
Chapter 15: First Day of School!

"Fifty gold soul coins....haha..." Huo Yuhao chuckled nervously as he leaned against a tree that he randomly picked for his next stage of soul power control training.

You might not know this but fifty gold soul coins was enough to comfortably feed an average family of three for three-four years! Even after working in the White Tiger Duke Mansion for almost his entire life, Huo Yuhao had barely scraped a couple gold soul coins.

"Thankfully the old man had a bit of mercy and gave me a time limit till the end of the semester. Teacher Xiao Ya and senior brother mentioned that I can earn money by doing some odd jobs in the academy. Hmm. With my housework skills, I think I can do a lot of jobs." Huo Yuhao pondered over the possible odd jobs he could take up in order to earn the soul gold coins he needed. As he considered his options, he let out a groan.

"But my training time would be shortened....This is all that guy's fault." Huo Yuhao couldn't help but think of his roommate, Wang Dong.

Ugh, just remembering his face made him feel like punching something. And knowing that he's gonna be his roommate for at least a year just made the feeling worse.

"No time for brooding around. I gotta get this Tree Climbing exercise down and start learning some ninjutsus if I want to survive in this school."

With that, Huo Yuhao stood up and turned to face the large tree before him. Its balk was as wide as ten of him combined, with thick branches stretching out in all directions. It was a perfect target for his next training exercise.

Tree Climbing was the second stage of controlling one's energy in the Ancestor's chakra/soul power control, to gain more skills in chakra control. While the first one had you learn on how to perfectly flow the soul power throughout the user's body and stop overflowing and leakage, Tree Climbing makes the user learn on how to control the soul power around the user's body.

Taking a deep breath, Huo Yuhao focused a fixed amount of soul power to the bottom of his feet, feeling a sense of lightness in his legs as he began to position his right foot on the tree balk and slowly shifted his weight onto it. As he concentrated, he could feel the energy flowing from his soul power into his feet, acting like some kind of magnet, allowing him to stick to the tree.

Huo Yuhao let out a small breath as he started to climb, every move he made required precision and control, as the slightest miscalculation could lead to him losing balance and falling. He carefully placed his left foot on the tree, then his right, alternating his steps as he ascended.

"Hehe. Just like how I practiced back in my spiritual sea. It's easier than I thought–" He didn't manage to finish his words when he unfortunately lost his footing and simultaneously the control of soul power in his feet, making him fall down on the ground with a loud thud.


There was a brief moment of silence.

"Okay. I was asking for that...." Huo Yuhao groaned as he picked himself up from the ground. He dusted off his clothes and inspected his body for any injuries. Fortunately, he hadn't sustained any major harm, just a bruised ego.

Huo Yuhao looked up at the tree again, determined to succeed this time. He knew that failure was a part of the learning process, and he couldn't let one setback discourage him.

"Alright, me, you. I'm gonna climb you like a monkey and I'm gonna own you." He swore with a serious expression.

The tree said nothing, just like its brethren around it, it just silently stood there like it always has been for hundreds of years.

Huo Yuhao narrowed his eyes, taking its silence as a challenge. He took a deep breath and focused his soul power once again, channeling it to the soles of his feet. This time, he was more cautious, making sure to maintain a steady flow of energy.

One, two, three....


One, two, three....


Huo Yuhao continued this for a few hours, making great progress, managing to walk up the balk for a couple feet and dangle under one of its branches(which led to his head getting a bump) and spent a couple more hours of practicing basic ninjutsus, taijutsus, genjutsus, bukijutsu and shurikenjutsu. He can easily do the three academy ninjutsus and taijutsus, no need to even mention genjutsu with his Sharingan, bukijutsu and shurikenjutsu were all about handling weapons, hidden or not. And the only weapon he had right now besides throwable ones, was the White Tiger Dagger.

Looking at the sharp blade of the dagger in his hand, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but....think.

'I wonder.....when the time comes that I'll come see you, how will you feel as I take this out and stab you wit it? Fear? Anger? Sadness? Regret?' His eyes flashed red and in an instant he slashed the tree beside him with the dagger, leaving a deep gash in its trunk that was halfway through of cutting it off.

'Father, that bitch and her children....' He clenched his grip on the dagger. 'My vengeance will come.'

Unbeknownst to Huo Yuhao, the grey ball of light that was slumbering in his spiritual sea began to stir up.

"This hatred, this darkness....oh it feels so familiar yet so different.... Is this the curse that man said?"


Just a few minutes after the sun fell and twinkling stars filled the sky, Huo Yuhao finally returned to the dorm room feeling exhausted, so much in fact that he ignored the glaring Wang Dong and the sheet of blanket acting as a temporary window in their room and immediately slumped on his bed and went out like a light.

"Just what is with this guy? Hmph." Wang Dong muttered and coldly snorted, deciding to ignore Huo Yuhao as well. Though he couldn't help but grip his chest, remembering how Huo Yuhao hit him he couldn't help but fume in anger once more and turn in early for the night as well.

