
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Eastern
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40 Chs

Chapter 25 Bloody

The figure of the attacker was still jumping between the fires, and the inexplicable terrifying sound was heard again and again. All the hunters were attracted by it and threw their spears again and again according to the position provided by the gunshot. But they soon discovered that their attacks were ineffective. All the muskets hit exactly where the attacker had been. However, none of the spears thrown could successfully penetrate the attacker's body, which was entirely made of flesh and blood.

What's even more frightening is that at the moment the gun was thrown, the thrower himself was shocked to see: a young man wearing gray and white clothes flashed in front of him at a terrifying speed, like a ghost. . The unknown iron pipe he held in his hand also fired a strange object that could not be seen clearly with the naked eye in a burst of "pop, pop" sounds accompanied by flames. With an irresistible speed, he penetrated into his body...

"One hundred and twenty-six!" This was the number Tianxiang pointed out after running past nine fires outside the camp. It was also the number of souls who had all fallen under his gun so far.

So far, it's going pretty well. The peripheral defense of the Geza tribe no longer exists at all. All that's left is to push towards the big fire in the center of the camps. Of course, there are more people out there and there is more resistance. Moreover, it was also the center of the banquet.

Tianxiang kicked the body of a dead old man next to his feet. Disgusted, he skewered a piece of meat on a steel spear, grabbed the piece of meat that was being grilled, and smashed it to the ground. It was a piece of human flesh. To be precise, it should be an arm chopped off at shoulder level, a clean arm with five fingers attached to the front of the hand. Since it has been grilled for a long time, the meat on the arm has turned golden, and the edges with several small cuts in the middle are also slightly burnt. The fat layer hidden under the skin has obviously been roasted, and large drops of meat oil are constantly emerging from the gap in the broken arm. It flows along the tip of the high-upturned spear to the end of the arm.

The skin, which had been roasted by the hot fire until it was extremely crispy, cracked tiny cracks one after another under the influence of the liquid inside. Under the alternating attacks of fierce fire and human oil, the cracks soon began to grow larger and gradually spread to the entire surface of the meat. At several large gaps and breaks, one can still clearly see pink muscles wrapped with dark red blood vessels beginning to expand, bursting out from the completely unrestrained breaks.

Of course, along with them, there is a rich and attractive aroma of cooked meat that permeates the air.

It can be seen that the roaster must have considerable knowledge in how to cook human flesh. Faced with such a soft piece of barbecue that is completely covered in melted fat, even if you are already full, if you take one more bite, you will choke to death immediately, and you can't help but grab it and chew it.

Although, it was human flesh.

A few months ago, I'm afraid Tianxiang himself would have openly feasted on the ground. But now he only felt an indescribable nausea filling his entire stomach. The relationship between human flesh and food that has been reversed is something that Tianxiang, who has received too much knowledge from the ancients, cannot bear.

The reinforcements coming from inside the camp were not far away, and the wildly shaking flames had already reflected their chaotic figures and the sharp weapons in their hands. The howling cold wind also brought clearly identifiable, yet extremely noisy sounds. Running, yelling, exclaiming, and crying, all the sounds combined with the crackling sound caused by the burning of the large bonfire formed a beautiful symphony of death and survival that hung over the entire camp.

Tianxiang didn't delay for too long. He suddenly turned around and ran back and forth between hiding spots at the same speed again. The M5G43 in his hand also fired incoherent bullets at the right time. Compared with throwing a gun, the range of bullets is obviously much longer. More importantly, compared with just now, Tianxiang is no longer in danger of being outflanked by enemies from multiple sides. Therefore, although the enemies coming from the front were numerous in number, they had no power to fight back.

Xia Dong's team, which had been hiding behind him without moving, was now firing spears and rifles at the dazed and frightened hunters from the left and right. Due to lack of light and no sentry guidance. Therefore, although the hunters in the camp can somewhat detect the direction of these sporadic spears and guns falling from the sky, they have no way of knowing their specific locations. Under attack from both sides who changed their attack positions at any time and threw guns, the hunters began to unconsciously gather towards the central area that seemed safe and completely shrouded in firelight. And there, it was the death zone where Tianxiang's gun was pointing and firing in a leisurely manner.

