
Chapter 59

My favourite VA is Hanazawa Kana. Who's yours?


Chapter 59 — A Kiss Again!?

Ning Chen and Bai Chenxiang soon arrived at the living room and quickly saw the Emperor Team gathered in there.

After seeing Ning Chen, Yu Tianheng hurriedly approached him while looking concerned.

"How was Yu Feng? You two were gone for a long time!" He asked worriedly, but then noticed someone standing next to Ning Chen.

The girl was indeed beautiful, but he soon shook his head and looked toward Ning Chen.

"Who's this charming girl?" He asked confusedly.

"Yu Feng is doing alright and he's even amongst us right now." Ning Chen responded while chuckling.

He was purposely not telling them that the beautiful girl next to him was actually Yu Feng or Bai Chenxiang. He wanted to see their reaction if they find about it.

The Emperor Team released a sigh of relief, but then started looking around confusedly.

"Where's Yu Feng?" Dugu Yan asked loudly in puzzlement.

The others were also confused, thinking that Ning Chen was making fool of them.

Seeing them acting like this, Bai Chenxiang started laughing lightly, causing everyone to be attracted toward her voice.

Bai Chenxiang smiled at them and said clearly, "Do you guys not recognize me at all? I'm Yu Feng."

They were startled, but then soon realized her voice clearly sounded like the Yu Feng they had known for several years.

"Hahaha! I didn't know that you had a hobby of cross-dressing as a girl and even a good one at that, Yu Feng! You continue to amaze and make me laugh!" Dugu Yan laughed uncontrollably, still not realizing that Bai Chenxiang wasn't cross-dressing, but was a real beautiful girl.

The members of the Emperor Team also found this situation to be quite funny.

Bai Chenxiang's complexion turned completely red after seeing them laughing at her. As a result, she pouted angrily and it caused them to become silent, as they thought it was very cute for a boy.

"I'm not cross-dressing or doing anything! I'm a real girl, not a boy!" She said angrily, emphasizing each of her words.

"...." They all went completely silent, staring at Bai Chenxiang with their eyes widened largely.

"Ning Chen... Is what Yu Feng saying the truth? He didn't become crazy, right?" Osler asked worriedly.

"Yes, she's truly not lying about her being a female. Xie Lingling can also testify for It, so no need for needless doubts." Ning Chen answered quickly.

They then looked toward Xie Lingling for confirmation and then saw her nodding her head quietly.

"Oh my god.. I can't believe this..." Dugu Yan mumbled in shocked. She started closely appraising Bai Chenxiang's body and her eyes soon fell over a pair of large round things, causing her to gulp down her saliva.

"Wow, your boobs are so huge! How did you even managed to hide before? Are these things fake?" She asked curiously before starting to fondle Bai Chenxiang's chest.

"Hey, stop... Don't touch me there~!" Bai Chenxiang released a series of alluring gasps and moans from her mouth. Her face was completely red, and her eyes also looking hazy as she looked around shyly.

Dugu Yan continued to massage It, but soon stopped disappointedly after realizing it was all real.

He touched her own chest, feeling it much smaller...

The males of the Emperor Team had managed to watched all of this happening, making them not able to avert their gaze and close their ears from the temptation.

However, Ning Chen was an exception and indifferent to the whole thing that didn't caught his interest.

"Her true name is not Yu Feng, but Bai Chenxiang. You might also realized her appearance becoming clearly different even if she's now a girl, but it's because she experienced an evolution after consuming an immortal herb." Ning Chen explained toward all of them.

Bai Chenxiang then quickly bowed to them and said apologetically, "I'm very sorry for lying to you guys before and also for giving troubles and worries recently. I'm really sorry!"

The Emperor Team nodded their heads casually, seemingly not being angry about Bai Chenxiang.

"It's fine, but why do you need to go through the troubles of disguising yourself as a boy?" Yu Tianheng asked.

