
douluo dalu 2: heavenly dragon

in the ancient and rich land of douluo dalu a heavenly dragon emerges as a martial soul. How will this change the story change from the original?

Lgknight · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs



It's been like this forever since I was taken in by Master Yan Shaozhe. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate him taking me in since a child, but I couldn't do any because of my marital spirit.

The evil fire phoenix is an extremely powerful fire spirit that is a mutated beast spirit. It was an extremely rare spirit, especially to Shrek Academy because of its significance. The reason is that it was the spirit of her ancestor, Ma Houngjun, who became a god with Tang San ten thousand years ago. 

While I am a prideful girl and am extremely proud that I am a descendant of him and even gained that same martial spirit as him, I later discovered the major disadvantage of having this spirit. The spirit makes the user become extremely vigorous or have a giant appetite. hongjun had a big appetite while I gained the vigorous aspect, which wasn't the greatest because I always wanted to fight things and do things that would be normal for me. 

When the teacher told me that he found someone with a holy ultimate fire that could stop my fire from getting worse and may eliminate the evil aspect of it from me, I was excited. When I tried asking about this person, all I was told was that I would be their roommate and an outer disciple.

When I heard about that I was excited, I could finally become an outer disciple and make friends my age and not be bound to the inner academy. 

Once I was told that they were there and I had to go meet them in my room, I ran off, not hearing anything the teacher said. I was so happy to finally talk to a girl my age because it can't be a boy because of the rules of this academy, and I never had any girl talk to anyone because the girls were way older than me.

Once I entered the door, I said my introduction, which I totally didn't practice over and over in front of a mirror, which the teacher may or may not have seen. I will not admit he did because I would have to kill him for embarrassment. However, fate seemed to have other things planned for me.

'it's a boy.' she had thought to herself.

A very handsome boy with short black hair, two royal blue eyes, and a face that I would see on the more popular big brothers in the inner academy. All in all, he was extremely handsome, but the biggest thing here is that...

"Why is my roommate a girl!" the boy exclaimed, probably for the same reason she was thinking.

"I could say the same." Ma Xiaotao said while crossing her arms under his small but noticeable breasts.

Ugh, this is the person who can help me. If you are watching me, ancestors, please help me.




"what's your name?" Shen asked the girl across from himself.

"Ma xiaotao, and to answer your previous question, I am your roommate because my teacher invited you here to help me with my martial spirit," Xiaotao said while decorating her side of the room, which Shen wasn't all comfortable because Ma Xiaotao was and if not the most pretty girl he has seen, but considering what he has been around for most of his life was people beating him up or living within overgrown lizard in his head didn't give him the best examples.

'huh, what' Shen's mind caught up to him when she heard about her teacher being the one to recommend him. However, his brain is slow to connect the dots to who it is.

'the old man who beat you up.' Albion exclaimed, getting ready to watch this drama show in front of him and adding more fuel to the fire.

"oh ya, that old bastard who beat me up and blackmailed me into joining this school," Shen said upon hearing his words, her face had an angry scroll because she did not know what her teacher did to him and only knew about the loving master that he was.

"I don't know about any blackmailing, but do not say he is a bastard. He is my teacher and my father figure." Xiaotao said while pointing at Shen, who in turn was too slow to understand the position he was in right now.

"Well, for all I care-" Shen said before Ma Xiaoto remembered about something her teacher told her to give to Shen and shoved the letter in his face cutting him off.

"Here, I was told to give you this when I saw you." Shen was a little annoyed how he was just cut off but took the letter and began reading it; however, the more he read it the more he regrets meeting this man,

hello little Shen

This is Yan Shaozhe; as you could have guessed, there is a prince for getting my admission to join Shrek Academy. The main one is to help my disciple Ma Xiaotao, for she has the evil fire phoenix, which has its drawbacks. Now, normally, I would have been able to take care of it, but with you in the picture with your ultimate holy fire, you should, in a decent amount of time, purify her flames. 

Normally, I would have found someone with ultimate ice, but since you have an ultimate fire with a holy attribute, it will eventually cure it, but you will suppress it as long as you are with her while cultivating.

I'm leaving her in your hands, so don't disappoint me.

'hahaha hahaha, this is hilarious.' Albion said while dying of laughter at how the letter was written.

