
doomsday spores

Scientists have discovered that a fungus can parasitize ants. This fungus allows the ants to walk according to their predetermined trajectory. When it reaches the most advantageous place for spread, the fungus will kill the ants mercilessly - scientists call them zombies. bacteria. . . How can a group of people survive and escape when the apocalypse comes? Keep running away? This book is a multi-person narrative. . . Doomsday escape novel.

Daoistog8zA5 · Sci-fi
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24 Chs

Big head

The shadow of the woman with her head hanging still kneeling on the edge of the balcony

I heard A Dong calling me. I retreated into the room and closed the French door. I looked out from the glass door.

Some of the neighbors across the street have noticed it. Their screams passed through my glass and reached my ears.

But some still didn't understand what happened. They looked outside, as if they wanted to figure out what happened.

People who have watched TV, or the citizens of Hemen during this period, should have gotten a lot of news about "corpse bacteria" from TV.

They know that the spores emitted from the belly are the source of infection. As long as they encounter these deadly spores, it is equivalent to stepping into the gate of hell.

But no one knows yet

The spread of this spore will spread from the air to the ground

We call it: "Big Head"

Because this is a new infection symptom that we have seen with our own eyes. In addition to the typical characteristics of corpse bacteria, the various parts of the body of patients with corpse bacteria cover a wider range than those that rely on wind to spread on the ground. Their activities seem to More sensitive. The uterine cyst grows in the head, forming a huge cyst, and gathers all the facial features together. It is twisted and deformed. It is scabbed and thick. It makes a shrill cry like a cat.

The house in front of me was the first one I saw:"Big Head." Later, they were called on TV:"Aerial Communicators"

I remembered a documentary I had seen before. It tells about a kind of spore that parasitizes on ants and other insects and then controls its brain. Ants infected with this disease will climb to high places. This is for the mature spores. Able to spread over a wider area and find new hosts

If connected, then the dead woman in the house in front of me has the same mission as the spores on ants. It spreads at high places to find new hosts in a wider area.

I saw a few traces of brownish-red objects stuck to the transparent floor-to-ceiling glass.

I'll go in and take a look

One. Two. Three more.

This is how I observed these spores so closely. And these were hung on my floor-to-ceiling glass in just a few minutes.

They are like very thin tadpoles. This description is correct. They are just red in color and surrounded by thin mycelium. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them. They are moving very slowly. Those The hyphae are moving. The spores that can be illuminated by the eyes slowly change from red to brown in less than a while. Then they become brown. They no longer feel like soft bugs. Once they turn brown, they are declared dead. Death. The spores stick stiffly to the glass.

They move on the glass at a very fast speed. They even stick to it motionless.

Observing these deadly spores so close. I can't describe my feeling. I am afraid that they will slip into the glass door. But at the same time, I am curious to observe it.

I carefully checked the gaps in the floor-to-ceiling glass door. I was thankful in my heart. Fortunately, these things like dandelions didn't seem to move very much.

When I looked across, there was no one on the balcony of Building B opposite. There were only some people like me, observing the situation outside through the glass.

I wouldn't want to open the door to study these deadly things. I'm not sure if those things will float in quietly after I open the door. Can't be sure, those spores that look dead. Is it still alive? So I can only shut myself on the other side of the glass. Keep your life quietly and safely.

My TV is always showing the news. Because at this time the news is the program that must be watched. Because it has a great relationship with your own survival.

TV broadcasts about the insertion of the International Red Cross and rescue teams. And, there is news about the emergence of a new type of "aerial communicator".

These news came in time.

And alarming news: Hemen City is on lockdown. 

There was a roaring sound in the sky. I went to the window and looked out. A military helicopter flew over the limited sky in that area. The direction they are flying to. It is the Hemen Municipal Government. Then another one came. There are as many as a dozen vehicles in front and behind.

The time spent in the room is boring. The phone is in arrears. No one to chat with to relieve boredom. There is only the news that is constantly broadcast on TV. And some boring TV series. I started looking for things to do. First I have to make a list for myself. Because the food I buy is very limited after all.

I made a list of things I can eat every day. By the 20th day, I had nothing left.

At present, we can only consider the current 20 days. I don't know what it will be like in the future.

When I was on the balcony, I asked for A Dong's network number. So I would chat with him when I felt bored. Even play cards online. But the Internet speed is always not fast. Maybe it's because everyone is hiding at home and surfing the Internet.

My ears are very sensitive now. I am particularly sensitive to outside sounds.

So when there is the sound of an ambulance, I am used to going to the balcony to watch behind the floor-to-ceiling glass. (But I can't see the road from my angle.)

The night when night falls.

An explosion was heard. I don't know the exact location of the sound, maybe it was behind my house. The range that I can't see. Because of Building B opposite. After hearing the explosion, they all looked at me from behind the window.

I can only estimate that maybe there was an explosion in the residential area behind the district. Maybe in the next factory.

There were a lot of noises in the early morning. I even heard crying and shouting. Almost all the neighbors are very sensitive. Whenever there is a sound, I hide behind the glass and watch.

In the distant night, there are some bright red lights. Then maybe there was a fire somewhere far away.

  three days in a row. They didn't even dare to open the floor-to-ceiling glass door. It seems that the outside air cannot flow in.

Although the room is cold. But there is no cold* pass. Now there is only some garbage that gives off a smell that cannot be dissipated.

I should think of a way. Let the garbage leave my kitchen.

I thought for a long time by the kitchen window. After observing for a while, I determined that there were no floating objects outside. I opened the window. At that moment a cold wind blew in. The smell of the cold wind makes people miss it. It is the unique smell of fresh air. Because these days. No car exhaust. There is no industrial pollution. Or maybe it's because I haven't opened the window for too long. The air is so precious.

I quickly squeezed the bag of garbage through the railing of the kitchen window. Then quickly closed the window.

Before doing these simple actions, I wrapped myself tightly in clothes. Wearing a hat and gloves. Even put on summer swimming goggles. I don't want to expose part of my body, open the window and throw garbage, and throw away my life.

Of course, after completing this task, I will close the kitchen door. Then carefully check around. It's not difficult to find the spores. Under sufficient light conditions during the day. If you look carefully you can see their brownish-red color. I looked in the mirror heartily, and then gently took off the old white clothes I was wearing. I also don't want to shake these things out by moving too much and sow the seeds of death in the kitchen.

I prepared a lighter. If I find something, I will use tweezers to remove it and then burn it. Since these brown-red spores are afraid of dryness and sunlight. Then it must be fear of high temperatures. When I made sure that all the procedures I expected were completed, it took me nearly an hour.

From that day on, I thought about how to reduce the generation of garbage. But when I think about it, there may not be much garbage to be produced in the future.

I heard someone crying from the neighbor opposite. I guess it might have been when I was on the balcony that day. A large number of scattered spores infected them. They cried very loudly. Crying and calling the names of relatives. I think their infected family members must be in a coma now and their whole bodies are eroding. Their heartbreaking cries. It made me feel scared and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

This society is equal, but in terms of money, rights and social status. But there is one person who is equal. But under this disaster. It seems that everyone can't escape bad luck. This society becomes equal for the time being.

That night. Cries continued to come from all directions.