
Douluo Dalu 2: Heavenly Eyed Douluo

Huo Yuhao's destiny was to become the second legendary figure in the history of Soul Land; as the Ice Spirit Douluo, Founder of Spirit Pagoda, one who created a new era of soul master, the one who revived Tang Sect, and the God King of Emotions. That was what he meant to be. Only, in this story, it was different. His eyes witnessed helplessness, despair, tragedy, and most of all...pain. "This world, shall know pain..." A pair of scarlet eyes with strange pupils suddenly glowed. Look out world, for the Heavenly Eyed Douluo has descended. .... *I do not own Douluo Dalu, it's owned by Tang Jia San and I'm making this to fulfill my fantasy of Huo Yuhao having Sharingan. *P.S. The early chapters have some text copy-pasted from the original novel for a bit of info dump for newcomers of the Continent's situation, Soul Master and Soul Beast lore, etc. So to make up for it, I'm making the chapters longer than I usually do for my other stories. Check out my patreon and support me: https://www.patreon.com/FroztDouluo

FroztDouluo · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 116: The Struggle

"Tch!" Wang Dong'er clicked her tongue and hurriedly jumped back, she then unhesitatingly threw kunais at the silver winged assassin. But he effortlessly deflected them using his wings, as it wasn't completely organic.

'Dammit! I hoped that I was seeing it wrongly, but this guy's martial really is the Thunderbird!' A bead of cold sweat trailed down Wang Dong'er's face.

Thunderbird, a martial beast soul known for its speed, lightning attacks and steel-like wings. With his Soul King cultivation, it would take using Wang Dong'er's third soul ring to even damage his wings.

The assassin glared at them for a moment before turning towards his comrade and asked.

"You alright, Ming?"

Ming wryly smiled and replied. "Hey Feng, thanks for the rescue. I would've been stomped to death by that little shit if wasn't for you. And as you can see, I'm buried in the ground to my neck, so no, I'm not alright."

Feng grunted. "You can't escape?"

"N-No, that brat had tied up my lower body in the ground with some razor sharp wires. Just squirming a bit makes it hurt like hell." Ming winced as he struggled against his earthbound restraints.

Feng's expression darkened as he surveyed the scene. "Damn those kids," he muttered under his breath. "They're more troublesome than I thought."

He turned his attention back to Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao, his eyes narrowing with determination. "You little shits, bullying my brother like this..." he growled, electricity crackling around him as his soul rings rotated around him with brilliance.

Wang Dong'er gulped, taking several steps back to Xiao Xiao's side, kunais in hand.

"... Xiao Xiao, can you run?" She whisperingly asked.

Xiao Xiao wryly smiled, holding onto her bleeding right arm. "Sorry, but that bastard's feathers had hit an artery or something in my left leg. I didn't notice it until I dropped down."

Wang Dong'er's eyes widened, seeing her friend's pale face and injuries. She wasn't just suffering from a torn artery, but also severe blood loss. The situation grew more dire with each passing moment.

'20 minutes, at the very least. Shit. We need to escape!' Wang Dong'er gritted her teeth and without any hesitation, she summoned her martial soul; a pair of beautiful butterfly wings sprouted from her back and three soul rings: one yellow and two purple circled her body.

Holding back now is no longer an option, Xiao Xiao's life is on the line!

Feng narrowed his eyes and yelled, "You're not getting anywhere!" His silvery wings spread out, a golden aura enveloped his wings, his second soul ring skill was activated:


Intense silver lightning bolts emitted from his wings in all directions, crackling and sizzling through the air with lethal intent. The sheer power of the lightning threatened to engulf Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao, their shadows dancing wildly against the onslaught of electric currents.

But Wang Dong'er refused to be intimidated. With a determined expression, she spread her butterfly wings wide and quickly grabbed Xiao Xiao into her arms, and flapped her wings with all her strength, propelling them both into the air.

As they ascended, the lightning bolts crackled dangerously close, but Wang Dong'er skillfully maneuvered through the storm, dodging each bolt with precise movements.


Xiao Xiao winced in pain as they soared higher, her injured leg throbbing with every beat of Wang Dong'er's wings. Despite the agony coursing through her body, she gritted her teeth and clung tightly to Wang Dong'er, her determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

Meanwhile, Feng watched with narrowed eyes as the two girls managed to evade his Thunderclap attack. His expression darkened with frustration, his golden aura pulsating with renewed intensity, turning purple, as he prepared to launch another assault.

"You think you can escape from me?" Feng's voice echoed through the air, laced with menace. "I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth!"

"Fuck off asshole!" Wang Dong'er yelled, golden light spread across her wings before completely enveloping her as she uses her second soul ring: Light of the Butterfly Goddess.

