

It was a dark night any other to those who don't know, but only the man knows that another life will be lost. This wasn't his job, yet the man wanted to understand why he wasn't up to the job. He is skilled in 18 languages, a black belt martial artist, yet the higher ups handled the job to a kid. Not only that, but they also asked him to babysit, and to finish the job if the kid failed. Though it is humiliating and infuriating for someone who is belligerent, the man agreed, since he knew that if he angered the higher ups, not only will he lose his job, but also his life.

The plan was simple, the kid was supposed to sneak in the manor, infiltrate the mafia's hideout, assassinate the leader and leave before anyone noticed. It should be easy for one from the mythical team Lt, even if he was just a teenager. The man took out his trusty sniper rifle, and lay waiting for the kid to mess up. Yet what happened surprised him.

The kid walked up to the manor waving his arms in the air. Naturally attracting the attention of the guards, who pointed their guns at him while ordering him to stay put, but the kid continued forwards. The man got into position, he was supposed to back him up yet he never got the chance. As soon as there is enough space, the kid lunged forward, and as he dashed, two daggers were visible. Realizing that teenager, no, threat was armed, bullets were fired at the young boy. Yet the bullets stopped mid-air, and the last thing the guards saw was their own feet.

The man saw everything from his standpoint, and for once in his assassination career, he was afraid. The kid grabbed his blades as he ran and swirled, cutting the bullets and the two guards' heads. He was so fast that there was no blood left on the blade. The man expected the teenager to be good, but not a monster, and for once in his life was he glad for not having the need to fight.

Hearing the gunshots, goons rush to the front lawn hoping to stop the young assassin in his tracks, yet they don't know that they were fighting against. Bullets pelted towards the intruder, but none even touched his body, those that were close were sliced into two as if it was a cake, and though that were further were simply dodged.

As the dust cleared, bullets and bodies scatter on the floor, but all they caused was the end of the hunter's patience. The hunter rushed into the mansion; running his blade over every neck he could see. Blood splashed on windows, guns shots were heard, but after three minutes a shadow walked out of the building with a head.

The man informed the group that the mission was over and head towards his companion eagerly, after seeing what the teenager had done, he decided to quit, in his head he planned an escape route, even where to stay, but those plans weren't needed as a set of blades slashed in front of him. The man dodged it, thanks to his instincts for being in the line of work of years. 'What were you doing!', questioned the man. 'Just my job.', said his attacker in a toneless voice.

The next day, the deaths of the mafia and their leader were reported on the news, yet they found an extra body, who was identified to be an assassin. The police believed that the assassin felt guilty and suicided for the death of many. A boy was also captured on camera and the police hope to find this missing boy to learn about the case. At the same time as the news was played, the same boy was heading to school with his childhood friends, laughing joyfully as if he was never at the mansion last night.