
Episode 2

(The episode opens with Donnie on top of a tree, looking around and sniffing the air)

Donnie: Everything seems to be fine.

A voice: Look out!

(Donnie moved and lands by the tree)

(A fireball nearly hits Donnie again, then it gets turned to ice)

(A girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a blue jumpsuit with a python tail named Zinnia)

Zinnia (looks at Donnie): Are you okay?

Donnie: Yes, thank you

Zinnia: No problem

(Three more fireballs appears)

(Zinnia's tail turns into a bazooka)

(Out of the bazooka appeared tiny spears, which froze the fireballs)

(The fireballs exploded)

Donnie (thought): I am in the middle of a magical battle

Zinnia (while shooting stuff out of the bazooka): Yes, but this enemy isn't me, it's after you

Donnie: Me? What did I do?

(Another girl girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a green jumpsuit named Journee)

(Journee twirled and made plants appear)

(The plants pull in a demon who has blonde hair, red skin, wearing a black jumpsuit and shoes)

Journee: Donnie, meet the demon that was trying to destroy you

(Donnie starts glowing and looks angry)

(Donnie runs to The demon and kicks it)

(The demon flies into the sky and it shines in the sky)

(Journee smiles)

A voice: Not bad

(The last girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a red jumpsuit; with a long python tail appears. Her name is Phoenix)

Phoenix: For a newbie

Donnie (confused): Newbie?

Zinnia: Oh! Your super brain hasn't kicked in, yet

Donnie: So, wait, you are from another dimension similar to mine?

Zinnia: Yup, you see all of us are apart of the universe named Kimiverse which is apart of people that have powers except one that still attracts supernatural creatures.

Donnie: And I am apart of that

Journee: Yup

Zinnia: It's only a matter of time until you get that jolt

(Donnie's smake tail shakes)

Donnie: Girls, I sense evil

Zinnia, Phoenix, and Journee: It's Anubis

Zinnia: We have to go

Phoenix: We ain't dealing with Anubis again

Journee: (kisses Donnie on her cheek) Bye and Good luck

(Zinnia, Journee, and Phoenix disappears)

(Donnie feels the ground shake and disappears)

(The screen shows Donnie in the underworld)

Anubis: There are you are, the newest in the kimiverse

Donnie: There goes the name again

(Anubis is revealed)

Anubis: I am guessing your super brain isn't here yet

Donnie: Is that supposed to be an insult?

Anubis: No, not everybody needs that, Kim doesn't

Donnie: For some reason, I don't like you

Anubis: That's a shame, I can help you

Donnie: With what?

Anubis: To become your normal self

Donnie: Hmmm, tell me more

Anubis: You were a normal bunny, but now you have these bizarre powers and felt pain once that tail came

Donnie: And what if I ask why you want my powers?

Anubis (puts around Donnie): Just want to help a person that is in a situation, they didn't want to be in.

Donnie: That's kinda sweet

(The screen zooms into Donnie's brain and it grows big and electricity flows)

(The screen zooms out showing Donnie beside Anubis)

(Donnie disappears)

(Anubis looked shocked)

(Donnie bunny kicked Anubis)

(Anubis fell to the ground)

(Donnie put her hands together releasing lightning and throws it to Anubis)

(Anubis blocks the attack with a field of fire)

(Donnie jumps into the air and releases a sonic scream)

(Anubis gets slammed by the sonic scream)

(Donnie hits the ground and it froze it)

(Anubis froze)

(Heat picks and Anubis is free)

(Anubis releases lava monsters)

(Donnie makes clones and wipes the lava monsters with a rainbow blast)

(Anubis manipulates the ground and tries to trap Donnie)

(Donnie grabs the ground and threw Anubis into the market)

(Anubis gets up and a cannon appears)

(Donnie swallows the fire balls)

(Anubis makes fire chains)

(Donnie bites down the fire chains and ice surrounds the chain)

(Anubis throws a fire spike)

(Donnie was about to hit the spike, then energy exits out of her)

(Anubis' laughs evilly)

(Donnie closes her eyes, then her body glows)

(The spike explodes)

(Donnie's eyes are glowing green and her body is still glowing)

(Strings wrap around Anubis)

(Anubis looked like a marionette puppet)

(Donnie sent a thousand orange needles)

(Anubis can't move)

(Donnie hands glow and a portal opens)

Donnie: Checkmate

(Donnie walks into the portal)

(The portal closes)

(Donnie ended up back in the school with everyone)

(Donnie passed out)

(Episode ends)

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