
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Eastern
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40 Chs

Chapter 24 Revenge

The Avengers were very fast, and before long, they had arrived at the outskirts of the Geza tribe's camp. Judging from the dancing firelight and the laughter coming from the people sitting nearby, it seemed that they were celebrating something that made them happy and happy.

Capturing dozens of people at one time is equivalent to obtaining hundreds of small bugs in one hunt. How could such a huge harvest not excite the predators? How can we not make them feel happy? Because this will mean that for a long time to come, the entire group can completely satisfy their hunger with human flesh and no longer have to fight with terrible bugs for food.

Although, such joy is completely based on the pain of others. Or to be precise, it was simply a sumptuous feast at the expense of other people's flesh and blood.

The Avengers didn't move. They were just squatting quietly next to a cold, dark and damp abandoned wall. With a face full of surprise, he watched the new patriarch and his helpers quietly and quietly use the dagger they carried to quickly and neatly cut off the six people responsible for guarding in this direction in just a few minutes. Sentinel's Throat.

However, when the sharp blade quickly passed through the neck of the deceased, Tianxiang discovered to his surprise that all the sentinels, without exception, were borne by elderly people. This also gave rise to an inexplicable thought in his heart.

"Are all the young people of the Gesa ethnic group attending the banquet?"

"Lead a group of people, don't disturb them, and slowly go around from behind. If necessary, you can take action first." Ignoring the doubts in his heart, Tianxiang lay down and hid in a pile of old bricks. Behind the mound, through the gaps between the gravel and steel bars, he carefully observed the human feast that was going on not far away. While using an extremely soft voice, he slowly expressed his inner plan to Ye Zhanfeng, who was lying next to him in the same posture.

"Do you want to live?"

"don't want!"

After getting clear enough instructions. Zhan Feng knowingly called out all the members of his team from the Avengers waiting behind him. Under the cover of piles of ruins that could not penetrate the firelight, he carefully avoided the sight of the sentries waiting at high places in the side direction, and followed the pre-agreed route to the rear of the revelers.

"Xia Dong, you will be the captain." Tianxiang, who was like a gecko, slowly sneaked back from his hiding place. After explaining the action orders and precautions to all the Avengers, he said these words quite casually, which shocked everyone. Shocking words. When the person involved heard the news, he was even more surprised. At that moment, he opened his mouth in confusion.

"Is there any problem?" Tianxiang asked rather unhappily.

"No...just...I...this..." Xia Dong stammered at a loss for words. Such a result really didn't occur to him at all. In fact, not only him, but also all the Avengers never thought that Tianxiang, who had personally swollen his cheek a few hours ago, would now let Xia Dong, who had made a big mistake, hold such an important position again.

In an instant, an inexplicable feeling filled Xia Dong's thoughts.

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, it's settled. Remember, look for the right moment before taking action. I don't want to see you make the same mistake twice in a row." Tianxiang waved his hand impatiently, and then quickly He tightened the M5G43 slung across his chest, stood up, and strode out of the ruins.

"Mistakes must be punished, and merit must be rewarded. Of course, for those who have made mistakes but have actual abilities, it is best to entrust them with important responsibilities again in public after having already reprimanded or punished them. In doing so, on the one hand, It can not only make his talents available for his own use. More importantly, it can enhance his inner sense of responsibility and loyalty. After all, for a smart person, it is almost impossible to make the same mistake twice in a row. In this way, Not only can you get an excellent assistant, but also, because of the relationship of gratitude, such a person will definitely be loyal to you."

This is the method Tianxiang obtained from the "Personnel Control Chapter" in a book called "Five Hundred Examples of Business Management" in the library. Although the case analysis in the book is not the same as the current situation, Tianxiang still flexibly applied the various viewpoints mentioned in the book to reality.

Xia Dong is very strong and has an extraordinary wit. He also has a certain prestige and connections in the tribe. Among hunters who are almost completely barbaric, they are already among the correctors. Although he is quite impatient, he still has certain flaws in controlling the situation reasonably. But no matter what, this person is definitely the most capable player among the current ethnic group.

Of course, there is no reason to let such a person go easily. This was the purpose of Tianxiang's initial appointment of him as the captain of the third hunting team. In fact, according to Tianxiang's idea, Xia Dong should indeed make a small mistake, so that he can be punished and show his absolute authority and status. And you can show kindness at the right time and win them over completely. Make it a powerful helper for yourself.

