
Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo

Huo Yuhao's destiny was to become the second legendary figure in the history of Soul Land; as the Ice Spirit Douluo, Founder of Spirit Pagoda, one who created a new era of soul master, the one who revived Tang Sect, and the God King of Emotions. That was what he meant to be. Only, in this story, it was different. His eyes witnessed helplessness, despair, tragedy, and most of all...pain. "This world, shall know pain..." A pair of scarlet eyes with strange pupils suddenly glowed. Look out world, for the Heavenly Eyed Douluo has descended. .... *I do not own Douluo Dalu, it's owned by Tang Jia San and I'm making this to fulfill my fantasy of Huo Yuhao having Sharingan. *P.S. The early chapters have some text copy-pasted from the original novel for a bit of info dump for newcomers of the Continent's situation, Soul Master and Soul Beast lore, etc. So to make up for it, I'm making the chapters longer than I usually do for my other stories. Check out my patreon and support me: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 34: Absolute Domain

Wang Yan felt a bead of sweat rolled down his temple, shock filling his entire heart as he stared at the stage of Arena 33.

Especially at the handsome looking student with long black hair with white tips, Huo Yuhao, the boy with eyes as his martial soul, a rare body soul type martial soul.

He wasn't no longer just impressed by his rare martial soul, but at his seemingly domineering power!

When he first saw both Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao being overwhelmed by the Lan sisters' soul fusion skill, he thought that Huo Yuhao would have a difficult time turning the tide. After all, despite how rare his martial soul is, with his lower soul power and inferior quality soul ring the possibility of defeating the twins was just impossible!

But instead, contrary to his expectations, Huo Yuhao had effortlessly broken through their defense and defeated them.

Not with some god-like wit and strategic thinking, nor with the use of underhanded skills, but through brute strength!

It was as if Huo Yuhao possessed an invisible barrier that protected him from any attacks. Wang Yan couldn't understand how Huo Yuhao managed to do it, but he was amazed by his strange ability.

Such power was impossible for a ten year soul ring to possess, it could only be a innate skill of his martial soul.

Wang Yan was astonished.

At that moment he decided he would bring this matter up to a higher up, hoping that they would take interest on Huo Yuhao and give him the attention and resources this hidden gem needs.

"Huo Yuhao!"

Both Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao ran over towards Huo Yuhao, spreading their arms out, they unhesitatingly hugged him tightly. Hugging each other tightly, their excitement and relief were palpable.

"Dude! You looked so freaking cool and awesome!! Thank you!" Wang Dong exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration.

Xiao Xiao nodded vigorously, "That was amazing Huo Yuhao. What the heck was that ability you used anyway? I thought that Spiritual Detection Sharing was your soul skill."

Huo Yuhao smirked, rubbing their heads, he calmly said. "Not now, people could be listening in and we still got four more matches to participate after all. Also, that ability I used depleted a lot of my soul power so I'm leaving the rest of the matches to you both and I would only stepped in when you're in real trouble like with the Lan sisters."

Wang Dong snorted, stepping away from Huo Yuhao, he slapped his fist. "Hmph. Fine. Since you saved us, leave the rest of the matches to us and just sit your ass down to rest."

"Yeah, you earned it Huo Yuhao." Xiao Xiao giggled. Wang Dong turned to her.

"Oi, when are you going to let go of him?"

"Hmph! Bleh!!"

Fortunately, for the rest of the matches of the examination day, they didn't encounter any powerful opponents and breeze through the entire round-robin tournament, obtaining the best score in their group. Earning them on the top spot of the sixty-four teams for the finals to battle for the championship.

After bidding goodbye to a excited looking Wang Yan, the trio then headed to the back of the cafeteria to get their ingredient for Huo Yuhao to make.

"Little Yuhao! As usual, here's your fish and noodles." A kind looking middle aged woman smilingly said towards Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao nodded, handing over the cost of the ingredients, he then and said, "Thanks for supplying me as usual as well, auntie Bo."

Auntie Bo laughed and started patting Huo Yuhao's back, "A lot of people has been telling that you make a mean roasted fish and a bowl of noodles. When you have the time, give some to me and the kitchen staff."

"Of course."

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao watched from the sidelines at Huo Yuhao's interaction with Auntie Bo with surprised looks.

"Huh. I always thought it was senior sister Tang Ya that's been supplying Huo Yuhao with the ingredients." Wang Dong muttered.

Xiao Xiao's eyes narrowed, "Senior sister Tang Ya?"

'Do I have more rivals than I previously thought? Tch. Huo Yuhao is just too handsome!'

Wang Dong rolled his eyes, recognizing the jealous look in her eyes, "She's Huo Yuhao's teacher and his first benefactor. She's the reason why Huo Yuhao's in the academy, as she's Tang Sect's sect master, she pulled some strings to have him passed into the academy."

"Also, don't think much about her relationship with Huo Yuhao. She already has a guy."

"Oh," Xiao Xiao let out a relieved sigh. She then glanced at him, "What about you? Is there a girl you fancy?"

Wang Dong snorted, crossing his arms. "No, no I don't. All the girls I've met are either too annoying or crazy." He shivered. "Especially the latter. Ugh. I've already spotted and reported three stalkers just this week. One even gifted me a box of chocolates filled with her...body fluids. If it wasn't for Huo Yuhao, I would have ate them without knowing anything."

"Oh, oh! Eww. I'm so sorry Wang Dong. Things have been really tough on you, huh.... Tch. Damn. Why can't you just be a playboy and distant yourself from Huo Yuhao."

