

A man walking while looking around the mall, he wore white shirt with a logo of a dragon a black jacket with storage designs a word SAO is imprinted at it's back then a slacks and a rubber shoes. Most people will notice he's above average appearance black hair combined with his golden browned eye's. his eyes displayed coldness that if someone stared directly on his eyes they might feel fear from it.

Most people would notice him because of his appearance however they quickly averted their gazes to not be rude on some moments their were just rude people that will directly stared towards him without holding back, before they felt a shivers that made then avert their rude gazes.

On the other way he looked like a handsome devil.


Kent slumped toward a bench in front of a tech store while fiddling on his phone. After a few hours of waiting the tech store is still yet to open. Kent was now impatient not because the time he spent but because of the continues stares he received from the passerby's since it's been minutes that the mall had open it's doors more and more people came making him uncomfortable.

Kent was currently using his old phone the phone that he brought before the broken one, checking the time 10:54 it's almost 11:00 am yet the tech store is still closed.

Kent decided to enter a cafeteria for he was feeling hungry however to his dismay the cafeteria was also closed not just the tech store and the cafeteria but the other shops were also closed many employees and stuff were also were also confused noticing the oddity, Kent decided to open search something on the internet.

he opened his Chrome wanting to search something on the news in his area that may cause the oddity of the situation because mall staffs usually didn't get late to their work and now the mall staffs were surely late. He thought that maybe a huge accident had occurred not just because of the oddity but also coming from his instincts telling him something very huge is happening.

Boom! Boom!

Sound of explosions echoed even though Kent was inside the mall he can clearly hear the sound of explosions coming from the outside. The Explosion cause the mind's of the people inside the SM Mall to be disturb anxiety is written on their faces, Moments later the sound of explosions lessen.

"is it a terrorist attack?

"who know.

"those bastards really did something again of all time.

Opinions sounded left and right from the people inside the mall some people even went outside out of curiosity.


After a few seconds a loud scream of pain can be heard from the outside.

People in the upper floor of the mall clearly hear this scream some of them move out of curiosity peeking at the side they could see people running from the entrance rushing inside.

Then what they saw made them speechless. Humans were running while the humans that were chasing them pounced and bite at them blood screams sounded in the surrounding struggling and sound of pain.

The guard tried to retaliate however before they can even pull their guns from their waist they were already attacked by the attackers.

Kent seeing all this scene playing in front of him looked at the phone in his hand with a serious face if one looked closely a tint of smile can be seen and a glint of twinkle sparkle on his eyes.

Sounds of yelling and screaming from the crowd.

"just what's going on?

"just what in the world is happening?

Questions filled the mind of the onlookers at the second floor at first they could only see other people chasing the people in front of them however now that they could see the ones chasing eating the people they catch. Fear filled their hearts some even stumble at the floor out of fear a the other bench a women with a heart failure even fainted at the gruesome sight.

The people nearby didn't even pay attention to the unconscious women, some of them slowly begun to back off from the escalators and stairs.

"what the fuck are those?

A middle age man was talking beside Kent while looking at the scene played at the lower floor.

"zombies" a boy around the age of 12 answered at the old men's questions.

The others nearby stared at the boy however the boy didn't reach as well as the people nearby. Some even agreed at the boys answer while others start to run.

Kent seeing those changes just stared at the boy the boy also stared back at him they stared at each other for a few seconds before another loud scream sounded closed to them. A zombie was able to reach the second floor the people that were staring curious at the lower floor shuffle in fear.

They run without ant proper direction some even stumble to one another creating a chain reaction the screams multiplied more and more zombies reach the upper floor.

Seeing this event Kent was still in his calm state while the others nearby already fled except the boy that is now at marks side also looking at the horror that was occurring everywhere.

Kent slowly move while the boy was following him he didn't mind the boy and slowly walk at a nearby toilet. He then head inside a staff door designated for the staffs of the mall to used.

When he entered the inside Kent quickly pick up the fire extinguisher and smash it towards the fire axe incased at the wall.

Crack Clashhhh!

Sound of broken glasses sounded Kent pick up the axe trying to swing it left and right testing he dexterity towards the weapon.

"you used the fire extinguisher spay it at the floor when those zombies get closed try not to fall on your own.

Kent spoke towards the boy at his back with a calm and domineering voice, the boy just nodded it's head however the boy suddenly questioned Kent.

"your not going to hide?

The boy ask while still maintaining his calm expression.

"the same goes for you. Kent replied however the boy wasn't surprised in his reply and just one's again nodded at Kent.

Kent's goal now is to grab or steal the guns that the guards hold.

Next chapter