

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

winter_yanyan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


  The upright lifeguard took the bag and smiled, "Okay, you are so kind to our boss, you even helped him with the problem of without having underwear."

  Hua Mi: "."

  She was silent for a moment, slapped her thigh, and said curtly, "Boss Gong doesn't have underwear to wear, you should tell me earlier, I'll give him dozens more."

  When Chi Chuan reappeared in the stall area, The back collar was grabbed by Hua Mi.

  He looked back and was about to say hello to Hua Mi when Hua Mi said happily,"Do you still have men's underwear? This business is very good. I sold out all the men's underwear I bought from you yesterday." "

  Chi Chuan looked at Hua Mi in surprise, why couldn't he sell any of them?

 Glancing at Hua Mi's booth again, he said exaggeratedly: "Wow, sister Hao, your stall is too good, ah, where did you get so much mineral water? What brand."

Walking to Huami's booth, he took a look at the body of the mineral water bottle, which was transparent and without a logo.

  High-end mineral water often doesn't need any identification!

 Shocked by Hua Mi's ability, Chi Chuan walked around the RV parked on the musical fountain again, admiring, "This car is good, I want one too."

  "Don't tell me you don't have any of these. Do you still have men's underwear? Let me tell you, this is a profitable product. I sold out the men's underwear in just a few hours. What does it mean? It means men's underwear, The market demand is huge."

  Hua Mi said cracklingly.

  Chi Chuan shook his head again and again, and he pointed to the truck he drove over,

 "My friend has no men's underwear in the warehouse, but another friend of mine wants to collect some water. There was a severe earthquake in the neighboring city, and half of the city collapsed."

  So those who are in the business of buying and selling, they want to collect some supplies and sell them in the next city.

  If Huami has a lot of water, Chichuan can collect some.

  "This is the current situation. All the eyes of the outside world are on Xiangcheng, so materials from all walks of life are being pulled to Xiangcheng. Who would have thought that the neighboring city would also start shaking? There must be a shortage of supplies there, and water is also essential. "

  Chi Chuan looked at Hua Mi, Hua Mi had one hand propped on the shelf and the other on her waist. The expression on her face made it impossible to guess what she was thinking.

  So Chi Chuan thought about it, and said sincerely: "When I say this, don't think that I am morally corrupt. Everyone needs to eat, and we rely on buying and selling to support our family. Of course, the city next door was hit by a disaster. I will donate money. Donate, I will also dedicate my love, I have old and young, and I can do nothing more than sell mineral water for sky-high prices."

"Okay, don't explain."

  Hua Mi waved her hand When Chi Chuan said, she curled her lips into a smile, "It doesn't matter if you earn more while the money is still money."

  Anyway, it won't be long before the money will become a pile of waste paper, or a string of numbers lying in the phone.

  When order still exists, money can still buy what you want. Once order no longer exists, if you want to get what you want, you can only rely on stealing.

  The general trend is that morality should not be used to kidnap anyone.

  After understanding, Chi Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of encountering those hypocrites who would accuse him of buying and selling while suffering a disaster.

  Fortunately, Hua Mi is not such a person.

  She asked Chi Chuan very generously, "How much mineral water do you want?"

  "Well, do you have 100,000 bottles?"

  Chi Chuan still reported a number conservatively.

  "Yes, I'll ask someone to bring it over."

  As she said that, Hua Mi took out her mobile phone and called Ah Fu, asking Ah Fu to drive the empty truck to the ruins.

  Tell Chi Chuan again, let Chi Chuan go to the ruins to pick up water in the afternoon.

  Ah Fu's truck definitely couldn't hold 100,000 bottles of mineral water. Calling Ah Fu's big truck over was just a deception to prove that she still had transportation channels to transport water into Xiangcheng from other places.

  When visiting the ruins this morning, Hua Mi found that although her community had collapsed, half of the underground garages in the community were still in good condition.

  The exit of the underground garage is right next to Huami's supermarket.

  She used this underground garage as a temporary warehouse. The 100,000 bottles of mineral water that Chi Chuan wanted were all stored in the underground garage, and it was enough for Chi Chuan and the friends he called to move them by themselves.

  Confidentially, Hua Mi posted two payment QR codes on the wall of her second-hand caravan, plus a piece of paper, which said, [The stall owner has something to do, self-serve mineral water, 5 yuan/bottle]

  She didn't pack the things outside, and went straight into the caravan and returned to the supermarket in an instant.

  The stall owner was not there, Chi Chuan also left, and people surrounded him.

  Someone pointed to the shelves full of mineral water and said, "Is this stall owner a badass? So much water is put here, but she disappear."

  Don't think too much about people, after all, this place is like shaking and shaking , endlessly.

  Not all people are bad, but not all are good either.

  Someone stepped forward, took two bottles of mineral water tentatively, turned around and left without scanning the QR code.

  However, before taking two steps, he was stopped by the garrison not far away.

  The garrison was very angry, and slapped the person who did not pay for the water and turned around,"It told you to scan the QR code to get water, are you blind, or do you think we are blind?"

  Didn't see the whole stall area , is the most ostentatious style of the stall at Sister Hua?

  Then why she can be so ostentatious, she must trust their boss, and believe that these garrisons standing guard and patrolling will give her a good booth.

  So there is no money for fetching water, which is simply a challenge to the detection ability of the garrison. Although there are many people here, but from the corner of their eyes, they are all watching the booth for Sister Hua.

  The man who was photographed by the garrison held two bottles of mineral water in his arms, obediently swept the 10 yuan, and ran away in a desperate manner, cursing.

  Seeing this situation, the rest of the people didn't dare to take water without paying. They all scanned the QR code obediently and paid as much as they took a few bottles of water.

  The business at Huami's booth is very good. After all, although there are relief supplies that are sent to Xiangcheng every day, resources are limited, and people's panic is unlimited.

  The mineral water donated by the outside world is also in place. As Cao Feng said, there are already stalls buying mineral water in the market today.

  But the minimum price of mineral water at their booth is 30 yuan a bottle, while Huami only sells it for 5 yuan a bottle.

  The price already counts as cabbage.

  If you can stock up on an extra bottle of water, who would not be willing to pay the 5 yuan?

  Hua Mi, who had already returned to the supermarket in a flash, thought that as long as there were no big troubles, it would be fine if some people took water and didn't pay, as long as she didn't get caught, after all, the cost of her mineral water from the fountain under the caravan was some diesel.

  She had no idea that so many people would buy water and pay for each bottle.

  It seemed that those garrisons really took good care of her.