
Doomsday villain

The emergence of zombies and the conspiracy behind them all seem to be under control. Can Chen Guangda uncover the truth behind it? Does this mean the beginning or end of an era?

brightdaoyou · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

die before leaving


Du Juan and others immediately fled in a panic. Liu Lei was unexpectedly pressed to the ground by his cousin, and how to push and hit could not be freed. If it were not for his plastic armor body, it would not be so simple as to bite off his ear. and she can bite the armor rattling as soon as she goes down, and the terrifying bite force is amazing.

"Fuck me! Why is it so good that it becomes a zombie? She wasn't hurt, either. "

Chen Guangda also stood there dumbfounded, completely unable to understand how the little girl had become a zombie, but du Juan hurriedly pushed the boy around her and said in a hasty voice: "Wang Liqun, don't stand still, go up and pull them away. Liu Lei is dying!"

"I... I. "

Unexpectedly, Wang Liqun dared not come forward at all, holding the engineer shovel and trembling all over, but Chen Guangda grabbed his engineer shovel, rushed up and hit the girl's forehead with a "knock". The sharp engineer shovel instantly cut off the girl's Tianling cover, and the girl immediately lay down on Liu Lei's body.

"help! Help me. "

Liu Lei hurriedly kicked open the girl's body, covering his ears and howling desperately on the ground. Chen Guangda rushed up to cover his mouth and scolded harshly: "Don't fucking howl, the zombies are howling to you!"

"help me! Please help me, I was bitten by her. "

Liu Lei panicked and tugged at Chen Guangda's arm and begged at Chen Guangda, while Chen Guangda took out his cell phone and took a careful picture on his ear. Seeing that his ear had turned into a terrible blood hole, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "it's okay!" The wound is not big, it should be just a laceration! "

"that's right! Her mouth didn't touch my wound. I'm sure I'll be fine. "

Liu Lei looked at Chen Guangda with delight, but Chen Guangda turned and took a rope out of the box and said very seriously, "I once met a Taoist priest who was bitten by a zombie. He taught me a way to dispel corpse poison. It should also be useful to deal with corpse poison, but this method is a little painful, you must not move, ah, in case you screw up, it is your own bad luck!"

"Yes, yes! I won't move, I won't move. "

Liu Lei sat up hurriedly, hurriedly stretched out his hands and asked him to tie him up behind his back, but Chen Guangda tied him to the wheel in one breath and tried hard to test the tightness of the rope, so he clapped his hands and began to take off his equipment.

"you. What are you doing? I thought you said you saved me. "

Liu Lei looked at Chen Guangda dumbfounded, but Chen Guangda rolled his eyes angrily and said, "nonsense!" Save you, of course. How can you be saved if you don't take off this thing that gets in the way? "

Liu Lei's equipment was stripped off by him three or two times, and even the pocketknife in his waist was taken away together, but when Chen Guangda began to wear the equipment on himself, Liu Lei finally realized that something was wrong. "you fucking lied to me, du Juan," he roared angrily. Come and untie me! "

"stop! If you don't want to die, just stay there. "

Chen Guangda suddenly picked up the engineer shovel and pointed at the two men. The two immediately stopped in a panic and looked at Chen Guangda in disbelief, while Chen Guangda said with a cold hum, "this kid is dead, and the muscles on his face have been bitten off by the living corpse." but I don't mind if you want to save him, as long as you're not afraid of being bitten! "

"Don't listen to him. I just got bit in the ear. I'm sure it'll be all right, du Juan! I'm your boyfriend, come and untie me. "

Liu Lei shouted again in panic, her voice almost turned into a cry, and du Juan suddenly clenched her teeth and rushed up, seven.

All hands and feet began to untie him, and only Wang Liqun cried out with a sad face, "Don't untie him now, can't you let him go at dawn?" What if he really becomes a Promethean! "

"get out! No one wants you to stay here. If you're scared, go with that son of a bitch. "

Du Juan immediately scolded angrily, and Chen Guangda had to scold "stupid ladies" and stooped to pick up the box full of rations and left, but as soon as he saw Ding Li also hurriedly followed, he scolded directly: "I went to the TV station to die." what are you doing here? "

"Don't get me wrong! I. I was just afraid that something would happen to you. It didn't mean anything. "

Ding Li ran up to hold him with an anxious face, and said anxiously, "me, too." I'm also jealous. As soon as we were together, you were out looking for the other woman. How can I not be in a hurry? please don't be mad at me. I'm your woman, my good husband! "

"Damn it! Don't call me husband, I think of Liu Shaoyu as soon as I do. "

Chen Guangda threw off her little hand and got into the car. Ding Li also hurriedly climbed up, sweetly kissed him on the face, and lay down on his body to help him light a cigarette. She could hardly wait to take off her clothes and seduce him directly.

"come on, now is not the time."

Chen Guangda pushed Ding Li away impatiently, keeping his eyes fixed on the situation opposite. As soon as he saw that Liu Lei had been loosened by them, he quickly put his head out and shouted, "if I were you, I would stay away from him, or I wouldn't know how to die!"

"get out! We don't need you to pretend to be kind here. Liu Lei, he will be all right. "

Du Juan glared at Chen Guangda angrily, and Ding Li immediately pulled Chen Guangda back with a look of disdain and said, "if they want to die, let them die. Why do you have to put a hot face on their cold buttocks? they are a group of 250. Why call yourself?"

As a result, he was bitten by his own people before he came out of his house, which makes people laugh his teeth off! "

"you say, how on earth did this corpse poison spread? why did the little girl suddenly change her body without any injury? it's really strange …..."

Chen Guangda took a puff of the cigarette, while Ding Li shrugged her shoulders and said, "maybe she ate something dirty or water, or else we didn't notice any hidden wounds on her body. Anyway, we must be careful when we eat in the future, and don't eat anything suspicious!"

"well! It is really possible that it spread through water sources, otherwise the rate of infection would not have been so fast, and I have been drinking chilled mineral water and drinks these days. I haven't drunk a drop of tap water. "

Ding Li's words gave Chen Guangda a clue, but Ding Li shook her head in bewilderment: "but I've been drinking tap water all the time, but I have a very high-end purification system in my house. Could it be that the purification system has purified the virus?" If that's the case, we can't even drink tap water in the future! "

"Damn it! I'll go down and take a look at the girl's body. I'm sure I can't make a living until I figure it out. "

Chen Guangda took a waist bag from the back row and tied it to his waist, then turned around and shoveled down with the engineer. As soon as he walked over, he immediately caused a stir across the street. Liu Lei looked at him in horror and shouted, "you."... What do you want to do? You can take everything. We don't want it, can't we? "

"Don't be afraid! I'm not here to trouble you. If you don't change tonight, I'll kowtow to you tomorrow. I've always had a clear grudge. "

Chen Guangda helplessly waved his hand, bent down and dragged the girl's body from the ground. Liu Lei and others immediately swallowed but did not speak. After watching him drag the body into the open space, he went so far as to read to the body piously: "the road goes all the way to heaven, the path goes to Yin Cao everywhere, according to the three estuaries of Yin Cao, the three roads of the underworld, the hell is broken in the underworld, and all the grievances are turned into hell."

Zero. Be reincarnated as soon as possible! "

"blah, blah."

A large stack of yellow papyrus was suddenly thrown high into the air by Chen Guangda, as if all the grievances of the female corpse drifted away. At this moment, Chen Guangda, whose hands clasped his face and was pious, seemed to rise to greatness and let several people present wet his eyes uncontrollably. However, in the next second, Chen Guangda, who was originally Weian, suddenly squatted down and took off the clothes of the female corpse directly.