
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

oni_Wolf · Movies
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I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 44:

"Shut up," the minister shouted in exasperation.

Even Tony said without hesitation: "I will not join any organization."

Then he felt it was inappropriate, and he turned the conversation and joked: "Unless you give me the seat of the minister."

Such a noisy scene, coupled with Tony's tone, suddenly caused a lot of laughter.

It was like a farce.

However, among them, Lu Yuan just watched all this silently, his eyes full of disappointment.

The more you get to know a certain country, the more outrageous it becomes. This country is so... unbelievable.

Lu Yuan also confirmed one thing again, that is, a certain country can never be trusted.

Again, never trust a shameless and shameless person.

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan simply stood up and was about to leave.

Originally, I came along just because I was bored, but now I just feel more boring, so I might as well go home and sleep.

But his actions caught the minister's attention, and the minister's eyes lit up, yellow skin?

"You are Tony's bodyguard, you are from a certain country (now any country or any place name can't appear, so all countries are a certain country, I won't say it belongs to any country, it is a certain country)?" The minister stood up excitedly, then took the Pointing at Tony, he asked, "The people closest to you are actually from a certain country? Are you going to reveal your technology to a certain country?"

Lu Yuan stopped, straightened his clothes, and turned around calmly.

Tony shrugged, not too lazy to speak, and even looked at Lu Yuan with some malicious intent, deliberately waiting to see how he would solve it.

Lu Yuan looked at the minister and said indifferently, "Explain first, your words are a bit ambiguous, because Tony has someone by his side, we are just friends, don't misunderstand."

Someone was snickering.

Tony couldn't sit still. This guy, no one thought about that, but he said it on purpose.

Lu Yuan continued to say: "Then, I did sign a bodyguard contract with Tony, but now I am also the second largest shareholder of the Stark Group, and I am also the boss of this company."

Some people started to look at each other, secretly looking at Lu Yuan.

He is indeed yellow, but he is the second largest shareholder boss of Stark Industries? Those high-tech weapons of the Stark Group, aren't they....

Immediately after Lu Yuan continued, he said unhurriedly: "In the end, you don't have to pour any dirty water to the east, and I'm not from that country (at least not from this universe), in fact, I'm an alien. I You don't belong to any country or faction, now you're full of 340 opinions?"


Everyone has the same expression, that is incredible and unbelievable.

Nobody will believe it.

Although the topic and rumors of aliens have never stopped, but who has really seen the existence of aliens?

So the first reaction is that it is impossible.

Except for Tony, none of the people present believed that what Lu Yuan said was true.

He is indeed an alien, not even from this universe.

Lu Yuan glanced at the performance of everyone around him. He didn't care whether others would believe it or not, because it didn't matter.

Lu Yuan just smiled indifferently: "For a long time, what a certain country has preached is freedom, but what I see today is not like that. You have been robbing Tony's personal property, and even depriving Colonel Rhodes. freedom of speech, and only ask him to report a few words in your favor."

"This is what you call freedom, and it's really free enough. And your so-called suspicion that Iron Man is a threat, shouldn't we wait until he actually did something harmful to the country's interests before drawing a conclusion?"

"Who told you that a crime can be sentenced before committing a crime? Are your laws learned on the moon?"

"Bah, double standard dog.".

79. About to enter a new era

In the end, this matter can only be over.

The ambitions of a certain country and the military have failed. They did not expect that Tony would not enter the market, and he would not be threatened and perfectly defuse all the tactics of the Minister of Defense.

Even their threat to suggest that Hammer Industries might replace the partnership with Stark Industries didn't shake Tony in the slightest.

The reason is that after Tony and Lu Yuan went back, they held a press conference directly the next day, announcing in front of the world news that Stark Industries would completely shut down the weapons department.

This time, it was like throwing a boulder on a calm lake, causing a stormy sea.

I have to admit that Tony is really a genius, and the post-era of Stark Industries is entirely supported by him.