However, what surprised Tianxiang was that the guy he had taken a liking to was actually so ruthless. He almost lost everyone when he accompanied him on a hunt for the first time.

"Perhaps this is what the ancients said about 'smart people doing stupid things'!" Tianxiang chuckled a few times to himself, casually opened the safety on the M5G43 submachine gun, and ran quickly towards the Gesa camp where the fire was swaying. go.

"Who is it?" Two obviously old but alert voices sounded almost simultaneously from about a hundred meters to the left and right of Tianxiang's direction of travel. As if it was a warning, a sharp spear flew out from the left side and plunged into the ground about two or three meters in front of Tianxiang. Suddenly a piece of fine sand and gravel was stirred up.

Tianxiang didn't speak and continued to walk. The gun in his hand was not idle either. After firing a few bullets at the source of the sound on the left and right, followed by a burst of shrill screams, the entire camp's attention was drawn in this direction.

The red firelight was still swaying, and the pieces of meat grilled on it still exuded an alluring aroma. However, the people sitting around the fire no longer had the comfortable joy and happiness they had a few minutes ago. All of this has been disturbed by the sudden appearance of the Avengers.

The alarm sounded before the sentry fell alarmed everyone in the camp. Compared with the young people sitting around the central fire, the old people in front of several small fires on the periphery seemed to be more fully prepared for the enemy's attack. Although the dim light limited the function of their eyes, they were able to clearly determine the attacker's location just by relying on the slight friction sound made by the soles of the attacker's feet in contact with the sand and gravel. He also aimed at the direction and lost no time in raising his hand and throwing the always-ready throwing spear.

"Twelve in the northwest, eight in the northeast, eleven in the north..." Tianxiang, who quickly moved between several mounds, silently calculated the location and number of the spears. Although during the reconnaissance, everyone in the camp had been counted one by one. However, the number and location of small groups of people in the movement are not fixed. Rather than being shot by a spear that flies inexplicably during the battle, it is better to take the initiative to show your whereabouts and induce the killer hiding in the dark to reveal his location.

"The northwest direction is here." After a few comparisons, Tianxiang already had an idea in his mind. Just after the first group of throwing spears landed, he was jumping between the mounds of soil and immediately changed his route and quickly moved towards the direction where the group of falling spears was densest.

One fire, twelve people. It exactly matches the number of guns thrown. Perhaps seeing that the attacker could actually appear in front of him in such a short period of time, the defender's face could not help but show surprise and astonishment. After all, less than ten seconds have passed since the first shot was fired. The enemy had already rushed forward before the throwing angle of the second spear gun he had just picked up was adjusted. sky! What kind of terrifying speed is this!

Tianxiang didn't say much. He just counted the number of people in front of the fire and then sprayed out streams of death flames from the muzzle of the M5G43 he held tightly in his hand. He wants to kill, kill everyone. Although these people, like those of their own ethnic group who were killed, were old and weak, with little ability to resist.

Compared with monotonous gun throwing, the killing efficiency of M5G43 is obviously much higher. The spear throwing group thrown by the strength of twelve people has completely lost its damage ability after landing. But powerful guns are different. The twelve victims didn't even know what the thick black iron pipe in Tianxiang's hand was, and they were already screaming and being penetrated by bullets with strong penetrating power. The body fell heavily to the ground amid the blood and flesh splashing everywhere.

After a successful blow, Tianxiang did not stop at all. He just used his thoughts to slightly verify that his opponent was indeed dead, and then ducked in the opposite direction. He had already sensed that a dozen hunters had gathered in that direction and were surrounding him. Moreover, without exception, they all held a sharp spear in their hands and were looking nervously in the direction where they were.

The throwing gun is the most common weapon used by hunters. Although it is not as convenient and sharp as a cutting weapon such as a dagger, nor is it as flexible as a crossbow for shooting arrows. But it is quite convenient to make this kind of thing. The steel bars that are everywhere in the dark world are the best source of materials. More importantly, for potential threats, throwing a gun can deliver a fatal blow to the enemy from a distance before they get close.

Of course, that is under the premise of hit.

On the other hand, what if the gun fails to hit the target? The answer is actually very simple: just throw another one. After all, any hunter who survives in a cruel environment will have the ability to throw accurately. This is also one of the necessary means of survival in the dark world.

