
Chapter 3 New Friends

Early morning

Madara started his day like usual waking up cleaning his face and his teeth after washing up he heads towards the kitchen to start making tea his mother has already started breakfast

Tsuku"good morning Madara any plans today, " said Tsuku with a smile

Madara "yes I will meet doc today and then I have some things to do after that I will train more" replied Madara.

Hearing his plans for the day made Tsuku a little upset

' Is this what a child's day should be like does he plan to ever have fun luckily I already planned ahead he won't have a choice but to relax with Sasaki coming over '

As Tsuku spent her time thinking about how to make Madara have fun said the boy was already finished eating and heading out to do a light workout.

"I wonder who doc's friend is and why he called him over hopefully it won't take to long"

As Madara was doing some sit-ups he couldn't help but talk to himself about his visit to doc's he doesn't really care about talking about the tattoos the only secret is where they came from other than that they don't give him some special powers or the like they are just a reminder of who gave him a second chance.

Throwing the thought to the back of his mind Madara finished his workout with a nice stretch "Let's go" as Madara made his way to doc's place as doc didn't give him a specific time to go Madara wants to get it over with so he left early.

As Madara made his way to doc's he didn't notice a little girl making her way towards his house, of course, this girl was Sasaki her and Tsuku made plans for her to go over in the morning so they can plan on how to get Madara to become friends with her of course if Tsuku knew that Sasaki also didn't like to play like Madara she is crying right now. Of course, Sasaki has tried playing but found she didn't enjoy it like the other kids she found far more enjoyment in reading books especially on things she doesn't know about she also found out she was smarter than all the other children so she would never be able to talk about the things she read about as they would never understand but back on topic Sasaki made her way to Madara's house to start working on a plan.

Doc's place

Friend"so when's the boy supposed to come"

Doc"I don't know didn't give him a time"

As the friend was about to talk *ching* the sound of bells could be heard with "I'm here" doc and friend heard this and just made their way to the front.

Doc"Madara it's good to see you this is my friend Yin Shôu"

The man now named Yin spoke, "it's nice to meet you, Madara, you can just call me Silver doc has told me about your situation I would like to see if you don't mind"

Madara" it's nice to meet you too Mr. Silver and of course, I don't mind, "

Madara said with an indifference voice as he turned around showing his tattoo.

Silvers POV ' interesting not even a bit fazed by my aura but these tattoos are really something '

Silver was impressed by Madara's lack of response to his aura but didn't think too much and started to focus on the tattoos using some spirit power Silver inspected the tattoos and found nothing wrong and just felt like he was looking at any other tattoo. But what can one expect with Voids power someone who hasn't even attained Godhood couldn't even begin to comprehend the Void to others it was just a tattoo.

"From the look of it just seems to be a tattoo with the symbols for Void and Walker is this what you wanted me to see doc"

Silvers not knowing the real reason why he was here asked doc as Madara put his shirt back on

Doc"if there's nothing wrong with it that's fine but the reason why I called you was because they just suddenly appeared on his back two days ago that's why your here" doc explained.

Silver hearing this was a bit surprised but who can control what the world does. Madara who was waiting didn't care either way and said his thanks and just left for the blacksmiths to start working after he left Silvers and doc talked

Doc "So what do you think about the boy Silver"

Silver "He's quite interesting he had absolutely no response to my aura either he didn't feel it or just wasn't affected if it's the latter then the boy will be a great spirit master"

Doc who heard this was surprised because to get a compliment from Silver was a very hard thing to do doc asked Silver what he planned to do now

Silver" since I'm not busy I'll just stay here and leach off you until the boys' spirit awakening if he passes I might make him my student well see"

Hearing this doc was now completely shocked how long has it been since he's taken a student at least 20 years ever since that day he never took a student. Doc wondered what changed in his old friend.

5 hours later

Madara who just finished his job didn't think about what happened at docs and just moved on.

Now that he was done for the day even though it was barely the afternoon Madara made his way home to continue to strengthen his body as he was about to start he heard his mother laughing Madara wondering who was there went to the window and saw his mother talking to that girl from yesterday (Madara still doesn't know Sasaki name).

Madara ' I wonder why she's here eh whatever mothers happy '.

Madara who didn't put to much thought on it went back to working out after about three hours of working out Madara made his way inside.

Sasaki POV ' I've been here for a few hours I hope Madara comes soon at least aunt Tsuku is very nice and fun '.

Sasaki and Tsuku have been talking for hours well mainly Tsuku who was like a machine and had plenty to talk about just chatted the time away well she was making some more tea they both hear the door open and see Madara come in who just walked to the washroom without saying anything.

