
Doomed the destiny Rewritten

‘Rewrite the destiny And change the fate, Find the Doom And create a change.’ That's what the voice said. She didn't where she is and how she reached here but she knows this is a book and the whole plot is premeditated but somehow everything seems vaguely familiar. "Who are you?" she asked " Find the doom And create a change" the voice repeated again and again Xu Ran 7 year old who transmigrated into a book has to change the destiny of her and her family!! ………………………………………………. Insta:- @Thelittlemjs Discord:- @Mj#6274 Pinterest:- @Thelittlemjs

Mjs · Urban
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28 Chs

WoW! I am really a princess

"Mumma eldest brother said that he forgot our gift in his room so he went back to take it"

At that moment Zihan came out

"Oh…there's elder brother"

Her mother patted Xu Zihan's head " hey my little boy what is the gift you picked for your little sister and brother?"

He pretended to be surprised and asked " do we have to prepare a gift for Ruan too?"

"Hmph..second brother says right you all wanted a sister I am really a free tag along with her" he snorted

Everyone started laughing at his childish reaction.

Everyone is going to Isle country to celebrate their first birthday because as a king and queen their grandparents can't leave the country unless and until it is important or they are having vacations and their grandparents and uncle from father side will also join them there.

When they reached the airport they directly went to the VIP passageway to the place where their private jet was placed.

Along the passageway she vaguely saw a familiar looking batch from her previous life and was stunned.

'No no no it can't be here…how can it be here this is a new world and that was a different world' she muttered in her heart calming her tense mind.

Although her heart was in turmoil, there was no difference in her facial expression because she was specially trained about keeping her emotions and expression in check despite the situations.

"Huh….it's so cold" Xu Zixuan ran back inside the plane. After landing at the isle country their mother warned that the weather will be cold so they all need to wear another layer of jacket but Xu Zixuan created a fuss saying it doesn't look good and ran out .

Seeing him running inside like a mouse everyone started laughing.

Ji Fengmian introduced and told them about the Isle country.

"Isle country is also known as a frozen palace because out of 12 months, 10 months are of winter season. Your grandparents are currently reigning over the country. It is also one of the powerful monarchs. Your First uncle who is my Elder brother is the crown prince and I also have a Twin brother."

Xu Ran curiously asked in low voice "Mumma if you are a princess and I am your daughter that means I am princess's daughter means I am also a princess" at last word her eyes lit up.

Chuckling her mother said " yes our little princess is also a real princess"

Listening to this her eyes lit up again "that means eldest brother is also a prince?"