As for the back, it is already firmly controlled by the enemy and is an insurmountable line of defense. Several people tried to get around to the side of the attackers from here, but were nailed to the ground alive by a row of spears flying from the darkness. Of course, there are also a few guys who are lucky enough to be able to escape with their lives under the attack of throwing guns. However, the luck that had just arrived was quickly shattered by the crisp metal collisions that followed.

Several pistol bullets flew out of the corner and accurately hit their heads.

In this way, a strange and miserable scene began to appear in the camp: the hunters huddled in the center were completely suppressed by the sporadic attacks of the Avengers who were weak but unable to find their location. He could only endure in vain the lives of his companions being taken away by inexplicable attacks. Although they had fought back, the empty guns fired one after another and the warning-like bursts of fire from the front seemed to clearly tell them: "This is of no use at all."

"As long as you occupy a favorable terrain, completely suppress the enemy with fierce and accurate firepower, and kill as many enemies as possible without knowing the actual situation. Then, even if there are only a few people, you can control the initiative on the battlefield. Even if the enemy continues again There are many, as long as you master the rhythm and timing of the attack, you can achieve complete victory."

This is what Tianxiang got from a book called "Outline of Infantry Offensive Tactics". Moreover, among the data input into the brain, there are many actual combat cases that have verified that this is feasible.

Although it does not have powerful force, it relies on the essence of tactics that have been passed down and condensed by ancient people for thousands of years. Tianxiang still led his subordinates with less than twenty people to gain the absolute upper hand in terms of weak strength comparison. Although, there is no winner yet. However, the balance of victory has clearly tilted towards oneself.

"Stop! Stop fighting!" A slightly old and sad voice came from among the hunters surrounded in the center of the camp. As the gathered crowd parted, a man with somewhat gray hair, but whose body still showed strength and strength, slowly walked out.

Tianxiang also stood up from behind the invisible mound and took a few steps forward with an indifferent expression. The M5G43 gun in his hand had no intention of lowering it at all. He was not worried about his own safety, and the thoughts emitted by his brain had completely enveloped the entire camp. He can clearly see everyone's actions through his "mind's eye". Whenever there is any movement, the first person to lie down will definitely be the person with evil intentions. What's more, his people have controlled the surrounding favorable terrain. Even if he doesn't take action, the Avengers hiding in the dark will immediately insert the spear with death greetings into the body of the rash mover.

As for the guy who walked out of the crowd, he was obviously the leader of the camp. From the look on his face, he seemed to be negotiating with himself.

"Who are you? Why do you want to massacre my people?" The strange man asked first. Excitement and anger were clearly written on his face. His facial muscles were twitching under the firelight. The eyes that stared intently at Tianxiang could not help but reveal an inexplicable sadness.

"Are you Geza?" Tianxiang ignored his opponent's question and asked his own question arrogantly and indifferently. The ancients said: Negotiation is also a kind of battle. Only when you have the upper hand can you achieve complete victory.

The man nodded and said nothing. He just looked at Tianxiang with doubts and confusion on his face, as if he wanted to find the answer he wanted.

"You should be the one who robbed Liu Rui's camp, right?" Tianxiang used his inherent indifference to give the answer his opponent wanted. However, what was hidden behind the answer really made the man named Gesa feel fearful and terrified.

"Are you... here to take revenge?" Gesa slowly moved the joints sliding up and down in his throat. After swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, he looked nervously at the young man opposite him, who was not much taller than him, and asked in a low voice.

Tianxiang didn't speak, but nodded slowly and clearly. The M5G43 that had never been put down in his hand was raised again, pointing the black muzzle at the man opposite.

"Without food, we can only starve to death." As if he was not aware of the hatred in Tianxiang's eyes, Gesa spoke to himself emotionally: "My tribe has been without food for nearly half a solar day. Any prey. If we don't eat, we will all die. What's more, it is the custom among hunters for the weak to provide their bodies to the strong. If it were you, would there be any other choice? "

"This is not a good excuse, nor is it a reason for you to kill people at will." Tianxiang's voice was so loud that the hunters standing not far away could hear it clearly. However, such an answer always sounds indescribably cold.

"But if we don't kill people, what can we eat?" As if to argue, Gesa's tone became quite fierce, and his hands involuntarily waved violently in the air.