Tsuku "haah he can at least say hello who just walks by when there's a guest here sorry about him Sasaki-dear"

Tsuku apologized for Madara's lack of response Sasaki hearing this just put up her hands while shaking her heard saying its ok Tsuku who wasn't paying attention just went to the washroom and kicked the door open yelling at Madara.

Tsuku"Madara where are your manners Sasaki has been waiting here all day for you and you didn't even say hello how rude of you!!"

Tsuku kept complaining at Madara who wasn't paying attention and just continued to wash himself and Tsuku seeing him ignore her continued to stomp her foot. After a few minutes, Madara got dressed and made his way to the table and was now sitting across from Sasaki.

"Allow me to apologize for not saying hello as I was dirty and smelt bad I didn't want it to bother you so I went straight to the washroom to clean up"

Madara expertly explained Sasaki couldn't help but giggle Tsuku was a little embarrassed and angry ' he could have said that at first making me yell '

After that Sasaki properly introduced herself and so did Madara after that they talked all the way until dinner which Sasaki partook in.

"So you wish to be friends," Madara said looking at Sasaki who rapidly nodded her head seeing her response Madara

Madara"I don't mind but know that I don't like to play games I will be spending most of my time training and learning so be warned, "

Madara said with a straight face Sasaki was actually happy knowing that he doesn't like to play as she didn't like to as much either

Sasaki "I'm actually happy knowing you don't like to play as I don't either I prefer to read"

Sasaki replied with a smile while showing off her book "since you'll be training I could help teach you some things since I read a lot and when I learn new stuff I'll teach you more"

Hearing her response and suggestion Madara found no problem with. And just like that, the strongest and smartest duo in Sakura town was born.

Four months later

Madara and Sasaki could be seen walking around town looking through the shops today was Tsuku's birthday and Madara was looking for a present for her

Madara ' hmm I already ordered the kimono a week ago but what else should I get.


A week before we can see Madara entering a tailors shop *cling*. The tailor saw a young boy walk in and asked what he can do for him Madara proceeds to explain the kimono he wants it was a beautiful black kimono with a fire red stash around the waist with some red along the collar and on the back was the Uchiha clan symbol it was a very beautiful kimono even the tailor asked if he can use the design which Madara immediately said no to.

Flashback end

Madara ' With that out the way what else would be good '

Madara not knowing what to get turned to Sasaki who said what about a hair clip as Sasaki noticed that Tsuku always ties her hair with a string Madara who like the idea agreed as they made their way to a jewelry shop after picking a red flower-shaped clip they made their way home.

Tsuku was home making dinner not knowing what Madara and Sasaki are doing as she was finishing up she hears Madara and Sasaki come in Tsuku sees Madara holding a package and asked what it was to which Madara said it was her gift.

Tsuku who heard this was on the verge of crying "Madara you didn't have to"

Madara said it was no problem Tsuku then opened the small one first and saw a beautiful red hair clip Madara said Sasaki picked it out Tsuku then hugged both of them then opened the next one and even Sasaki was surprised by the beautiful black kimono

"Madara what's the symbol of," Sasaki asked even Tsuku wanted to know

Madara "it's a symbol I made for when I start a clan one day.

Tsuku was surprised by this " you want to start a clan Madara" she couldn't help but ask

Madara "yes the Uchiha clan once I become a spirit master," Madara said with a voice filled with pride while he released a little bit of his aura.

Tsuku ' what's with this aura of confidence '

Tsuku couldn't help but believe what her son was saying Sasaki, on the other hand, had a mixed look in her eyes ' how can he have such confidence and he said Uchiha I wonder if I can join it ' she said with a little sad smile. Which neither Madara nor Tsuku saw.

After the gifts, Madara and Sasaki sang happy birthday

Madara, Sasaki " 🎉🎉Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you🎂🎂 Happy birthday to you, Mother, Aunt Tsuku 🎉🎉Happy birthday to youuu".

Tsuku couldn't help but laugh listening to the kid's sing Madara with his deadpan voice and Sasaki the overly cheerful girl she couldn't help but feel truly blessed after the singing they had dinner and played some games then called it a night.

A year and some months go by with nothing major happening Madara and Sasaki finally became six Madara with the help of daily stretching and training stood at 130cm a bit taller than the other kids (I will make Madara taller then canon which was 5'8 he will be 6'0 in this 😊) with a lean build but with very defined muscles with his hair reaching the middle of his back he had a very mature look, Sasaki, in contrast, was a bit shorter standing at 120cm with her hair reaching her mid-back and had a very lean build with almost no muscles or fat right now they were gathered with a group of other children in front of the mayor's place ready for the spirit awakening ceremony.

