
5.martial spirit awakening(part 1)

In the month leading to awakening ceremony,Xingxi along with Yuhao spent the majority of thier time training in the morning and in the evening they went to the library to gather information about anything they thought would be useful.

After training Xingxi would spend sometime in the forest collecting medical herbs for healing and strengthening thier bodies,sometimes researching thier effects when combined.

He usually amplifies their effect either by aging them transforming them into spiritual herbs or fill them with more heaven and earth energy.although useful using to much will hurt thiier foundation.

So he used recipes from his past life life spirit and body cleansing pills.he would sell the excess herbs to make profit to help with providing for their daily needs.

In the library he spent time looking for any information on the awakening ceremony and martial spirit.what he found can be explained in a few useful information as that In the Douluo Continent, the Martial Souls, or Spirits, is a type of power possessed by humans. It is said that everyone has their own martial soul, among which a very small number of people's martial souls can be cultivated, forming a profession called soul master. It is most expensive profession in the whole continent.

At the Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony at age 6, everyone received their martial souls and their soul power. Only people who have soul power can be cultivated to become soul masters.

The innate soul power can range from 1 to 10.the higher the number the more talented the person.he thought it was laughable how some numbers decided the future of someone.

He can give you evidence that talent is nothing more than that.even if someone is talented in something doesn't mean he will succeed.he had seen many geniuses dying before they could really bloom,as he had seen many with poor talent ascend to the top of thier world.

Talent does play part for how far they can reach but without working hard and getting many opportunities they will never become someone strong.

There are also classifications for martial soul generally there are two types tools and beasts spirits and then there's body type spirit.

He had some guesses about what his and his brother's martial spirit but nothing is set in stone as there could happen some mutations during the awakening.

He read all the information he could about spirit beasts and where to find them(pun intended😂).and what saddens him the most is that as the time pass he could see the end of the spirit master profession coming to an end if the humans don't find any solution in the future.

The humans were advancing to fast and the numbers of spirit beasts is dwindling as does their habitats and the speed is at an all time high since the douluo continent collided with the sun and moon continent.

But that is not his problem,yet.he could see himself helping in the future when he regained his full strength but that is still far into the future.

As the day of the ceremony approached he and his brother went out to have fun in the city after telling their mother.