
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

oni_Wolf · Movies
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I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 43:

had a great one last night."

"I'm beautiful, right?"

In fact, there are other people beside the two, and there are people behind them with surprised expressions, where is this? This is Capitol Hill, how could you say this in such a sacred place?


Maybe the minister couldn't stand it anymore, so he picked up the hammer and knocked it twice, and said solemnly, "Silence."


Lu Yuan glanced at the dog-like fat man above, and deliberately said in a voice that everyone around him could hear: "It seems that the girl I had had an affair with him yesterday?"


"Cough cough cough."

There was an uncontrollable noise around.

The minister's face turned blue and white for a while, and he continued to strike the hammer without hearing it, shouting: "Silence, silence, silence."

Tony next to him kept smiling.

He knew that Lu Yuan was playing with people's mentality.

Of course, what Tony didn't know was that what Lu Yuan said was true....

As for Lu Yuanjie, he doesn't mind.

Hey, come out to play, why care so much? Not to marry home as a wife.

Even if you mind, it should be the fat guy who minds, right?

Besides, what year is this? Still so conservative?

And where is this? This is a country.

OK, let's not go too far.

It took the minister some time to finally calm the scene again.

At this time, a man came in a hurry, then sat down in the empty seat next to Tony, and said hypocritically, without any apology: "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Tony glanced at Lu Yuan and silently said, "Hammer."

Lu Yuan spread his hands: "Who is Hanmer?"

He really doesn't know.

Justin Hammer on the other side laughed awkwardly. In fact, he came from a rich man of the same level as Tony, or even an arms dealer of the same level.

However, Lu Yuan was speechless now.

Tony sneaked a thumbs up below, nice job

77. The **** for tat at the meeting

Justin Hammer, who is about the same age as Tony, has the same family business as Tony, has his own Hammer industry, and is even an arms dealer.

But Hammer was tragically born in the same era as Tony, and as a result, he was crushed by Tony in all aspects.

Whether it is the knowledge of the two or the business of the company, he is not as good as Tony.

And the reason why he suddenly jumped out today is because Tony and Lu Yuan decided to gradually reduce the business of the weapons department, and even close the weapons department in the end.

This allowed him to seize the opportunity and began to slowly replace Tony to cooperate with the military, striving to become the only cooperative businessman of the military.

So Hanmer didn't continue to be sad that Lu Yuan didn't even hear his name, but was about to attack immediately: "I think many of us know the reason for coming here today."

Tony turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Lu "Three Four Zeros", the person who made the attack was about to start.

Sure enough, Hammer's speech was all directed at Tony, or Iron Man.

"We all know that Tony Stark is a weapons genius. The weapons he has created have always been our sharpest spears, and now he has created a sword like Iron Man."

"But he says Iron Man is just a shield and wants us to hide behind him instead of giving it to make our country stronger."

"I want to ask Mr. Tony, if Ling Zun was still alive and selfish like you, how long would it take us to build an atomic bomb? How could we win the war? And end the war early?"

Hammer even went so far as to mention Howard.

Because in the setting of the Marvel universe, it was Howard who led people to create nuclear weapons.

And now he mentioned Howard's contribution to a certain country, and then compared Tony, it is simply murderous.

After all, when it comes to his father, Tony doesn't know how to refute it.

Should he deny his father's contribution? Or just compromise?

The Minister of Defense on the opposite side showed a satisfied and smug smile, thinking that he had the upper hand, and said to Tony: "Stark, we all know that you have made a lot of contributions to the country, and now you have created a man like Iron Man. Weapons, we'll award you the medal."

Badass medal, can I eat it?

Tony sneered inwardly.

At this time, he couldn't help but speak. If he didn't speak again, he might be forced to hand over the Iron Man suit.

"You say Iron Man is a weapon?" Tony bypassed the topic of his father, and used the topic of the Secretary of Defense to point directly to Iron Man.

"Isn't it?" The Minister smiled contemptuously, feeling that Tony would be useless no matter what tricks he tried.

Unexpectedly, Tony really said: "Of course not, it's a prosthesis, haven't you seen what Iron Man looks like?"

The minister was speechless, and there was a lot of laughter in the venue.

It has now been six months since Tony revealed his identity as Iron Man, and he has never been willing to keep a low profile, and everyone is familiar with the appearance of Iron Man.

From the outside, Iron Man looks like he's wearing a suit on Tony.

If you have to say it, it is very difficult to say that it is a prosthesis.

But everyone knows he's arguing.

"Also, you asked me to hand over Iron Man?" Tony let out a strange cry: "Damn, have you forgotten that I once said that I am Iron Man, and I am one with my suit, hand over Iron Man It's like handing over myself. You don't want me to be a slave, do you? Or let me be..."

People laughed again.

The minister was left speechless.

Hammer couldn't listen anymore. He knew that the main goal today was to get the core secrets of the Iron Man suit, and there was only one way to get Tony to submit. That was to prove that the suit was a weapon. Only in this way could he submit. Use the name of the country to force him to hand it over.

