
Chapter 3: Let's talk

Xiu Ye let out a sigh as he flop down on his bed, his energy completely drained and his emotions are a mess.

Two hours passed since his martial soul has awakened, and in that couple of hours of timeskip, has exhausted him more than anything he has ever done for the last six years of his second life of existence.

First, the Soul Master who awakened his martial soul would report his strange scenario of his obscene amount of quality soul power coursing throughout his body, via his strange circuit like lines, as well as his powerful flame sword.

Just at the first problem had already Xiu Ye groaning; cause he knew, one way or another, that this would get the attention of the Spirit Pagoda who would later on joined hands with the Federation and Holy Spirit Cult to bomb Shrek Academy.

With his display of both powerful soul power and martial soul, they'll surely want him to join their organization, whether through propaganda or force, he'll just have to pray its the former.

Next, as per regulation in every civilized universe, he'll have to go to elementary school in the day after tomorrow: which is Red Mountain Academy. According to the Sun Moon Federation, elementary and intermediate academies had free intuition and were compulsory. Elementary academies was three years while intermediate academies was six years long. There were several ways to enter an advance academy: outstanding achievements, paying an exceedingly expensive intuition, or entering an academy of science and specializing in a field of study.

There are a lot of subjects in school but only two main classes: Soul Master class and ordinary class.

As much as Xiu Ye wanted to attend ordinary class, he couldn't, because of the final problem he's facing.

He's getting kicked out of the orphanage.

See, Xiu Ye's common sense of his past life, had mistakenly believed that when the caretakers said that children would be out of the orphanage when they're at the coming of age; he thought they were talking about being age 18 or something. But no, no, they fucking meant at six years old!

Though they would keep children longer until they're twelve at the least and sixteen at the max, but that rule only extends to kids who'd awakened a martial soul without a hint of soul power cause, let's face it, they can't survive much in the world. So for those who has soul power with their martial soul? They'll instantly be kicked out. There are many reasons to this but mostly because the children who'd awakened with a soul power and attends a academy, the Federation would give them a room provided by someone trustworthy and monthly stipend to sustain them; the child and the people taking care of said child.

Which is only possible, if the child attends the soul master class, if not? Well, they'll only get less the amount of federation coins they'll usually receive which is something no one taking care of a child, a stranger, would want.

Xiu Ye had thought Yu Fei would be able to take care of him but the latter declined; saying that, while it would be possible for him to stay with her, he'd only be able to if his weiner gets cut off.

She lives in a girl's dorm with the other nuns after all, the only way for him to live there is he becomes a girl.

Yeah, Xiu Ye immediately 'nope!' to that. People who would accept such requirement, just to only live in someone's house, is either desperate, retarded, masochistic, or all of the above. And he knew some people of that category, no thanks to the internet in his past life.

'So many NTRs.... bleh!' Xiu Ye shuddered in both horror and fear: the memories of his past life's dark history flashed through his eyes.

So, yeah, he gets kicked out of the only home he knew for the last six years and gets sent into a stranger's home, probably even adopted by said stranger or strangers' family.

'This second life of mine, is not what I expected!' Xiu Ye let out the uptenth time of sigh, sitting face up on his bed, he crossed of his arms behind his head; his thoughts wandering.

Although the events of his possible recruitment and moving to a new home is important, both is just second to the issues of his martial soul and soul power.

Lifting his right hand up, he closes his eyes, took a deep breath, and started circulating his soul power flow into his hand while trying to remember the feeling of summoning his martial soul.

Sentences of words that he never knew of, started to form and utter in his head.

'Judging the concept of creation' Lines of cyan light appeared on Xiu Ye's hand; from his fingers and then coursing down to his forearm. He unknowingly opened his eyes, showing them misty and hazy; as if he was under a spell.

'Hypothesizing the basic structure' A blueprint of a magnificent sword, Flowing Blade-Like Flame, appeared in his head.

'Duplicating the composition material' Some creepy entirely white individuals with mouths for eyes appeared.

'Imitating the skill of its making' Images of a forge, a strange man, and a great fire appeared.

'Sympathizing with the experience of its growth' Images of it starting as a blank state of a sword to a almost unparalleled sword of the sun, then as a old wooden staff and finally being shattered appeared.

'Reproducing the accumulated years' Hundreds to a thousand years of battles, wars and spars with the sword used solely by the man named: Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, appeared in Xiu Ye's head. The long history of the sword would have exploded his head, no doubt, but thankfully he didn't actually absorbed the memories of the sword, which is also the owner's as well, and just viewed it like it were a cut scene from a video game.

