
Strange person


In a small lab.

"Finally Finally I have created it, Now I will be able to destroy This shitty world fulls of selfish and greedy people. Now this world will face the wrath of this so called loser". a middle aged wearing a white coat spoke while looking at a microscope.

"kekekeke" A creepy laughter echoed around the lab.

He took a injection filled with a reddish colored liquid and injected it into a dog which was trapped in a iron cage. The dog was barking loudly inside the cage.

Dog's bark were slowing getting lower in voice after getting injection, Barks now replaced to growls the dog's eyes turned into white, the dog was madly clashing against the iron cage.


In a College's classroom,

A boy named Mark was sleeping on a desk in the classroom, He had blonde hair with blue eyes.

"Hey Mark get up already you are sleeping from first lecture to the break aren't you hungry Let's go to cafeteria they have spaghetti In lunch today, Let's go before It's get eaten by others". A girl named Martha said in Mark's ears, Hearing spaghetti in menu. Mark stood up suddenly.

But as soon as he stand up he felt dizziness fall back right on his desk but before he could touch the desk a pair of arms came around Mark's neck and That arms pulled Mark towards her the Girl named Martha.

Rest was done by gravity Mark fell on top of Martha and accidentally a kiss happened.

The loud thud was made by falling on top of Martha Got all present in the class attention towards them, a couple on top of each other having a kiss.

A Shout came from the students which were present in the class "Get a room you two".

Hearing that Martha push Mark aside and runaway from the classroom, Her face was red from hearing that.

All the students present in the class laughed out loud seeing Martha's red face. They all thought how innocence Martha was but they didn't know that Martha was a beast in bed only Mark knew about her because she was Mark's girlfriend.

Mark stood up and walked toward were Martha had run through He took out his phone and message Martha to meet up at cafeteria. But it was declined by Martha she massaged Mark to come to back of acting department.

After reaching the back of acting department building he saw Martha Looking at him like she was hungry to eat Mark alive.

Mark thought it as she was horny after the kiss but suddenly a pool of blood started forming under Martha's legs Which terrified Mark, As he run towards her he saw a body laying besides her in a corner.

"What happened here tell me" Mark asked Martha about the body laying besides her from which blood was flowing from the head. As soon as Martha saw Mark she hugged him.

While shuttering she said "He He su- Suddenly Jumped on- on me while I wa- was looking at my phone H- He tried to Bite me".

After Martha done explaining about the body which remained besides them, Suddenly it moved and grabbed Mark legs.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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