 Countless rays of light streamed from Wang Dong'er's wings and shot out from all directions, creating a dazzling spectacle in the night sky. The beams of light danced like fireflies, weaving intricate patterns as they surged toward Feng with blinding speed.

Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of radiant energy, Feng staggered backward, his eyes wide with astonishment. The light of the Butterfly Goddess enveloped him, casting a brilliant glow around his form and momentarily disorienting him.

"Tch, annoying." Feng gritted his teeth and released more electricity to disperse the blinding energy.

"Ha!" Seizing the opportunity, Wang Dong'er continued to channel the power of her second soul ring, focusing her energy into a concentrated beam of light aimed directly at Feng. With a fierce determination burning in her heart, she unleashed the full force of her attack, determined to incapacitate their formidable adversary and escape.

"Annoying brat!" Feng yelled and begun to fly up into the sky, his eyes lit up with murderous intent as his purple(4th) soul ring lit up an ominous glow.


The crackles of electricity in the air converged around him, condensing into hundreds of arrow-shaped lightning bolts that streaked toward Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao with deadly precision. The bolts of lightning crackled and sizzled as they closed in, creating an electrifying aura of danger that filled the air.


Wang Dong'er's eyes widened as she saw the onslaught of lightning bolts descending upon them. With Xiao Xiao's life hanging in the balance, she knew that she couldn't afford to falter now.

Summoning every ounce of strength and determination within her, she pushed her butterfly wings to their limits, weaving through the maze of lightning with breathtaking agility.

"Haa!" With a fierce battle cry, she used the Light of the Butterfly Goddess once more to counter the thunder arrows and blind Feng.


'They still follow me?!' Wang Dong'er realized with a sinking feeling in her gut. Despite her best efforts to evade the lightning bolts, they continued to pursue her relentlessly, closing in with alarming speed. 'Is the skill a locked on target type?!' Wang Dong'er's mind raced as she tried to come up with a plan to evade the relentless assault.

With each passing moment, the situation grew more dire. Wang Dong'er knew that she couldn't keep up this pace forever. The strain of maintaining her defensive maneuvers was taking its toll, and the injuries Xiao Xiao had sustained were only worsening.

But amidst the chaos and danger, Wang Dong'er refused to lose hope. Clenching her teeth in determination, she dug deep within her well of soul power, drawing upon every ounce of strength and resilience she possessed.

'Yuhao, where are you?' She tried to contact Yuhao with their connection but received no response.

It was either he was busy fighting against an assassin as well... or that he was still testing them.

'If it's the latter, I am so kicking your ass when we survive this-ah!' She grinded her teeth, a lightning arrow had hit her right foot with a searing jolt of pain. The sudden impact caused Wang Dong'er to falter mid-flight, her concentration wavering for a critical moment.

With a gasp of pain, she fought to maintain her balance, but the relentless assault of lightning bolts continued unabated. Each bolt crackled with deadly energy, seeking to strike her down and bring an end to their desperate flight.

"This is the end," Feng muttered with narrowed eyes, gathering dozens of lightning arrows before him and merging them all into a singular, slightly larger but extremely deadly, lightning arrow.

The air crackled with electricity as Feng unleashed his devastating attack. The supercharged lightning arrow surged forward with terrifying speed and power, hurtling toward Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao with lethal intent.

Wang Dong'er's heart pounded in her chest as she saw the bright flash of lightning, the rumble of thunder was clear in her ears.

And as the lightning arrow struck her cleanly straight at her chest, both she and Xiao Xiao poofed into a torso-sized wooden log.

"What?!" Feng exclaimed in disbelief.

Almost immediately, the crackles of lightning surrounding his body had disappeared. With a serious expression, Feng scanned the area, searching for any sign of Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao. But all he found was the wooden log, lying innocently on the ground, devoid of any trace of the two targets.

Realization dawned on Feng as he understood that he had been deceived by their cunning escape technique.

"Fuck!" His frustration boiled over, and he cursed under his breath, knowing that they had slipped through his grasp once more.

With a growl of frustration, Feng turned his attention to Ming, who was still trapped in the ground...

"Those. Two. Fucking. Brats!!" His blood vessels bulged from the intensity of his rage as he clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms.

There on the ground, with his head still sticking out and a kunai on his forehead, was a dead Ming.



"Haa... Haa..."

"Wang Dong... I..."

"Shut up! Just keep your eyes open!" Wang Dong'er panted heavily, her voice strained with exhaustion as she flew through the night, her arms wrapped tightly around Xiao Xiao's limp form. The weight of her friend felt heavier with each passing moment, a constant reminder of the perilous situation they were in. "Y-You're not gonna die, especially not here!"

