
- So Metal

Coldin sighed and knew he'd just got him self into something complicated.

"I'll let you start tomorrow, I need to make some preparations, can have you working in just shorts now can we?" Said the owner as she laughed, walking back to the door to head back out.

Shanking his head Coldin snapped out of his stupor. -guess I need to test my spirit ring now while I have a chance-

He quickly released his spirit and three rings floated behind him. Yellow, purple and white, anyone should have said that this is a weird combination but to Coldin it felt natural.

Focusing on the white ring, Coldin noticed the gecko head in the middle and understood that all his rings would share the same ability, Soul guardian, this let him summon a gecko made of spirit power which in this case would be white.

Knowing it's first ability Coldin didn't bother to check it and moved onto the second.

The white spirit power flowed over him and he felt a sense of emptiness, Coldin would have been confused about this had he not been 'there'. Quickly taking out a piece of ore out of his spirit bone storage Coldi. Began to focus.

Slowly Coldin felt a connection build between him and the ore, then the ore seeped into his body. -so turns out it's the same- he thought as he felt his body become one with the ore.

Moving to an open space Coldin began to do some push ups, sit ups and jumping jacks. This seemed unrelated to what he was checking just a moment ago but was actually linked.

His second ability from his third ring could be described as an auxiliary ability. The ability let's Coldin absorb different types of metal or ore and increases his defence based on the material he absorbs, in addition to this he's able to refine the material he's absorbed by doing physical exercise. Part of the energy used for the exercise goes towards refining the material and at the same time the impurity's of said material are sweated out in a sweat like substance.

What Coldin is currently doing is checking to see how long it would take for his body to extract the metal from the ore. After roughly three hours Coldin felt a surge of heat inside his body and guessed that meant he'd finally extracted the metal.

Focusing once again Coldin, using his spirit ring, willed the metal out through his hand. Now sitting on top of his hand was a sphere of metal with streaks of black running through its silver surface.

-hmm so three hours? Pretty slow but if I can do this while on the move I'll have a steady supply of metal- he thought while he held his chin.

Soon after thinking about the use of this ability Coldin noticed a layer of brown coating his body. He realised that upon extracting the metal he had sweated out the earth encasing it.

-...shower first-

Well then, so this is coldins third ring and yes it will be upgraded in age later down the line.

There are some plans for this ability but won’t come till later. However it will add to his Barbarian appearance.

Next chapter will be released later today. I’m trying to space them out a little so not only one chapter out of the two gets comments, easier to track xP

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