'I can't believe this. I got blackmailed into joining this school, which I was going to join. However, he then proceeded to stick me to this girl for what I can assume will last me for the rest of my life.' Shen was screaming in his mind about how unfair this was.

'he freaking beat you up then engaged you to his daughter in all but name. This is fucking priceless.' Albion said, continuing to laugh and mocking Shen at his predicament.

"Well, since I will be living with you, I guess we should lay out some rules, right? Well, first, there will be no one you can bring in her without my permission. Second: you cannot be naked in here; lastly, don't touch my stuff." Ma Xiaotao said while sitting on her bead crossing her arms, expecting a yes from Shen, who in turn was getting really angry about how fast everything was going.

Shen was going to complain about the need for rules, but after the overgrown lizard in his head did warn him that those rules were fair, but to add more detail to the list.

"All alright then, I agree with those rules, but you also have to apply those rules to yourself since they are only fair," Shen said Ma Xiaotao gave him a surprised look but after reviewing what he said, found it fair.

"deal" she said while extending her hand, which Shen did comply by returning the gesture.

after that, we continued to model our room to our liking, which was annoying at first because xiaotao just kept on telling me that the way I arranged my things was stupid. Well, I'm not going to dismiss that since I have lived on my own, for what I can say, my whole life. 

No one taught me how to do stuff, so I had to learn how to fix things and even cook. I can definitely say I can cook decent food, but it's not the best. Ugh, any food made by anyone else always tastes better. It's one of the things Albion makes fun of me for

I found out more about xiaotao when we were talking. Turns out I was right. She is basically a princess here, and I'm becoming her rightful servant. Anyway, she basically told me about her life, and we ended up talking about why she needed me. Her martial spirit, the evil fire phoenix whose flame can end up killing her.

"that is a serious problem if not taken seriously. I can see why that old man basically did all those things just to get me here," she said while trying to understand the viewpoint of her teacher, but it still irked him that this happened.

"I do have to ask what my teacher did to make you this upset, and if you don't mind me asking, how did he even find you?" Xioatao said, and she quickly started to explain how this happened because he thought this might get her on his side about how scummy he is.

"well basically..."

after telling her the main parts of my backstory without mention of Albion and my twin spirit, she began to cry. Apparently, something about my past was terrible, and according to her, I was just a bag full of trauma. 

"ME Trauma, please, you're the one that is a ticking time bomb," Shen said, trying to deflect all his teenage angst away from him. Xiaotao, on the other hand, was still on the concept that Shen has and still is suffering.

"well, at least I have had help. You have been on your own since, like, what, three," she said, trying to make her situation seem like less because, all in all, she had help from people who stood by her. Shen didn't he's been on his own since the very beginning since his dad seemed like he checked out on life since his mother died.

"ish," Shen replied with a shrug and one side of his lip frowning because he really can't remember how long he has been on his one because that piece of shit of his father didn't do anything to stop the billing, and it only became worse after his death.

"and my teacher dared to bully you and blackmail you into coming here," she said while her hair turned on the fire and her eyes turned red. Apparently, according to Albion, that was my imagination, but he was telling me this was another thing that could beat strength.

A woman's fury




Here's chapter three of the mass realize, but this is just a mini-chapter before we get into the more interesting parts of the next chapter, where we get into more of the lore and information about the aspects of Soul Land.

But if you couldn't guess, Ma Xiaotao is the main female lead, and can you blame me for picking her because, Jesus, she is hot, pun intended? And I feel like what happened to her was just bullshit, plus the fact she had no lover. 

Also, Yan Shaozhe, her teacher/ father figure, was the one who blackmailed Shen to join, and can you blame the guy? Shen is kinda a walking beacon of Hey, I'm going to be the e most overpowered person in history right here for the take; of course, he was going to make sure he made it to Shrek Academy. Plus, he had a sad life with that one lady and did not want something like that to happen to Ma Xiaotao, so during his time as her teacher, he was looking for someone to marry Xiaotao to someone who could suppress her fire. It's not that big of a stretch if he doesn't pull some cards so they can be together.

And yes, she now knows something that, even with all the strength in the world, can't beat: a woman's fury. I mean, it works in this world; just look at Mu En and Long Xiaoyao. Those are the perfect examples of guys who can't fight back against a woman's fury where. They let Ye Xishui go even though she was an evil spirit master. 

Other than that, thank you, and have a great day.