
December 10th

December 10th. The heavy rain has just passed. Start counting down

On the way back from get off work, I took a bus with my good friend and colleague.

The car was crowded, like the fish in a can of sardines. Pieces are connected together.

Under such circumstances, my good friend Wen Suo was still able to nag. Even if my face is not facing him.

We met at the station. He was a dental intern. just graduated. Currently in the internship stage.

He complained about today's customers. Indeed, he should complain.

His guest opened his mouth like a fool.

The commander who didn't understand his orders.

So, he thought the patient was a fool. Because he makes his work cumbersome and impatient.

 and I. I work in a coffee shop near the station.

The work is not decent enough. But it's very comfortable.

We are extremely ordinary people in this world.

Even our work is the same.

As long as you have oral problems, you can get free services from Wensuo. Because he is an intern.

As long as you spend 10 yuan, you can get a cup of coffee and my friendly smile.

The reason why I got involved with him - Wen Suo. It's because I want to record anyone I can recall.

In the disasters I experienced in the future. People who can think of it.

We got off the bus together at Huli Old Street in Xiacheng District.

I thought things would be better when I got out of the car.

But it's too lively here. Soon we were like sardine fillets. Jump from this can to that can.

There are food stalls on both sides of the street. Shaobing, tofu and so on.

It was very lively.

We will eat on the second floor of this street.

I ordered a piece of teriyaki rice. He ordered a pork chop.

Then, we heard the sound of the ambulance.

The sound came closer and closer.

This is the first sound of an ambulance that I can recall.

From now on, I can't remember how many times I heard it.

Of course, we won't worry. Because who is inside is none of our business.

After finishing the meal. His girlfriend called him.

Yes, his name is Ji. A beautiful woman with wavy hair.

 he ask me. Do you want to go see Bo Kang tomorrow night?

I told him that I have to go to work tomorrow night.

Obviously, he forgot.

So who is Bokang? He is a good friend of ours. It has been 7 years since I realized that.

He works in a foreign trade company.

I should mention him.

He lost contact in the disaster.

I have passed, I want to recall the people I met. And record this disaster.

Another ambulance passed through the old street. Because there are too many cars on the old street. So it was helplessly stuck there and moved forward with difficulty.

None of those driving cars were willing to let it go.

Because they feel that they can leave here quickly and reach their desired destination.

is more important than the mission of this ambulance.

We witnessed this from the rear window on the second floor.

Until the ambulance struggled to get out of the group of vehicles.

We each paid the bill and went downstairs. Say goodbye to the usual.

This is not far from where we live.

He went north, and I went straight ahead.

He went back to find his girlfriend who was waiting for him. I went back to live my single life.

He walked through the crowd, smoking.

Everything is as usual.

The vendors on the street shouted. The smoke and aroma of fried tofu. Music in department stores.

This is such an ordinary day.

I walked through the park. Because I can walk from here to my house. It can save 20 minutes of traveling.

By the way, take a walk after dinner.

Then, we arrived downstairs in my neighborhood.

Passing through the aisle filled with parked private cars.

Went up to the 7th floor.

My family lives in 706. Going up further is the balcony on the first floor.

There is only one bedroom and one living room. The room is not big, but the living room is quite spacious.

A sofa and coffee table. A 21-inch TV. A cabinet. These are all left by the landlord.

Their family bought another set in a more prosperous part of the city. It sounds like she has more than just two tricks.

There should be three or four sets.

He rented this apartment to me. Rent 600. Water and electricity not included. Still barely able to afford it.

When I got home, I received a call from my landlord. Her rent is coming soon. Ask me to remit it to her quickly.

I looked at the calendar. There is still one week left until the day when the rent is paid.

I don't think the landlord is a good person.

From the first day I met her, I felt she was a powerful character.

She is a fat middle-aged woman.

I forgot my name, I only remember my last name is Luo.

He checked my identity very seriously. Because I'm not a local.

When he is in front of me, the hands and feet of a foreigner are unclean. Or often make trouble.

Of course, I was still quite polite to her.

Because, I urgently need a place to stay.

The sound of the ambulance rang again. Moreover, after an interval of 3 minutes. Heard it again.

I just feel strange. But not too curious.

Turned on the TV. Watched the news. There's not much difference.

Some programs are quite interesting. Just like a blind date. More than a dozen women. Choose a man.

Have a house and a car. I still dislike others.

Comparative conditions. People like me can't find a girlfriend. That's normal. Everyone has a house and a car. Still can't find it.

 What about me? Nothing at all.

I turned on my computer and surfed the Internet for a while, but I saw. There is a piece of news on the homepage.

I opened it and took a look.

The news is that a rare and unknown disease broke out in Hemen City today.

The first example. Found out at around 3pm this afternoon. He is a construction worker of the building.

I read it patiently. I feel sad in my heart.

I am also very worried, because Hemen City is where I am now.

However, there is not much written above. It just describes the symptoms of a cold.

Because in addition to the description of symptoms like colds.

There is nothing else.

Maybe the situation is still unclear.

But the symptoms I saw later were a hundred times more terrifying than these cold-like understatements.

Even, even worse.

I have had these unknown diseases before. Some people died. But soon there was nothing more to say.

It should be similar to mutated diseases such as WeChat

Don't worry too much. That's what I thought at the time.

After chatting about QQ for a while, I felt tired, so I turned off the light and went to sleep.

The moment before falling asleep. The sound of the ambulance rang again. Because it's too far. So it was impossible to tell whether it was an ambulance or a fire truck.

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