The next day Huo Yuhao continued his day by waking up early a couple hours before sunlight broke out, circulating Mysterious Heaven Technique to widen his pathways and strengthen his meridians to access more of his soul power, then cultivating the Purple Demon Eyes when the sun rose.

Glancing at the still sleeping Wang Dong he shook his head, changing into different casual clothes, he then went for a jog for an hour before heading towards the cafeteria then headed towards the forest to continue his training till the sun fell. And just like yesterday, he returned to his dorm feeling exhausted and immediately fell asleep.

And this time when Huo Yuhao came back, Wang Dong observed him once more and could faintly sense the strength of Huo Yuhao's soul power, but the more he sensed it, the more incredulous he felt.

'Just by relying on his strength, how was able to beat me?!' This thought repeated in his mind till he fell asleep.

The next day, as Huo Yuhao had just finished up cultivating his Purple Demon Eyes, Wang Dong's voice sounded from behind.

"Oi, class starts today. Are you still going to stand there like a fool?"

"Class is starting?" Huo Yuhao asked subconsciously. Then he looked back at Wang Dong with a raised eyebrow. "Oh wow, are pigs flying somewhere right now? Because I think I'm seeing a miracle."

"Oh piss off. Hurry up and take a shower so I can change here in peace, we got about an hour."

Huo Yuhao cracked his neck and said, "Yeah, yeah. I got you."

It was as if their enmity towards each other had been forgotten, but it was only a temporary truce that they silently agreed on. There was a time and place for their animosity, and right now, they had to focus on their studies.

The large gates of the white teaching area were opened wide, and the new students who were now wearing white-coloured school uniforms walked inside in a single file. Everyone's clothing had the symbol of a small green monster on their left breast pocket, which was the symbol of Shrek Academy. Students from different year groups had uniforms of different colours; they had uniforms that were the same colour as their teaching areas.

"My first official day of school and I'm running late." Huo Yuhao muttered under his breath as he rushed towards the new student's teaching area, he was just in time to hear the ringing of the bell.

He rapidly rushed inside and saw the sign for Class 1 on the first room to the left on the first floor, causing him to immediately dash inside without any hesitation.

The moment he entered the classroom, he earned at least a dozen stares from girls who blushed as he raised an eyebrow at them. Not understanding their reaction Huo Yuhao merely shrugged and tried to find a seat, but he arrived at the last moment, the number of seats left for him to choose from were very little.

So imagine his surprise when numerous girls began standing up and offered their seats to him, and when they saw each other doing it, a large argument between girls began.

Huo Yuhao just stood there, completely confused at the current situation. He didn't understand how his presence had caused such a commotion among the female students. Such is the ignorance of his handsome looks.

With his smooth and healthy skin, slightly sharp facial features that made him appear mature and handsome; it didn't help that he had shoulder length black hair with white tips and deep blue eyes that seemed to look into your soul if you stare at them.

If his Ancestor were to be awake right now, he would facepalm and mutter, "Ah, the second curse of my bloodline. The fangirls!"

Feeling slightly overwhelmed, he quickly scanned the room for an empty seat.

"Sorry girls, but my friend here already has a seat. His my right deskmate."

Huo Yuhao was surprised to see Wang Dong grabbing his left and announcing to everyone that he was his deskmate. Before he could say anything, argue specifically, he was soon led by the latter to his seat and made him sit next to him.

"What?" Wang Dong said, noticing Huo Yuhao's staring.


"Ah, well. Don't get used to it. I just want you to owe me, is all." He snorted, not looking at him.

Huo Yuhao smirked and shrugged. He didn't want to owe someone, especially Wang Dong. When he finally starts earning some money he'll buy the guy one meal from the expensive food window, but one of the cheaper ones.

At that moment, a person walked in the classroom's door. It was an old lady with wrinkled skin and shriveled hair. Her grizzled hair had been rolled into a bun, and she wore a set of white robes. Furthermore, her body's figure was average in size. The most unusual thing about her were her extremely bright eyes, which seemed to radiate light from her black pupils.

'A disguise?' Huo Yuhao raised an eyebrow. Although the woman in front of everyone else looked old, to him she appeared to be a beautiful young woman with fair and flawless skin, with silky silver hair and light copper eyes.

He didn't even use his Sharingan but he'd been subjugated with numerous Genjutsu tricks and other disguise techniques from the Ancestor that with just his normal eyes he can easily see through someone's true face, it helped that his eyes had been enhanced by the Purple Demon Eyes and that her disguise technique was a simple one.

The old woman's gaze calmly swept across the crowd from left to right, immediately causing everyone to feel her gaze raking over them, which in turn caused a formless pressure to appear in their hearts.

"I am Zhou Yi, and I'm the teacher in charge of your class. I'm not sure how many of you will be able to keep up with me for the following year, but I have to tell you something: in my class, trash can't pass my assessments. I want to cultivate monsters, not idiots."


❄️Shout out for the one Cultivator who remained and had continued on reaching enlightenment!


❄️Shout out for the One Above All! Man will rule the heavens!


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