
Chapter 3 Freed from slavery

At the same time, in the royal palace of the Lunica kingdom.

"Your majesty, all of the other cities, fortresses, and mines have been lost!"

A messenger kneeled before the royal throne as the King processed the information. His face cramped up in fury as his brain tried to piece together the events of the last few hours.

An hour ago, a message came from one of the mining fortresses. The message coming from a low-ranking soldier, reported that someone had destroyed the fortress. Infuriated, the King had declared for the army to retaliate against the foreign threat.

However, before the army could move out, reports began flooding in about attacks on every major city and outpost in the kingdom. The scout parties sent out by the capital began to report strange objects approaching the capital from al directions.

"Deploy the army around the capital, activate the grand barrier formation!"

The king declared his decision with a pained look upon his face. His vassals all wordlessly moved to carry out his orders. By deploying the army around the capitol and deploying the barrier formation he was silently declaring that they would give up on the rest of the kingdom.

"You filthy scoundrels. Once we annihilate your invasion, we will find your country and conquer you! I swear upon my honour as the king of the glorious kingdom of Lunica!"

The King's declaration went unchallenged as only his personal guard remained in the room. If the declaration had been known to the world half the countries would have coughed blood in anger. The kingdom of Lunica had built itself up by conquering neighboring countries, after which they would enslave the population, divide them up and send them off to forced labour.

"Come! I shall oversee the defenses!"

The king swiftly set off to the military command center. Upon arriving at the command fortress the King was quickly informed of the situation.

"Our scouts have reported that some of the objects have begun to speed up. From what we have collected we have concluded that they will all arrive at the capitol in ten minutes."

The head general pointed out the enemy positions on the countries map.

"The barrier formation has been deployed and the army is in position."

"What are our enemies forces?"

"The enemy appears to be several enormous floating objects. The objects appear metallic in origin and are cylindrical in shape but are estimated too be several kilometers in length. We have confirmed over a dozen such objects."

The king nearly gawked at the information. Over a dozen objects several kilometers in length and flying no less. The king quickly regained his composure. Even if the objects were large, the barrier was strong, and the capitol had dozens of mage units. They could simply blast the objects to pieces from inside the barrier.

"General, carry on. I shall witness the might of the capitol army of Lunica."

"Yes, your majesty."

The general hurried off as he oversaw the army. The king overlooked the army below and sneered to himself. After this incident, the kingdom would need to reconstruct itself. It looked like it would be necessary to invade the other countries earlier than scheduled.

As the king fantasized about ruling the world, a messenger rushed in.

"Your majesty, the objects have appeared in sight!"

"Good, soon we shall bring them to justice."

The king laughed joyously as he walked out onto the terrace overlooking the army. The king inhaled deeply as he began a speech to raise morale to a fiery boil.

"Listen all, the enemy who would dare stain the name of the great kingdom of Lunica now approach. Soon we shall show them the overwhelming might of the great kingdom of Luni-"

The king's speech was cut short as an overwhelming light struck the barrier. The Yin corporation assault cruisers had fired several of their large turrets to destroy the barrier. They refrained from firing all their weapons and main cannon as the general populace was largely innocent of the crimes of the government and would be evaluated later.

The king who had been flung back struggled to free himself from the debris. As he hurried out of the wreckage that was once the military command, he laid his gaze upon an unbelievable sight. The barrier formation had been annihilated. The army had been positioned outside of the cities walls and had been erased by the explosion caused by the collision of the beam cannons and the barrier. The city wall had collapsed, and the populace was in chaos. Scream echoed everywhere as the city devolved into chaos.

"You there, would you be the king."

A voice sounded out in the chaos of the situation. Turning around, the king came face to face with a swarm of mecha. The king screamed and began to scramble away in a desperate attempt to survive.

"Confirmed, individual matches the one on file. The mission shall be carried out."

In an apathetic tone the lead mech aimed its energy cannon and fired. The king was erased by the blast, his pitiful figure erased, to be forgotten from history.

Meanwhile, at the slave mine.

"That so, alright, I'll finish up over here."

Confirming the destruction of the capitol John, captain of the 14th mech fleet of the Swift Judgement Assault force, sighed and made his way to the cargo hold of his cruiser.

Arriving in the cargo hold, John gazed at the people before him. They were all slaves that had been recovered from the mine. They looked like they had been starving their entire lives and had eyes like dead fish.

As per protocol, John would drop them off at the Yin corporation Branch sight. There, they would receive minimal treatment and food, then be shipped off to the nearest allied planet. Although it seemed cruel, the Yin corporation wouldn't spare resources to unrelated parties.


A voice cut through the depressing atmosphere. John looked in the direction of the voice and discovered an odd slave. The slave, Kole, was hunched over like he wanted to crawl around on all fours, his fingers were all claws reminiscent of a large salamander, and his eyes were blazing with a ferocity John had rarely seen before.

"What do you want?"

"Let me join you."

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