
5.eternal source seal

After a week of studying at the Department of Spirit Guidance, Zhi Wei quickly absorbed new knowledge. He mastered dozens of seals and arrays, understanding the fundamental principles underlying the use of soul power.

Zhi Wei's success in reaching the second rank in the Department of Spirit Guidance was a testament to his dedication and talent. His hard work and determination had paid off, earning him praise from his mentor, Fanyu.

"Teacher Fanyu, I want to thank you for all the guidance and support you've given me," Zhi Wei said humbly to his teacher.

Fanyu smiled proudly at his student's progress. "You've shown remarkable willingness and talent, Zhi Wei. I believe you will continue to grow and achieve even greater accomplishments in the future."

Zhi Wei felt deeply grateful for the support provided by Fanyu. Every word of praise from his teacher served as motivation for him to keep moving forward and further develop his abilities.

With renewed spirit, Zhi Wei is ready to face the next challenges in his journey in the Department of Spirit Guidance. He is determined to continue carving out achievements and becoming a resilient spirit master in the future.

However, Zhi Wei wasn't satisfied with just mastering the basic techniques. In silence, he pondered a new idea: a seal that could store soul power for use in emergencies.

With a burning passion, Zhi Wei began to design the seal. He spent nights in the study room, noting every detail and considering every possibility. He believed that this seal would be a powerful weapon to protect himself and those around him when facing danger.

After days of hard work, Zhi Wei finally completed his design. The seal appeared simple yet strong, filled with astonishing soul energy. Zhi Wei was confident that this seal would be a valuable asset to him in the future.

"Phew, finally, this seal is complete. I just need to store all the remaining soul energy every night so I can have unlimited soul power. Lets name the seal, how about eternal source seal. Yeah that's name is good enough" he said with relief.

The seal formed a black diamond-shaped mark on his forehead. However, the black color would only appear when it was activated; otherwise, the seal would remain colorless.

After a few hours...

"Xiaowei, come out, Lexuan will be here soon." He walked out of the house and saw someone he recognized, elder Xuan.

"Good afternoon, elder Xuan," he greeted respectfully.

"Hehe, you're a very good kid. Go on, Lexuan should be here by now," elder Xuan chuckled.

"All right, then. I'll take my leave," Zhi Wei replied as he ran towards the entrance to the inner courtyard.

"Sister Lexuan, congratulations on reaching level 70," he shouted as he jumped into her arms.

"Thank you, Zhi Wei," she replied, opening her arms to hug him.

This scene made everyone jealous; after all, Zhang Lexuan was the strongest senior disciple in the inner courtyard. Many students wished to be her partner, but they were all defeated by her.

"Zhi Wei, that's not fair. I also reached level 50," Ma Xiaotao exclaimed.

"Well, I also reached level 70, but you didn't greet me," Han Ruoruo added.

"Hehe, congratulations to both of you as well," Zhi Wei laughed. After watching Zhi Wei grow over the years, they had become mentors to him and also his siblings.

Seeing this scene, the male soul masters could only feel envious and leave in silence.

"All right, how about we have a party tonight? I'll cook for you all," Zhi Wei suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Lexuan quickly agreed.


While Zhi Wei was busy preparing the food, Lexuan, Ruoruo, and Xiaotao were engaged in a lively conversation:

"Xiaotao, I noticed that your body has become even more beautiful lately, especially in the chest area, which seems to have grown larger," Ruoruo remarked enviously.

"No, it's... it just grew naturally, I didn't even want it to grow bigger," Xiaotao replied, her cheeks turning red.

"But aren't you the same, Ruoruo? Even though you cover it up with more modest clothing, everyone can see how stunning your body is," Zhang Lexuan teased.

"Look who's talking, a woman with an extraordinary figure who always wears layered clothes just to conceal it," Ruoruo retorted.

"Alright, let's end this conversation. Zhi Wei should be finished soon, it's not good for him to overhear this discussion," Lexuan said, blushing, and retreated to the kitchen to hide.

A few minutes later, Lexuan and Zhi Wei returned with their dishes. They immediately began to eat the food without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Zhi Wei could only smile.

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