"What was that?"


Huo Yuhao then finished talking with Auntie Bo before meeting up with the two and heading towards the previous spot of where they gathered together with Ning Tian and Wu Feng.

It didn't take long before Huo Yuhao made a couple of roasted fishes and a few bowls of ramen.

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao gulped, staring intently at the meals in front of them.

For Wang Dong, he had already ate these almost everyday so he quickly snapped out of his daze and started eating his portion of meals.

Xiao Xiao however, she only tasted his barbecue in the barbecue party so this was the first time she'd actually seen Huo Yuhao's roasted fish and ramen.

After gulping nervously, Xiao Xiao first grabbed a roasted fish stick and took a small bite.

Her eyes snapped opened, tears started flowing out of her eyes.

"This taste, this texture... it's like biting into food made by the gods!" She happily cried out, taking more and more bites of her roasted fish.

"I know right?" Wang Dong said, grinning, before continuing to eat.

The two ate like they were possessed by hungry ghosts. Going through their meals with speed that would even equal Tang Ya's ferocity in eating.

Huo Yuhao stared at them with a strange expression.

'They're just roasted fish and ramen...'

After waiting for a while, Huo Yuhao said, "Weren't you two curious on the ability I used against the twins?"

The two perked up, stopping their eating frenzy. They vigorously nodded with wet ramen in their mouths.

They didn't say anything. Their eyes did it for them, 'Tells us, tell us!'

Huo Yuhao's eye twitched and he let out a sigh, "You both already know about my soul skill and some of my mysterious techniques, so you two know this isn't either of those. No. This is an innate ability of my martial soul, a rare secret of the body soul so you two better not tell anyone about this!"

Of course, this was entirely all bullshit but he wanted to keep all his secrets a secret and spread out false ones to make people believe a false impression on him if they ever hear this information from Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao.

Though he trusted the two, there was no certainty that someone wouldn't just read their minds with some secret forbidden ability.

It was better to spread lies than the truth, there's a reason "white lie" is invented after all.

'Sorry guys, but a ninja never reveals all his secrets.'


"A rare secret of the body soul?!" Both yelled out in shock, spitting out some of the ramen in their mouth.

Huo Yuhao was angry, "What the fuck did I just say?!"

"..." Both flinched and quiet down, looking like beaten puppies.

Huo Yuhao rubbed his brows, not expecting their reaction to be that extreme, and continued, "This innate skill of mine is called Absolute Domain...."

Absolute Domain — This was Huo Yuhao's fourth soul skill from his first soul ring, with the third called Flame Control; the name itself is self-explanatory.

Absolute Domain is one of the two skills that Ancestor granted him after erasing the original third and fourth skills. This skill lets him have control over space in a very limited reach, just about 20 inches of diameter around him.

Huo Yuhao had first thought that it wouldn't be much useful. After all, when you first think about space you'd naturally think about teleporting around. He could teleport himself in his 20-inch range, but it immediately drain all his soul power in a split second.

But after a few days messing around with it, Huo Yuhao finally realized how utterly busted his Absolute Domain was.

The reason he named it Absolute Domain was because he had absolute control over space in his range of control.

He could twist and bend space around him, making all attacks slow down or be reflected; making any sort of attacks aimed at him useless. He could even make himself run faster by distorting the space under his feet, effectively increasing his speed. It was an extremely powerful defensive skill that allowed Huo Yuhao to avoid and counter his opponents' attacks with ease.

But what made it even more overpowered was that it could have offensive capabilities as well. By compressing the space within his domain, Huo Yuhao could create a small area of high pressure, effectively crushing anything within it. This allowed him to deal significant damage to his opponents without even touching them.

Huo Yuhao, of course, didn't mention the offensive capabilities of his Absolute Domain. He wanted to keep that as a surprise for later, when he truly needed it. For now, he was content with using it as a defensive skill to protect himself and his teammates.

Of course, it had its own limits. Ancestor himself made sure to keep his head cool and not get an inflated ego because of it.

After several rounds of torture–eh, training with Huo Yuhao to completely figure out his fourth soul skill this is what they found out.

One, continuous use of the skill would rapidly used up his soul power as expected. As of now, Huo Yuhao could only keep it up for five whole minutes if he was using it as a defense and one minute if he went on attack mode.

Secondly, seven-soul rings and above could easily pierced through his defense from what Skydream had observed. It was because those with seven-soul rings would start to have some measure of control over space.

'What? Did you think that Soul Sages just used their soul power to fly? Or they suddenly comprehended the wind element? When one reaches seven-rings, that would be the time when they condensed a Soul Core. And when one starts to create a Soul Core they would subconsciously start to comprehend the numerous laws of the world, one of them prominently being space.'

'Honestly, that was as far as I can understand from the years of possessing people in the past.'

Is what Skydream Iceworm had explained to him.

After explaining the basics of his Absolute Domain, Huo Yuhao ended with a warning. "Remember, this is a secret. Don't tell anyone about it, or I'll kick your asses."

Both Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao nodded vigorously, completely in awe of Huo Yuhao's incredible ability.

They thought they had already seen all of Huo Yuhao's strength but they were wrong.

At this new revelation of their classmate, friend and leader, the awe and admiration they have in their hearts about Huo Yuhao grew.

They silently swore to grow much stronger, not only to not get left behind by him, but also to one day stand by his side and protect him!


❄️Shout out to the great Cultivators of my patreon, may you reach the peak of the heavens and conquer the earth!


•Muhammad Imam

❄️A bigger shout out to the ones who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Orion Chung


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