"It was to disguise my true identity from the imperial academy. I'm actually from the speed clan, an important part of it too. However, me walking down the strength path signified that I had very low chances of advancing beyond rank 38. I even got expelled and fell to despair because of it, but thanks to Ning Chen, I managed to reach rank 40." Bai Chenxiang explained, looking at Ning Chen with deep gratitude.

"So that's what it was all about! Anyway, congratulations for finally breaking through, Bai Chenxiang!" The Emperor Team said in delight.

Ning Chen was happy seeing them like that, but then thought about something.

"Bai Chenxiang, what will you do now? Since you're expelled, will you rejoin the imperial academy again?" He asked while smiling.

Bai Chenxiang looked at them with a complicated smile and shook her head, much to their surprised.

"No, I've decided to not rejoin. I will instead try to join another academy because I'm sure the academy, especially the prideful supervisor are not thick-skinned enough to accept someone they had thought as worthless and forcefully expelled by complying to my clans wishes." She explained resolutely, seemingly not reconsidering her choices.

They were all surprised, not expecting to hear her not deciding to rejoin, however, they all quickly wore a determined expression.

"We're the Emperor Team! If you decide to leave, then we will also leave with you! Our hearts and dreams are one!" They declared loudly, wearing a proud smile.

Ning Chen was proud over their changes, but he was silent because it was too late for the Emperor Team to consider leaving the imperial academy at this time.

Bai Chenxiang smiled sorrowfully and she quickly started shaking her head.

"I'm grateful for hearing that, but think about my feelings and the power of the imperial academy. They can't prevent all of you from leaving, but they will definitely use all of their power to delay it enough until the continental tournament and make you guys encounter some problem in the process.

All of you also need to consider about your own clans, they will definitely feel upset about your decision about leaving the prestigious imperial academy that is even backed by the emperor himself. Staying here also meant more benefits than any other academy, and the emperor team also have to repay the academy for all their resources and guidance. If you guys encounter problem, I will feel guilty."

The Emperor Team went silent and thought she was right.

The imperial academy will definitely not allow them, the core and most important team to leave so suddenly when the tournament was nearing next month.

They also had no choice to participate in the tournament to repay or show the academy a great performance for all the abundant resources and used of training environment.

The imperial academy even had the privilege of skipping parts of the tournament, making them encounter less energy consuming battles.

Ning Chen thought Bai Chenxiang's was partly correct, especially when considering that his sister's academy being far worse than the imperial academy.

He had once asked if they had knowledge about formations when he gave Ning Rongrong the energy gathering formation, but apparently they didn't have it.

It seemed like only few academies can have the knowledge about formation. The imperial academy being one to possess a complete and profound knowledge about the art of formation.

However, it was somehow expected since they were filthy rich and even the emperor himself being the dean.

"If that's your own decision, then we have no choice, but to respectfully accept it." Ning Chen said with a light smile, causing the others to nod their heads in agreement.

"Bai Chenxiang, have you already thought of what academy will you join?" Ning Chen asked. He wanted her to join an academy close to them, so they could still hang out frequently.

And he had that something in his mind...

"I don't have in mind, but I will think about it later." Bai Chenxiang shook her head.

Ning Chen smiled and nodded. "In that case, go toward my sister's academy. It's quite good in my opinion and also quite close to the imperial academy."

"That's a good idea! I can also become close with your sister and protect her like a knight in shining armour!" She said excitedly before looking at them with burning gaze, "Moreover, they will definitely enter the tournament and when we fight against each other, please make sure to not suffer badly from my great strength."

Ning Chen smirked and extended his hand toward her.

"Good luck on beating us, Bai Chenxiang. I will also definitely count on you to protect my sister, especially from any men!" Ning Chen said with cold eyes.

Bai Chenxiang smirked as well and shook his hand before hugging him. "You can count on me, Ning Chen! I also will once again express my sincere gratitude to you."

"No problem..."

After that, the others also started giving Bai Chenxiang their encouragement.

They then held a farewell party before Bai Chenxiang left the imperial academy. Ning Chen even made them have no hellish training, much to their own delights.