No matter how ambitious Obadiah is, he has to admit that Tony is the backbone of Stark Industries.

And a certain country's advanced weapons are completely inseparable from Tony's technical support.

Instead, the military of a certain country panicked first.

At the same time, there is a whole country society.

So many shareholders almost hold the stocks of Stark Industries. Once the Stark Group stops selling weapons, it is foreseeable to what extent the stock will fall.

Only Lu Yuan and Tony did not panic at all. Not only did they not panic, but they also drank a little wine in the room on the top floor.

Today's top floor has been transformed into a living room-like environment. Tony is gradually transferring his work to Little Pepper. He finds that Little Pepper is a person he can completely trust and has sufficient abilities.

Why not do it? He didn't want to be tied to work every day.

So he turned the office into a lounge, and he didn't have to go home when he was free. This place would also become his home.

In addition to Lu Yuan and Tony, Xiao Chili was also there, but she couldn't be as leisurely as those two uncles, with a pile of documents that needed to be processed in front of her.

In the end, Little Pepper was about to go crazy: "You guys also come and help, this is the first batch of mobile phones we have made, and this high-tech is far ahead of the times and society, and it will be tested when it comes out. Also, Are you planning to sell to the world at the same time? Are you sure this is feasible?'?"

That's right, what the little pepper is dealing with at this time is precisely about the smartphone produced by the Stark Group, which will be held recently.

Because the Stark Group is also the first time to come into contact with this industry circle, it can be said that everything is starting from scratch, and it is inevitable to be in a hurry.

But looking at Lu Yuan and Tony again, sitting on the window sill doesn't matter at all, she is the only one who is so busy that she doesn't even have time to drink saliva, she gets angry just thinking about it.

Lu Yuan shrugged: "Don't worry too much, you also said that we are now ahead of the world, and far ahead, no one can compare to us. As for the simultaneous release to the world, we can assure all countries that we The back office can be fully disclosed to the local country."

What worries you the most in the smartphone age?

Security, personal information security, the more high-tech equipment, the less secure it is, because your personal information and personal hobbies are all stolen by high-tech equipment.

Think about it, you need your phonebook permission to play a game, why?

There are also some games that not only require your real identity information before logging in or registering, but even require you to agree to an agreement.

Have you really read every article in that agreement in detail?

You have recharged virtual currency and purchased virtual items, which logically belong to your personal property, which is equivalent to buying a suit of clothes.

But after the game is closed, all these things are gone. Is it the same as the merchant taking back the clothes you bought home?

Of course this is a bit of a stretch.

Lu Yuan knew what Xiao Chili was worried about. What she was worried about was that other countries would intercept the information considering the security issues.

On the other hand, Lu Yuan smiled slightly, completely disregarding it.

"But in this way, our technology will be exposed," Little Pepper couldn't help but feel worried.

Not that there is any doubt that any country will take the opportunity to decipher their smartphone technology, but it will definitely be studied by the world.

Because this technology is too advanced.

Think about it, now is 2008, even the fourth generation of fruit will not be born until 10 years later, and the smartphones developed by Lu Yuan and Tony can even be comparable to the current fourth generation of Mette.

The difference between the inside and outside of the science and technology level is close to fifteen years.

So this is bound to lead an era.

But Lu Yuan still doesn't care at all: "Let them develop, as long as we have the core chip technology in our hands, and even switch to producing only chips in the future, then every time any company sells a mobile phone, we can make money. Wouldn't it be better for a penny?"

"Also," Tony couldn't help but said: "Lu Yuan actually said it from the beginning, apart from the mobile phone industry, aren't we already preparing to start the era of online shopping? But if there is no prosperous Internet era , the era of online shopping will not come. For the next step, even if it is free, we must help the world enter the era of big data ahead of schedule."

"'That's right, in the future, only by mastering traffic can we master resources," Lu Yuan raised his cup, touched Tony lightly, and drank it.

