12 Chapter 12

「 Chapter 12 — Spirit Ring 1 」

The beautiful deep blue sky was like the vast ocean, seemingly to expand without limit as bits of white clouds formed on it.

Below this vast blue sky, was a deep, vast green forest, filled with towering trees with bushy pure green leaves. Countless dangerous wild beast roam and lurk in this forest, waiting and searching for prey. This vast forest is called 'Star Dou Forest' by many.

Inside this 'Star Dou Forest', two little silhouette can be seen walking around the vast forest.

This two was Yu Long and Fatty who have become a rank 10 spirit trainee. The reason the two of them was here at the forest because to get their first spirit ring to advance into the next stage.

"...Yu Long when will we get our spirit ring!?"

Fatty grumbled as he slouched forward tiredly. The both of them had been wandering inside this damn forest for many hours looking for their first spirit rings.

"Fatty have a patience, I am sure we will soon find a suitable spirit beast for us."

Yu Long rolled his eyes in annoyance toward the Fatty. This Fatty had been asking the same question for many times that he have stopped counting it.

Then Yu Long stopped abruptly, as his eyebrow furrowed. He saw a golden spirit beast drinking water from a small pond.

What the most important thing is that the spirit beast being 'Golden Rock Rhino' if he recall correctly.

The golden rhino have a sturdy and tought thick skin that was hard to penetrate and have a large, big horn on their head and this golden rhino inforny of them was also a 469 years old it was a suitable for Fatty to absorbed.

Inwardly in Yu Long heart, he was worried that the age of the golden rhino surpassed the optimal age for a first spirit, and might lead to Fatty dead, but Yu Long had this guts inside of him that the Fatty can handle it with his strong spirit essence and he can also help Fatty with his [Forbidden innne star Qi].

"Fatty I think I have found the right spirit beast for you."

Yu Long pointed at the golden rhino at the lake. Fatty with a buffled face looked at the place Yu Long pointed at.

"Then let's go!"

Fatty said as he was ready to charged at the golden rhino, but Yu Long stop him and said.

"We should first summon our spirit."

Fatty hearing what Yu Long said, nodded his head.

[ Cosmic Regulus Body Enhancement! ]

Yu Long said as his body start to transform into [ Cosmic Regulus. ] He decided not to use his [ Cosmic Nature Tree ] Since it's still have no uses without a spirit ring.

[ The Great Pugi Body Enhancement! ]

Fatty too transform into his spirit. The two of them, charged toward the golden rhino.


As the Yu Long and Fatty approach the golden rhino, the rhino immediately sense the presence of the two and let out a shrill cry.

The rhino skin released a bright golden shine. It's skin harden, increasing it's defense and power.


The golden rhino stomped it's feet at the ground and charged fereciously toward Fatty.

Fatty wanted to dodged, but the golden rhino was faster than hin and hit Fatty with it's large horn at the stomach.



Fatty let out a gasp, he felt pain at his chest. He was sent flying mid-air, thankfully his [ Great Pugi ] granted him powerful defense that block the force of the rhino or else his bones will be broken into pieces.

Fatty grunted as he stood up with his eyes creased in pain. He stared at the golden rhino hatefully.

"Y-You stupid rhino! I will surelly cook you into a golden rhino bone soup!"

Fatty said angrily, on the side of his mouth blood flowed. His stomach was burning with pain.


The rhino became pissed hearing this, but suddenly felt a chill toward it's back.


Yu Long attacked with his right claw aim at the golden rhino.


The sound of metal resounded as the golden rhino blocked with its horn at Yu Long claw.


Yu Long said his right arm felt numb, but then he continued attacking with his left arm.


Yu Long claw luckily hitted the rhino skin, a deep cut can be seen with blood dripping slowly.

The rhino was catch off guard because of this and the pain.

Using this chance, Fatty arrived infront of the rhino. He pounded his hammer like arm toward the rhino many times.



A loud sound echoed through the place. The rhino staggered backward, a bit daze. Although It's thick skin block some of the Fatty attack, it still felt hurt from it.

'This is my chance!'

Yu Long eyes lit up. He quickly controlled his entire body strength as he circulated his [ Forbidden inner star Qi ]


Yu Long quickly pounded his claw that seems to be much more condensed and sharper. He used his honed precision to aim from sculpting, to aim at the rhinos eyes.


Yu Long felt his claw clearly digging deep inside the rhinos eyes and flesh, as the rhino let out a ear-piercing cry.


Yu Long took of his claw out of the rhinos eyes, letting crimson blood to spill out of it.

"You can end it now, Fatty!"

Yu Long loudly said, his face quite a bit pale. This after all was their first time taking someone's life.

Fatty showed hesistation for abit, but then nodded. Although he hated the rhino, he felt sympathy toward it and guilty as he will end it's life.

Taking a dagger out of his pocket, Fatty gritted his teeth and end the life of the golden rhino silently and quickly...

Then shortly afterward, a yellow ring condensed on top of the rhino who is dead.

"...Fatty absorb the ring, like what the teacher taught you."

Yu Long instructed Fatty whose face showed guilt. Fatty then sat cross-legged at the ground and closed his eyes.

Then on his back, his spirit essence appeard. It was his [ Great Pigu ] who have a eastern orc like face with black sclera, a jet-black body with red stripes across it, bits of black rock covering parts of it's body.

The yellow spirit ring then was suck in by Fatty's spirit.

After Fatty's [ Great Pugi ] absorbed the yellow spirit ring, he soon started to feel pain that was like being burned alive inside him, but Fatty bit his lips and started to absorbed the spirit ring.

Time slowly passed and Fatty can clearly feel the pain growing more slowly making him to bite his lips hardly, causing blood to appear on it.

But then as Fatty was desperately keeping himself to absorbed the spirit ring, he felt a stream like thing being put inside him. This unknown cause the pain he was feeling to subside that he can handle and also the slightly calm down the rampaging spirit power.

This stream of power was the 'Star Qi' and was Yu Long doing to help Fatty. His instinct taught him to.

Time slowly passed and Fatty finally finished absorbing the spirit ring.

Slowly opening his eyes, Fatty showed confusion.

Fatty was confused because on his consiousness, he found....

He found the same golden rhino inside! But more little and was currently sleeping.

Next chapter