Ning Chen cooked for them because Bai Chenxiang really wanted to eat his cookings and he didn't rejected her.

All of them soon stuffed themselves and drank a large amount juices until they were completely full without any care for the world.

This was a special occasion where they only focused at the present, enjoying every single precious seconds.

All of them stayed awake until midnight, but they all soon were completely exhausted after having too much fun, causing them to feel asleep on the floor.

Ning Chen wasn't like them, but he still deciding to sleep with them on the floor. It was more fun that way.

The next morning, it was finally time for Bai Chenxiang to leave the imperial academy.

The Emperor Team and Ning Chen were all currently gathered at the gate of the imperial academy.

Even Xue Beng, disguised as Huo Beng were with them.

They were currently staring toward Bai Chenxiang. She was wearing a beautiful dress and large hat that were all white, making her appear more beautiful and elegant.

She started saying goodbye toward them with a smile and then hugged each of them one by once.

When It was finally Ning Chen's turn, she embraced him much longer and more intense compared to the others.

"Thank you, Ning Chen. I will definitely repay you someday," Bai Chenxiang softly whispered toward his ears.

Ning Chen quietly nodded, as she backed away slowly. However, everyone was suddenly shocked to see Bai Chenxiang kissing Ning Chen toward his cheeks.

"Bye! I'll definitely miss you guys!" She quickly said while giggling lightly.

A pair of large silver wings unfolded behind her back and she quickly flew away with a reddish face.

Ning Chen silently stared at her leaving them and slowly caressed his cheeks.

This was the second time Bai Chenxiang had kissed him on the cheek.

He didn't know if she actually had some feelings for him or it was a sign of her gratitude or just something for fun.

Nevertheless, kissing someone doesn't always equals to romantic feelings and love.

The Emperor Team and Xue Beng were staring at Ning Chen with large eyes, but then saw his expression not showing some changes.

They then wondered if it was just an one-sided love for Bai Chenxiang. However, it was something they knew they shouldn't interfere with.

They soon returned inside the academy, leaving Xie Lingling and Ning Chen behind.

"Ning Chen, why didn't you left with Bai Chenxiang?" Xie Lingling asked curiously.

She inwardly knew that Ning Chen was more free compared to them and couldn't be restricted much by the academy.

Ning Chen stared at her and then formed a mysterious smile.

"I don't feel leaving you behind." He said while patting her head, but it didn't caused her expression to change.

Her eyes seemed to tell she wasn't joking, but was extremely serious.

Ning Chen awkwardly smiled, but didn't backed down even with this.

"I'm really feeling like that, but I guess I've just became familiar with this academy. It may have some corrupted parts, but in the end, it's like my third home and nothing can change that." Ning Chen said toward her with a carefree smile.

He then said goodbye toward Xie Lingling and went toward the library to study more about the art of formation.

There was also another reason. It was because of a certain promise he made to someone who was related to this academy and it was to win the tournament.

Xie Lingling stared at Ning Chen's fading figure and touched her chest.

Her eyes still remained calm and emotionless, but why did she suddenly felt her heart beating faster?

It was upsetting.

And just like that, a month quickly passed in a blink of the eyes. It was finally the start of the continent spirit tournament...

It was also Ning Chen's first debut to the entire continent. His saga, his myth, and legend.

[ End Of Volume Two: Imperial Academy ]


Ok, shitheadz. Ning Chen will not leave the imperial academy, but he will leave after the tournament. My reason? Very troublesome and it's also hard to mention other academy and create new bonds with them.

The original plan was him going to something like his clan's academy xd

The next volume will be the tournament arc and it would be very short. However, it's needed because this will be the only arc where Ning Chen would be able fight against the entire shrek academy + Bai Chenxiang.

This would also be easily him acquiring spirit bone and also the first meeting with Bibi Dong.

As for the organisation I mentioned back in the past, it's still not really clear because I only mentioned it after reading eminence in the shadow. You can give me ideas (Like Ning Chen creating a fake persona as the leader, !!maybe similar to The Fool of LOM?)

Next chapter