bear, skewered from the anus to its clean sliced neck was the blade of the Crimson Yang Sword. Blood still dripping from its wound.

Yup, Xiu Ye brought over the dead body of the Crystal Bear with him using the Crimson Yang Sword as his stick to carry it.

The bloody thing was about hundreds or even a thousand kilograms of weight, even if Xiu Ye strengthen his body so he could carry it, his speed would drop immensely. Making him an easy prey for any passing soul beasts.

As for the reason why he was carrying it?

Setting the dead body down on the ground, Xiu Ye took out his sword's blade out of it, he then flicked it to the side to clean the blood off, and sheathed it back. "Okay, I'll just leave this body here and wait for any hungry soul beast to come wandering around to find it. Then, I'll kill those soul beasts that come near here. Hook, line and sinker! It's like fishing, I have a delicious bait in the middle of a fish infested waters. He, I'm a genius!"

After saying that, Xiu Ye moved a bit of a distance away from the dead body of the Crystal Bear and sat crosslegged on the ground, the Crimson Yang Sword laying on his lap, waiting.

The smell of the dead Crystal Bear was thick and putrid, but instead of smelling decay and rot, it unexpectedly smelled like lilies. This had extremely confused Xie Yu when he carried it but ultimately didn't care much longer, as long as the lingering smell on him from the soul beast wasn't going to smell like a troll's feet to make him change clothes, he wouldn't mind and question it.

With the lilies scent of a dead thousand year old soul, especially one so thick, most of the soul beast in this forest would surely come and eat it. Then, Xiu Ye here would kill those that come near it.

The perfect, easy grinding, plan!

Xiu Ye waited. Then just a minute later, he could sense multiple presence converging into his location. Most of them felt weak, the auras of ten to hundred year old soul beasts. But he could feel the aura of 2 thousand year old soul beasts!

"Roar!" They let out a loud ear piercing roar.

Unexpectedly, or expectedly, when those 2 thousand year old soul beasts roared, all of the other soul beasts retreated in fear.

Xiu Ye grinned and waited. He was thankful most of the soul beasts backed out, even though he was extremely skilled and powerful, having to confront that many is too much for him to handle right now when he's trying to hide most of his powers.

He sensed them just 15 meters from his, and the bait's, current location. Then he frowned, he sensed one more presence heading towards his location. Its presence felt like a hundred year old soul beast, yet, it had so much energy than a normal hundred year old soul beast.

Not only that, but there was an aura of bloodlust and despair surrounding it. Like instead of a soul beast, it more like a demon beast than anything.

And how would he know the feeling of a demon beast in general? Hollows and other bullshit beasts the original owners of the weapons in his inner world had faced made Xiu Ye knew of them.

Xiu Ye's expression turned serious. A glow of yellow light appeared around him, revealing his hundred year old soul ring around his body. He didn't want to take any chances of him being cornered and be force to use his projection in front of the entire Spirit Pagoda staff, he has to use the more standard abilities of a soul master.

Several breaths of time later, the 2 thousand year old soul beasts was now in full clear view to Xiu Ye.

Both were two meters tall, dark red fur covering their bodies, yellow menacing eyes that seem to be glowing with hidden power and large sharp canine teeth that can easily bite through iron. Unexpectedly, they looked almost the same except one was more slim and had much longer legs.

Flame Wolves, as their same suggests, are of the wolf type species soul beasts that have abilities that centers around all types of fire. With the Blood Flame their most powerful and go to type of flames.

The pair of wolves licked their lips and teeth in seeing the dead body of the Crystal Bear but as their gaze wandered towards Xiu Ye, they growled.

Xiu Ye, however, smirked.

'Of all the soul beasts this forest throws at me, you had to give me ones who I have the highest elemental resistance to.'

The wolves continued growling for a brief moment before they both sprinted towards Xiu Ye, appearing in front of him in a single breath of time. The Flame Wolves recognize him as both a threat and desert after eating the Crystal Bear corpse.

Xiu Ye continued sitting, and didn't as so much as even flinch when the wolves appeared just several inches in front of him.

The wolves opened their mouths, showing two rows of sharp teeth and long tongue, the fire element in the surrounding gathered in their mouths, forming a spherical red flaming orb at the size of a basketball. It caused the area around them to rise several celsius.

Xiu Ye. He just looked at them in complete boredom and contempt. This was all what fire type soul beasts at the thousand year level could conjure? A simple fireball that can't even warm his body?

He let out a long sigh and unsheathed his sword for a moment, his yellow soul ring glowed a little bit, then a flash of horizontal blue light line appeared that soared across the field.

Xiu Ye sheathed his sword once more, sparks of blue lightning trailed across his body and the Crimson Yang Sword.

In front of him, the pair of Flame Wolves, lay dead with the half part of their bodies gone. Two balls of white light appeared from their carcasses and floated towards Xiu Ye's body. Making his spirit soul age cultivation reach 600.

Behind them, were dozens of trees with all of their upper wood cut off and left only stumps on the ground.


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