
Douluo Dalu 2: Multiverse

If you where given a chance at another life would you take it? World 0: Soul Land World 1: Star wars World 2: Noblesse World 3: Fate World 4: DCEU World 5: Bleach World 6: Marvel World 7: DxD World 8: World 9: Post Schedule: Monday to Friday ==================================================== *I do not own anything except for this story. I do not own the art. Support on patreaon at www.patreaon.com/MSChowder

MSChowder · Book&Literature
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Chapter 9:

"I think we can try it again Dean".

Xander excitedly informed the Elderly man.

In front of Xander an exhausted and brutally beaten spirit beast lay resigned to its fate.

Over the last couple of days Xander attempted the same technique again and found that he did not need to kill a spirit beast in order to interact with the mental energy.

Instead by using the sephiroth grail he could easily communicate and interact with the spirit beast's mental energy.

As for the spirit beasts being willing test subj. ehm helpers went. Let's just say after having a few rounds with the Dean, which involved a lot of beatings, the spirit beasts reconsidered their stance and were very helpful.

So helpful in fact that even their mental energies would not resist Xander making the process far easier.

As a result, Xander felt confident in trying to get his first spirit ring again.

The dean had at first found Xander behaviour strange, but he was aware that certain martial souls had specific criteria and functioned out of the norm. At least little Xan wasn't senselessly killing the spirit beasts and having had somewhat of an explanation he looked forward to see the result of this strange ritual.

"Very well little Xan. Though we must hurry, I have already been away from the Academy for too long and fear the work that may have piled up in my absences".

This prompted a chuckle from Xander. It seemed that this mountain of muscle had something to fear.

After restarting their search for a suitable spirit ring and traveling further into the forest, it didn't take long before they found a spirit beast that caught Xanders eyes. More so, Xander smelled the spirit beast before he came upon it.

"Is that, a Demon eye tree?"

The Demon eye Tree was Plant-type Spirit Beast. Compared to animal-type soul beasts, plant-type spirit beasts found it more difficult to survive. They grew slower than animal-type spirit beasts when they were young. Generally speaking, plant-type spirit beasts had to reach a thousand-year cultivation before they could protect themselves, whereas animal-type spirit beasts already possessed fighting strength at a ten-year cultivation.

Demon eye Trees were considered a rare species in the Great Star Dou Forest, they weren't considered very strong, even if they cultivated into spirit beasts. Only after 10,000 years, would their tree eye appear. They are considered spiritual-type and are most adept at using their tree eye to numb and control their opponents. After that, they will gradually use their corrosive sap to kill them. While their opponents rot away, they will turn into nourishment for these Demon eye Trees.

The Demoneye Trees' survival rate is considered quite high among plant-type soul beasts, as they don't have any fruit that other spirit beasts found extremely tempting. In addition, they even release a pungent smell. Generally speaking, it is not common for other spirit beasts to take interest in them. However, that didn't make them any less rare.

"Dean, I want this spirit beast as my spirit ring".

The Dean sighed before responding to Xander.

"Little Xan, you should know that although this tree has a spirit attribute it also has a small amount of evil attribute which is opposite to your own. Also, its spirit type attribute will only be effective after 10,000 years of cultivation. Its current age of 600 will not give you a suitable spirit ring".

Xander hurriedly replied, aware of how rare a 'spirit' attributed spirit beasts had become.

"I know Dean. But as a plant type spirit beast it also represents earth and nature. More so I can feel a reaction from my martial soul".

Of course, that was a lie. But Xander had to use everything he could right now in order to persuade the Dean.

Now you would be confused as to why Xander put more importance on this pretty helpless tree spirit beast.

Even faced with the duo the tree had no means to defend itself. Besides the foul-smelling odour that emanated from the surroundings.

Xander was hoping to turn this spirit beats into a spirit soul and not a simple spirit ring. Hopefully then it would gain the ability to grow in age. Something exclusively available to spirit souls. But even more than that Xander couldn't give up the chance at gaining the potential ability to mind control.

Mind control was an incredibly potent weapon if used correctly after all the biggest weak every living being had was there mind.

As far as getting the spirit beast to 10,000 years went. Xander was aware of a certain area with immortal herbs which he could feed this tree. After all he would thoroughly exploit the knowledge, he had of this world.

Add to the fact that a 10,000-year Demon eye Trees mind control ability was one of the most potent types of mind control from all spirit beasts.

"Please Dean".

After repeatedly trying to convince the Dean and using his secret technique which he seldom used as a result of embarrassment. Using the cutes of a 7-year-old child. He succeeded in persuading the Dean in allowing him to turn the tree into his spirit ring.

Though the Dean was unhappy and repeatedly tried to dissuade the child. Xander's relentlessness which he had seldom seen made him sigh and follow the child's antics. He hoped the child would learn from this. Afterall suffering an early set back could be helpful and even if the spirit ring was useless, they could improve upon this with future ones.

A deep roar emerged from the Deans body seemingly shaking the surrounding trees as a phantasmal from of dark brown bear emerged from his back.

Five shimmering spirit rings of, 2 yellow, 2 purple and 1 black emerged from behind the dean.

Accompanied with the powerful glow of 5 spirit rings the Deans massive amount of spirit energy crashed into the rough grainy body of the 2-metre-tall tree.

The tree shuddered in response as it was helpless against the torrent of power flowing towards its.

After continuously baptising the Tree with his spirit energy to crush any lingering resolve and fully tire the spirit beast of any energy reserves the elder signalled to Xander to continue. Breaking spirit beasts' wills was something the Elder found he was quite good at. Though the fact that a plant type spirit beasts wasn't that intelligent to begin with, should make the process far easier.

"Be careful little Xan."

Smiling in response to the Dean. Xander approached the tree summoning his martial soul and easily entering the spirt beast's mind.

(A.N - Hey guys :). GiVe Me Ya StOnE's. Me HuNgRy.

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