For a skilled pitcher, the interval from when the first spear is released to when the second spear flies out of the hand is generally no more than five seconds. This is mainly due to the unstable position of the moving target and the time it takes for the human brain to make the final judgment and issue the command to the arm. But no matter what, five seconds is really pitiful for a person who wants to escape from a gun attack.

Tianxiang didn't want to escape. Instead, he wanted to kill these men armed with throwing guns. Of course, the premise must be that they cannot endanger their own lives.

Shooting on the move is a very good idea. With Tianxiang's current flexible skills, he can do this effortlessly. But he was unwilling to do so. Because what he has to deal with is a group of several hundred people. The bullets this M5G43 submachine gun can use are only a few full magazines.

If one bullet can kill a person, then these bullets are more than enough. But the problem is, Tianxiang cannot do this. After all, the design concept of a gun like the M5G43 is to use violent firepower to suppress the enemy. As for the bullets consumed, that should be a test of the logistics department that provides the bullets.

Tianxiang has bullets, so many that they will make people sick just by looking at them. But there was no way, he couldn't just carry everything with him and run around. Therefore, under the condition of absolute safety, killing the most people with the least bullets has become the most urgent issue for him to consider at present.

It's just that doing this is very risky. Quite risky.

Tianxiang ran very fast, and in just a few seconds, his figure appeared directly in front of the second fire, less than a hundred meters away. From this position, even without thinking, Tianxiang could easily see clearly with his eyes that there were twenty-one hunters gathered in front of the fire.

If you can see others, it naturally means that others can see you.

The moment Tianxiang's figure stopped, the hunters who had been prepared in front of the fire unanimously threw their spears in that direction. Dozens of steel spears combined together were as dense as a burst of bullets. In this way, the "gun array" filled with the aura of death finally landed exactly where the target was after making a terrifying sound that swept through the air.

However, the weird guy holding the iron pipe has disappeared from there. It moves incredibly fast. The hunters who threw their spears were surprised to see that the moment the spears were about to land, the target of the attack had already rushed over from the front. In less than two seconds, they had already appeared in front of a man no more than ten meters away from them. In front of a distance of several meters.

"Follow-up shot!" This thought flashed through the minds of all the hunters almost at the same time. The other throwing gun already prepared at hand is naturally the best weapon. However, they did not seem to realize that the enemy would not and could not give them such a chance again.

The follow-up shot is very simple. You only need to transfer the throwing gun held in the left hand to the right hand and slightly adjust the throwing angle and posture. What's more, the distance between the opponent and himself is so close that there is no need to aim again. Even if he throws it randomly, he can still hit it completely.

Just when all the hunters were preparing to do this, they suddenly felt a sharp pain piercing their marrow from their bodies, and the sound they heard before sounded again in their ears, the sound that seemed to come from a metal collision. Strange noise.

That was the sound of a gun, the distinctive sound made the moment a bullet flies out of the barrel of a gun. This sound represents death, which is the only thought currently in the mind of any hunter who wants to throw a throwing gun. It is also an experience they will never forget. However, such experience can only be obtained at the cost of life.

The moment the gunfire rang out, the huge pain from the bullet tearing through the flesh made everyone involuntarily lower their heads to observe the area where the pain came from. That scene was extremely horrifying. They saw their own bodies, no, to be precise, they should have seen the inside of their own bodies. Strips of sticky white intestines gushed out from the wounds in the abdomen, pieces of rotten flesh rolled out from the wounds, and bones scattered from the depths of the body with the flowing blood after the bullets exploded. fragments, as well as internal organs with huge dark red circular marks left behind after being pierced by bullets. All the secrets of the body were completely revealed to the injured at this moment.

Pain, bone-piercing pain. Of course, along with the pain comes an inexplicable trance. At that moment, the person who was shot seemed to see a strange scene, as well as many pictures that he had never imagined. Gradually, the last bit of clarity in his brain disappeared from his consciousness like a thread flying in the wind. Instead, there was a biting coldness that came from all parts of the body and hands and feet. The cold that even the warmest fire could not dispel gradually completely dissipated the last bit of vitality in the body, making the body stiff and the limbs numb. Finally, it completely took over the entire body without the brain being able to issue any instructions.