"Bang -" After a crisp gunshot, the hunters behind Gesa were horrified to see the leader of his tribe covering his left leg with all his strength, lying on the ground and wailing miserably. A large amount of dark red liquid flowed from the gap where his hands were tightly hugged...

"Just because you are hungry, you have to eat people? Then why don't you attack people from your own ethnic group? Why do you want to plunder other ethnic groups? The law of the jungle is the custom among hunters? This is indeed a pretty good reason." Tianxiang was indifferent. The incomparable tone sounded really chilling. He slowly squatted down and said softly to Gesa, who was on the ground with his facial muscles completely distorted by pain: "In that case, I can tell you now. I'm hungry, I want to eat you, you have to Give me your body and satisfy my hunger."

"No, you can't do this to my dad!" With a sharp cry, a boy who looked like he was only eleven or twelve years old rushed out from the crowd holding a steel spear. The sharp tip of the spear was facing Tianxiang's eyebrows.

"Bang -" Tianxiang didn't even look, he raised his hand and fired. The bullet accurately passed through the center of the boy's forehead. After falling to the ground, a pile of greyish-colored viscous objects mixed with blood and brain matter suddenly poured out from the small hole. Under the light of the dancing fire, it looked like a smaller blood maggot lying there.

"I hate killing, but I will never let my life be threatened in any way. I will not be soft on my enemies. Even if the opponent is just a child. Do you understand what I mean?" Tianxiang's indifferent words sounded so disturbing. Creepy.

With tears in his eyes, Gesa looked up at his unconscious son, and nodded slowly with anger and sadness.

"If it weren't for your order, my people would not have died. Likewise, I will not be your enemy. It is very likely that we will become friends." At this point, Tianxiang's tone changed, and he Said: "But now, everything has changed. My people have become your food. Take your son, for example, maybe a few minutes ago, he was excitedly chewing the body of one of our people. But now, he must pay a huge price for his actions. Since he ate people, he must die. Do you understand what I mean?"

"...I understand!" Gesa, whose expression was distorted by pain and sadness, nodded heavily. In a slow and heavy tone, he struggled to say: "So, you should be satisfied now, right? We only killed a hundred of your clansmen, but now, including my son, you have killed everyone here Nearly half of them. Even if you want revenge, there should be a limit, right?"

Tianxiang didn't speak, just shook his head contemptuously.

"So, you...you want to kill everyone here?" Big drops of sweat began to appear on Geza's forehead.

Tianxiang didn't nod, shake his head, or answer. To be honest, even he himself felt unable to answer this question. If we say that when we first saw the pile of mutilated corpses of the clansmen in the camp, we had already had the desire to exterminate all the opponents. Well, as the pace of this killing gradually slows down, coupled with the fact that the child is now lying in a pool of blood, there is no breath of life. The crazy thoughts that have been lingering in my mind are gradually weakening. So much so that when faced with Gesa's question, it was impossible to answer it.

However, this does not mean that we can easily let them go and let these man-eating hunters go.

"Oh... you... you're not satisfied yet, are you?" Gesa groaned painfully: "Then, you... what exactly do you want to do?"

Tianxiang still didn't speak. Obviously, he is also considering this issue carefully.

The silent thinking made the atmosphere in the camp quite dull. Several hunters who could not bear the torture began to quietly bend down and fumble for the weapons placed at their feet. In their opinion, as long as they can kill the person in front of them, the leader will be rescued and their lives will be guaranteed.

"Don't move, don't mess around!" A powerful roar spread throughout the camp, and everyone who wanted to take action was frightened and gave up their original ideas. Along with everyone, they carefully watched the development of the situation. But they discovered that the source of the sound was actually Gesa, who was lying on the ground with blood flowing all over the ground.

This move could not help but shock the surrounded hunters, and also surprised Tianxiang, who was about to raise his gun to shoot.

"Listen to me, you have killed enough... Even if you want... revenge... you have achieved your goal... If... if this still cannot eliminate the anger in your heart, then... then you can kill I... just, I... I have a request!" Gesa, half lying on the ground, gasped and struggled to plead to the person in front of him who took his son's life: "I... I hope that you... can... …Become, become the new leader of this ethnic group."