So Hammer was already prepared when he came. First, he operated on the laptop he brought, then walked to a monitor in front of the machine to turn on the machine, and while playing a video, he began to say: "Tony, no matter what. Whether you admit it or not, you can't deny the powerful power of this suit. And now the whole world is imitating and manufacturing it, if other countries study it, but our country does not have it, it is very dangerous. "

Then Hammer came up with evidence that there were indeed some people in the film who were studying mechanical equipment similar to steel suits.

Tony sneered secretly, and quietly took out a smartphone 0...

Lu Yuan, who was on the side, glanced at it and knew that it was the latest product developed by the Stark Group. Because of the smartphone he took out as a sample, the research and development of the Stark Group was very smooth.

The launch is expected to take place before the end of the year.

Tony and Lu Yuan, the company bosses, were of course the first to get the samples.

And Tony's mobile phone is still specially made, and even part of Jarvis's system was uploaded by him.

And now, Tony is asking Jarvis to decipher Hammer's computer, and he discovers some secrets in a blink of an eye.

While Hammer was there talking, Tony blacked out the system on the monitor behind him, and then put more stuff on it.

"Everyone, look at the screen," Tony stood up, his turn.

There was a big problem with Hammer's films before. He deliberately made an illusion that others seemed to have developed it, giving people a sense of threat and oppression.

But now Tony has released the complete film, it turns out that many countries have indeed begun to secretly develop it, but none of those mechanical armors have been successful.

Either the energy cannot be driven, the system is disordered, or the parts are too rudimentary. In short, there is not even a single example of near success.

I even saw Hammer at the end, who appeared in a country and helped the other party to imitate the style of Tony's Iron Man suit.

As a result, the suit suddenly twisted nearly one hundred and eighty degrees by 2.0 degrees, only to hear a scream, and everyone looked terrified.

If you turn around at such a large angle, will the driver die? And the spine can take it?

Hammer unplugged in a panic, explaining that the driver wasn't dead.

But he also knew that he lost this time, and he lost all face.

Not only did the secretly imitating other people's battle uniforms come to light, but it even failed so tragically, it was a failure.

Fortunately, a certain countryman has always been shameless, so no one accused him.

Only the minister glared at Hammer and then looked at Tony, who was complacent. In the end, he had no choice but to say, "Actually, we still have a key witness, and let Colonel Rhodes come in with his report."

Colonel Rhodes?

Why is he here? .

78. After Tony, it's Lu Yuan's turn again

There was no need for Lu Yuan to take action at all, and he kept silent after mocking a few words from the beginning.

Just Tony alone is enough to fight the group of 'Confucians' alone.

Those guys can't really be called Confucianism, a few shameless guys, so they are in quotation marks.

In the end, the Minister may really have no choice but to take out his trump card and summon Colonel Rhodes to come in.

Colonel Rhodes was Tony's main contact with the military and he was also Tony's military advisor.

To put it bluntly, it is not convenient for the military to communicate with a businessman, so Rhodes is running around for Tony most of the time.

Of course, he can also get a lot of benefits.

In addition, Rhodes is also a reassurance for the military, who can monitor whether Tony has betrayed.

Over the years, the two have become close friends.

So when Tony saw Rhodes coming in, he took the initiative to stand up and greet him.

"Xiao Luo," Tony affectionately called Rhodes Ronaldinho.

06 Rhodes nodded and said, "I'm just here to go through the motions."

Maybe he really thought so.

When the two were seated, the minister immediately said to Rhodes impatiently: "Colonel Rhodes, please repeat the paragraphs you pointed out in your report that Iron Man will become a hidden danger and threat."

Lord looked at the minister and said, "I thought I was here to make the full report, not just one paragraph."

"Sorry, now we only need one of your clips."

"But that clip doesn't represent all my opinions and subjective consciousness."

"You just do as you do."

Rhodes was obviously tricked.

On the side, Lu Yuan pouted, just these shameless faces, who can be so shameless in front of so many people, what else do you expect?

Tony's mouth moved slightly, but he didn't want to say anything.

He heard the words that the Iron Man mentioned in Rhodes report was a hidden danger and threat, and he also knew that Rhodes must have been tricked.

He was willing to trust his friend Rhodes, and he also guessed that Rhodes would definitely not judge him that much.

But he also knew that the intention of the minister to deliberately selected this paragraph was absolutely malicious.

It is likely that Rhodes wrote some more objective comments in this paragraph, but it is not a good thing for him.

as predicted.

As Rhodes read the report aloud according to the minister's request, he really said something such as thinking that Iron Man is a hidden danger or uncontrollable.

The minister seemed rather pleased.

Rhodes felt resentful in his heart, and he continued to say: "But I also mentioned in the report that I think Iron Man can protect a certain country."

"Enough, let's stop here," the minister hurriedly stopped.

But Rhodes still insisted: "And I think Tony can be invited to join the military as a special talent and become a commander."