'Excelling every manufacturing process' Soul power flowed out of Xiu Ye's finger tips and a cyan structural form of a sheathed katana appeared on his hollow right palm.

Sparks of embers of fire started to appear around Xiu Ye's lifted hand and simultaneously as it appeared, the temperature around the room started to increase exponentially.

"Trace On!" Xiao Yan said out loud, but enough that it was a yell be heard beyond the walls and door of his room.

A moment later he said those two words, the sheathed sword called the Flowing Blade-Like Flame, Ryūjin Jakka, appeared with snake like flames dancing around its form.

The sword rested on Xiu Ye's right hand.

He stared at it in wonder and awe, the sword he had only saw in manga and anime, is currently in his hand and real!

A sword capable of using the power of the sun, is currently on his hand.

'This really shouldn't be possible...' Xiu Ye thought as he mentally commanded the flames around the sword to dissipate as he checks on the sword.

It was beautiful. The scabbard is mainly black in color, made with a material of a unknown wood; though he thought was mahogany, with red color streamlining the circular area of the hand guard area, the sides and bottom of the scabbard.

"This wasn't here before..." Xiu Ye mumbled in confusion as he stared at the scabbard on his right hand before shrugging it off.

He then swallowed a mouthful of saliva, clear nervousness on his face, as he carefully unsheathes the blade from its scabbard while mentally prepared to extinguished any flames that appear.

Thankfully there wasn't any flames, making him let out a sigh of relief, as he eyed the fully unsheathed sword on his hand.

Ryūjin Jakka's splendid steel blade reflected Xiu Ye's awed face as he held the sword. Despite the sword being taller than he is, and probably even weighing heavier, he didn't feel any discomfort or issues in holding the entire sword by its handle.

Unlike the swords in modern earth, which are made like decorations, this sword in his hand looked and felt like a true weapon for battle.

'Hold on a second... What were those strange sentences that I had uttered in my mind? Especially those last two words...' Xiu Ye narrowed his eyes, trying to think of the reasons as to why he did so but he came up in blank.

Deciding shelved it later on, Xiu Ye then turned his gaze towards the numerous cyan lines on his right arm and now on his left arm, which held the drawn sword, and he could feel some unknown energy flowing throughout his arms, empowering his strength more than double, and acted like it were veins.

He felt like he could punch a boulder to pieces, german suplex someone, split the ocean in half like Moses did and even destroy a small mountain!

Of course that was just the newfound power he was feeling; acting as a temporary drug, but a guy's gotta have to dream right?

Shaking his head off the power going to his head, Xiu Ye concentrated back on what he's going to do.

First, he has to handle on controlling his martial soul, cause he knew that despite being a sword capable of releasing comparable to the sun's surface; it wasn't able to disintegrate that Soul Master, that was with him in the Awakening Day, to ashes.

It could mean two things, one, this sword isn't the original, or, it must be because his soul power is not enough to bring out the sword's true power. The latter seemed more likely, cause Xiu Ye doesn't really want to think that the sword his holding is fake, but there was another certain possibility.

Staring at the steel blade in front of him, Xiu Ye muttered, "If you're real, then does that mean you're part of my soul? If so, then the powers you displayed on previous occasions wasn't your true strength, was it because you haven't really deem me worthy?" As if it were answering him, the blade then unexpectedly glowed bright red for a moment before returning to its previous state.

Xiu Ye's eyes widened in shock before smiling as his theory was correct.

If the sword in his hand is truly the Zanpakutō Ryūjin Jakka: then it must mean it is sentient, or is it sapient, and because it's a part of either his soul or Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto soul, and it could only display its true powers when it deems him worthy of it.

'Still, to have a sword, who has gone through a lot of wars and battle, accept me is probably by being strong, have great determination and a will of fire, right?' Xiu Ye let out a sigh, as he could just think of what the requirements of being worthy later on, for now he should just focus on his next objective.

His soul power.

Xiu Ye has an Innate Full Soul Power, soul power rank 10, and a soul power concentration of more than double of that said energy.

Such high abundant amount of concentrated soul power shouldn't be possible for him; Xiu Ye racked his brains out on how did this happen, but came up empty. He could theorize all night but he still wouldn't be able to find out.

He'll just just leave it as inborn talent, hm, yeah that should explain it!

As Xiu Ye was nodding his head several times, a knock on his door resounded.

"Brat, it's me, can we talk?" Yu Fei ever cold and indifferent said behind his door.

Next chapter