Little Pepper stared at the two of them dumbfounded, only to feel chills all over.

Because Little Pepper knows that what they are planning is not just a product, but a huge ambition that involves the whole world.

They are planning to take a step ahead and **** the world's Internet market, and even before the world can see this step, completely control the world's Internet age.

What will happen once they are really successful?

Some people think it is an exaggeration, because by 2008, the Internet was already very developed, how could it still **** the Internet market of the whole world?

In fact, it was only the first half of the network era, and it was far from entering the era of big data and traffic.

Then ⑧5⑥⒈0⒐78②[Linglong] is just the beginning.

Only when the world has entered the era of rapid development of the Internet, and when it is more convenient to connect to the Internet through mobile phones, can it be regarded as a true Internet era for all people.

In the past, almost all people who wanted to surf the Internet were computers, so who would be willing to use mobile phones?

And what can the old mobile phone do?

Look again now.

Lu Yuan said to Little Pepper confidently: "You can do it with confidence, as long as we don't make cars, we are invincible."

Little Pepper looked at Lu Yuan strangely, she definitely didn't understand this stalk.

Even Tony didn't understand this meme, so he just smiled and drank another cup.

It was not until the middle of the night that Lu Yuan was reluctantly driven away by Tony.

But when he returned home, he was stopped by a beautiful woman at the door.

Natasha looked at Lu Yuan with a bad expression and asked, "You asked Tony to shut down the weapons department? What are you doing?".

80, Fury, he doesn't pretend, it's a showdown

There was a sports car parked in front of Lu Yuan's new home, and the car was accompanied by a beautiful woman, and the beautiful agent Natasha was sitting inside.

How did she come?

"You S.H.I.E.L.D. really work for a certain country?" Lu Yuan leaned against the car door, looking at Natasha with the window down, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He knew what S.H.I.E.L.D. was here for, and he must have received the Stark group's strategy of not playing weapons merchants, so he panicked.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. came faster than the bi of f and the ia of c?

No matter how you think about it, the Stark Group cooperates with the military of a certain country, right? Does it have anything to do with your S.H.I.E.L.D.

Are you in such a hurry?

Natasha sighed and explained to Lu Yuan patiently, "I know you have a big opinion on a certain country."

Lu Yuan quickly retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't, I'm not. You know, I'm an alien, how can I have an opinion on a certain country? I just don't look down on those politicians in a certain country, at least I am an ordinary person. No opinion."

Natasha just squinted at Lu Yuan, she didn't know what to say, she simply opened the car door and walked out, walking towards Lu Yuan's house.

Lu Yuan spread his hands and could only follow behind her, thinking whose house is this?

To Lu Yuan's surprise, even though he had already locked the door when he left, Natasha took out the key and opened the door.

Lu Yuan looked at Natasha with a deep meaning in his eyes.

Natasha also looked at Lu Yuan, and threw the key over: "Don't look at me like that. This house was originally owned by S.H.I.E.L.D., and it was specially arranged for you by the director."


Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows, is he trying to spy on him? Instead of letting him run around the world, it would be wise to know his whereabouts at any time.

"But how did he know that I would rent this house?" Lu Yuan asked, but he suddenly found this house on a whim.

"It's very simple, I guessed it with a little reasoning." Suddenly, Fury came out from the direction of the kitchen and complained to Lu Yuan, "Why don't you even have a bottle of water at home?"

Lu Yuan was not surprised, he turned a ball of water and threw it in the past. He also turned a cup in mid-air to catch the water and landed in front of Fury.

He doesn't know how to drink the food and drink that he has transformed, which is a bit strange.

But he didn't mind conjuring up water for others to drink.

Fury glanced at the water in the glass and took a tentative sip. Don't say, it was a little sweet.

Putting down the glass, Fury pulled out a chair and sat down without seeing anything, as if he had returned to his own home.