Xiao Xiao struggled to keep her eyes open, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she fought against the darkness that threatened to consume her. The pain from her injuries was overwhelming, each movement sending waves of agony coursing through her battered body.

But even in the midst of her suffering, Xiao Xiao refused to give up.

With a grunt, she responded. "Who said... I'm dying...? I just wanna ask you something important..."

Wang Dong'er pursed her lips, tears in her eyes, thinking that her friend was gonna die.

Xiao Xiao didn't wait for a response and said, "A-Are you... gay for Yuhao...?"

"W-What are you asking, at a time like this?!" Wang Dong'er blushed. She didn't want to confirm or deny it, but seeing Xiao Xiao's weakened state, she swallowed and let out a sigh.

Hesitating for a moment, Wang Dong'er replied.

"Xiao Xiao, there's something I need to tell you-"

She stopped, her eyes widened as she felt a hand grabbing the back of her head.

She glanced to the side, only to see Feng's enraged smiling face.

Before she could do anything, both she and Xiao Xiao were sent hurtling toward the ground, Feng's grip like a vise around Wang Dong'er's neck. The sudden impact sent shockwaves of pain rippling through their bodies as they crashed into the earth below, the force of the impact knocking the wind out of their lungs.

Gasping for breath, Wang Dong'er struggled to free herself from Feng's grasp, her vision swimming as she fought against the darkness that threatened to consume her. Beside her, Xiao Xiao groaned in pain, her injuries worsening with each passing moment.

But despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, Wang Dong'er refused to surrender to despair. With a fierce determination burning in her heart, she summoned every ounce of strength she possessed, her muscles straining against Feng's iron grip.

"Let... go..." Wang Dong'er gasped, her voice hoarse with effort as she struggled to break free. "We won't... give up... without a fight..."

Feng's grip tightened even further, his eyes blazing with fury as he glared down at them. "You really underestimate the power of a Soul King, huh?!" he snarled, his voice dripping with malice. "You're nothing but insects, squirming beneath my heel!"

He smirked and then ripped off their masks, intending to see their despaired faces before he kills them.

Only to be meet with some... strangers' faces?

".... What the fuck is going on here?"

Wang Dong'er smirked and spat out blood at his face.

Feng's face twitched, clenching his fist.

He was about to punch Wang Dong'er's face when someone's voice sounded from behind.

"Stand down brother," The vice leader stepped forward, his eyes cold and calculating as he surveyed the scene before him. "... We're missing the main target. We need them, alive."

Feng gritted his teeth. "But vice leader, they... they killed two of our brothers now!"

"T-Three, really..." Wang Dong'er interjected, still smirking. "We killed the one with sparrow wings as well..."

Feng looked at him.


Wang Dong'er, although severely injured and helpless, still widened her lips and replied.

"H-He died... crying like a little bitch..."

Feng's arm trembled and he went to try and punch her face, bloody tears trailing down from his eyes.

Only for his vice leader to stop him, grabbing his arm.

"...I understand your feelings, Feng." The vice leader calmly said, but his face showed complete rage. "But we must prioritize our mission objectives. The main target is still at large, and these two, good at concealing their faces but not their martial souls, are the only leads that we have. We are short on time."

Feng's expression twisted with frustration and anger, but he reluctantly nodded in agreement. "Understood, vice-"

Cold, it's what everyone thought as everything around them turned into ice in an instant. The air grew frigid, and frost began to form on the ground, spreading rapidly outward from where they stood. It was as if time itself had frozen, leaving them trapped in a world of ice and cold.

Both assassins had turned almost completely ice sculptures, aside from their heads.


"I can't-!"

Both assassins exclaimed, their faces rapidly losing color.

Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao exchanged a knowing glance, their breath forming misty clouds in the frozen air. Their eyes lit up in hope as they knew of only person capable of using such powerful ice.

"I'm sorry for being late," a familiar voice sounded from behind them.

Turning around, they saw Yuhao, his eyes glowing with killing intent as he stepped forward, his hands crackling with frosty energy.

He softly smiled at them and said, "You girls did great holding out against them. But now, it's time to end this."

His eyes turned reddish-gold, the tomoes in his eyes spurned as he stared at the two assassins. His four soul rings; white and three black arose, a dark aura enveloped his whole body as a black soul ring shone.

"Sleep, for all eternity."


❄️Shout out to the great Cultivators of my patreon, may you reach the peak of the heavens and conquer the earth! Pursue immortality and receive enlightenment!



•Nicholas Berenguer

•Swift Arrow




❄️A bigger shout out to the ones who ascended to become a One Above All!! The GOATS! THE MAJESTIES!!

•Adrian Durand

•Joseph Sepulveda


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