A few minutes go by when the mayor a plump old man and another old man walk in front of all the kids. The mayor then introduces the old man as a teacher from a random spirit academy. The teacher then explains the process and shows off his wolf spirit scaring some kids.

Through the whole explanation, Madara looked bored waiting to begin while Sasaki had her head in a book titled spirit masters for dummies. After the explanation, the teacher began the process as he went through about 10 kids with more than half being trash spirits with about 3 who actually had a chance to become a spirit master.

As Madara waited for his turn it was Sasaki turn.

Madara"good luck, "

Said Madara arms crossed eyes closed Sasaki nodded and went forward.

Teacher "I will begin now try and feel my spirit power"

Sasaki begins to concentrate as Madara opens his eyes to see a staff appear behind Sasaki it was a silver color staff at the tip was two metal wings spread open with a gold gem holder in the middle of them and in the holder was a long blue pointed gem it was a beautiful staff though it was a bit longer than Sasaki it radiated a very soft feeling but the process wasn't over yet as another spirit was awakening

Teacher " twin spirits how rare"

All the other kids were surprised and jealous Madara had an indifferent look but was a little happy for his friend.

As all the commotion was happening Sasaki second spirit started appearing it was a beautiful white dress with no sides and no sleeves with a collar that wrapped around the neck with a purple gem in the middle with a small pair of wings coming out from behind the neck and for the arms, there were two gloves that reach pass the elbow the rest of the dress reached past the knees and a pair of angel wings came from the back right on the tail bone it was very beautiful a little exposing but beautiful none the less.

Teacher "hmm maybe a spirit tool that allows flight well that can be figured out later now onto the spirit power test" as that was said with no surprise Sasaki had initiate full power after Sasaki Madara was the only person left.

As Madara walked past Sasaki she whispered good luck, Madara, only nodded

Teacher "are you ready" Madara only nodded again as the teacher began at the back of the crowd Silver was there watching the process "about time" Silver said with a hint of annoyance he's been waiting for 2 hours for Madara's turn.

As the teacher sent his power into Madara it took him no time to sense it and his first spirit to appear was a big gourd-shaped fan with a black outer rim with 3 groups of 3 black tomes in a triangle at the top of each side with its handle wrapped in a white bandage. (A/N: for those confused instead of the standard 3 tomes there's 9 on each side in 3 groups making a triangle it's for later).

Madara not surprised waited for his second spirit to appear which it did right after not giving the teacher any time to evaluate it. Watching the second spirit appear the teacher was surprised again

Teacher' two twin spirits in one day amazing to bad this boy has a fan as one '

As the teacher was thinking this Madara second spirit took the form of a black mist that looked like the night sky it was pretty cool to look at but the teacher didn't know what it was and just moved on as Madara expected he had initiate full power with that, the ceremony ended.

Before the teacher could invite Madara and Sasaki to the academy Silver came and took both them away leaving a befuddled teacher.

At the house, we can see Tsuku staring into space in deep thought

Tsuku ' so the time has come haah ' sighing thinking about how she should tell Madara who appeared outside

"was that necessary Mr. Silver" Madara spoke annoyed being handled like that Sasaki had swirls in her eyes not understanding what happened Silver just started asking about his spirits.

Madara began to first explain his gunbai fan

"my fan is called gunbai and from what I understand it has the power to summon wind that gets stronger as the fan gets its next ability is a reflects the name says it reflects an attack back but it's not strong enough yet to be useful and it has a barrier ability that can change size depending on the user.

Silver hearing Madara underestimated the power of the fan ' looks like I need to study it more if what he says is true then that fan can become something extraordinary ' "Now what about the other spirit that black mist

Hearing Silver Madara began again "first it's called Susanoo and from what I learned all it can do right now is surround and protect me, "

He then summoned Susanoo, he was then surrounded by the black mist again. Silver reached out his and was intrigued by how his hand was stopped it felt like he was touching a wall

Silver' interesting '

"So Madara you feel like joining my school," asked Silver

Madara not expecting that asked what Silver was talking about

Silver "exactly what I said though you are the only student as I'm also the only teacher"

Silver explained with a smile Madara closed his eyes to think

' hmm it doesn't sound like a bad idea as the only student all resources are mine and I won't have to deal with a bunch of random people ' coming to a conclusion he accepted the offer

Madara "What's the school's name

This question made Silver stand up straight and release his full power and aura and said with a majestic voice

"The Sages Path"

Next chapter