
Doting husband, loving wife

Love at first sight, I don't believe in such things, they don't happen in real life may be in movies. Like most of the love stories where the male lead and female lead don't believe in love at first sight, both Eva Williams and Andrew Thompsons don't as well, but as their journey began, they realized they felt something for each other at first sight but are too proud to confess their love. Who will be the first to confess their love? Will it be a smooth journey or a rocky one? The female lead is a successful businesswoman who started her company at the age of 21 and a single mother to a beautiful daughter. After finishing her first degree in business management at the age of 19 with first-class honours she got scholarships to further her education which she did International business and HMR and also finished with first-class honours. After being satisfied with her education, she decided to go on a holiday just to have fun and celebrate. “Hey beautiful, it seems you are getting drunk slow down” Marcus shouted into Eva’s ears “It’s fine, I have a high tolerance. One or two more shots should be fine “ Eva replied The following morning Eva sneaked out of Marcus room and went to her room to shower and packed her things and head to the airport...not knowing that she was already pregnant. The Male lead Andrew is the only child who is the heir and CEO to the biggest company in the country. He doesn’t believe in love at first sight or date as he feels it a waste of his time. “Do you know since we met I couldn’t stop thinking about you?” Addy said “Me too, it feels like I’m not alright if I don’t talk to you in a day “ Eva replied *************** “I promise to protect you and our daughter, with everything I’ve got “ Addy replied ************** Hi guys, SarangLove here, I’m the author of this novel and I hope you will enjoy this story. This is my first time writing a novel and I hope you support me by reading it, commenting, adding it in your collection, voting and rating this novel.

SarangLove · Urban
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Chapter 35

The next day...

At Eva's mansion,

Both Eva and Lilian have finished their breakfast and was about to head out when Rosie came to hug both of them. They left in the same car, not knowing a car was following them as soon as they got out of the main gate.

When they got to the office, Gary was so happy to see Lilian, he had gone to check up on her one and was hoping she resumes back to work soon because it's so boring without her.

When Eva entered her office, she placed her coat on the rail and was about to sit when she saw a package that looks like a present as she opened it.

It was two pairs of diamond earrings, one was a drop earring and the other one was a dot-shaped\ earring. Underneath the package was a letter, and she knew it was Addy.

'I hope you like this token. One is for you, the beautiful and gorgeous Queen and the other one is for the little princess, I hope she likes it'

Much love Addy. He then drew a heart shape.

Eva couldn't help but smile to herself, thinking how sweet can a guy be, to give her a gift and then remembered her daughter. She then dialled his number.

Addy was in the meeting that is usually held every morning when his phone began to ring. Normally his phone is always on silent but he knew she was going to call him, so he had removed it from been silent.

The moment his phone rang, he turned his chair to face the clear glass, facing the city, everyone in the room was wondering why their boss phone was on ring, it's usually on silent.

When he saw the name of the screen, his straight face softened immediately and he had a big smile on.

"Hello I've been expecting your call" he picked up

"Oh really, to what do I own this occasion, don't tell me it's to thank me again"

"No I just felt like it, I enjoyed our time together yesterday and I hope we would do something like that soon again," he said blushing. Everyone in the room was so shocked and surprised to see their boss like that, and started to wonder who could that be.

"Well I just wanted to thank you, but you really don't have to do this anymore"

"I'm not complaining about it though, I can and will give you anything you want or desire in the world, all you do is ask," Addy said confidently

Leo coughed, to remind him everyone is listening to his conversation. Addy turned back to see the faces of his staffs but wasn't bothered about who was listening or not and gave a signal with his hands to shut the hell up.

"I will give my daughter the present, thanks. And thanks for my present as well...I've got to go now, I have an important meeting soon" she continued

"Ok then, you know you can call me anytime, and I will call you later at night...have a great day," Addy said

"Yeah sure, you too" Eva replied as she hanged up.

As she hanged up the call, she smiled to herself and thought he's so cute. As she was blushing, Lilian came in to see the look on her boss's face.

"What happened, is everything ok, you look red?" Lilian asked very worriedly. This is the first time seeing her like this, so she thought happened to her.

"No nothing is wrong" she quickly covered her cheeks with her palms, hiding the redness.

Lilian walked closer to the table to see the presents and definitely knew who sent them, and she now knows why her boss's face is like that.

"That's beautiful, that's so nice of him"Lilian commented

"Yeah I know, this is mine and he said this one is for Rosie"Eva replied as she showed Lilian the gifts before packing them to on side of the table and composing herself.

"Can you come and check this out please and let me know your honest opinions" she signalled to Lilian to take a sit, and compare between the locations she took in Y City.

This is the important meeting she told Addy she's about to have, she smiled to herself thinking that's the best way to stop talking.

Lilian sat and checked the whole five locations and thankfully Eva wrote a report on each locations stating how far they are to the city centre if there are any other big companies around etc.

After about an hour later, she was done as she looked up.

"I would recommend we choose between locations A, C and D. Because they are fairly close to the city centre and the locations can be accessed by any means of transportation. What do you think?"

As Lilian spoke, Eva nodded in agreement as they began to narrow down their choices. They eventually picked location D after about an hour of proper contemplation.

Lilian decided to send an email to Thompsons Realtors to let them know the location they've picked, she noticed the email is Leo's work email but she didn't say anything else that was personal.

After lunch, Gary came up to Lilian to talk to her about work.

"The finance minister's daughter called to book a consultation appointment, she's getting married soon and she would like to see some dresses before getting one"

"Ok, that's fine, the more VIPs we get, the better our reputation grow" Lilian replied with a smile.

"Assign her to team A, they know what to do" she continued.

Gary nodded and was about to leave when he gasped

"Oh I forgot, do you know Sara? The big shot angelic model has also booked an appointment, she's also getting married soon"

Lilian has seen her on tv and in magazines. She has always thought Sara looked familiar for some reason but don't know where.

"Ok, book her with team A as well"

Everyone is getting married, good for them, she thought.

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